My Biggest Lie


The biggest lie I ever told: I love you.

Sure, I had been with the kid for over three years but I didn't love him. I suppose you could say it wasn't necessarily a lie. I mean, I did love him... But I wasn't in love with him. If I was, my mind wouldn't be clouded with thoughts of someone else. I wouldn't have kissed someone else.

The last three weeks, or so, of our relationship I was a very bad girl. I had made a trip to Texas; I was going to visit my grandparents for four weeks. I also had a friend that was currently living in Texas. One that I had had feelings for, for a really long time. Though, I didn't get to see him until the very last day I was in Texas.

The only reason I got to see him was because he decided that he wanted to move back to Tennessee. So we had a long fourteen hour drive ahead of us where we were going to be sitting super close together. During this trip, I kissed him. Well, he technically kissed me but I kissed him back without hesitation. From that point on, I knew my relationship wasn't going to last.

We were in Tennessee for roughly three weeks when I texted the other boy and told him to come over. I hadn't made any plans for anything else to happen between us, but you know how those things go. He and I were making out before I knew it and cuddling on the couch.

A few days after that I broke up with my boyfriend. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I probably would've done it sooner but I had thought I was pregnant. I found out I wasn't so I decided there was no point in trying to make it work with someone who I had fallen out of love with.

Four days after that, I got with the other boy. It's been one of the best decisions I've made so far. We've been together for four months and I couldn't be happier.