

I leaned back in my chair and sighed contentedly. I had written up quite a few outlines and even picked out the layouts! And just for fun I found a few face claims and they fit my characters perfectly!
"Ahh," I yawned, stretching my arms and rolling my neck to loosen the kinks and knots. I had been at it all day since I got home from work. A break, some episodes of Futurama, and a tuna sandwich was way overdue for this girl!

As I got up from my desk chair I thought I heard something whispering and cocked my head to the side. "Huh?" Then I laughed and plucked myself in the head. Silly me! I lived alone! It was probably some lame pop up ad.

Then I heard it again. And again. And again. It was getting louder. The whispering was getting louder and closer.

"Haha...Maybe my laptop speakers are broken..?" I said to myself as i began backing towards the door. I had always been a bit of a scaredy cat. I used to turn all of the lights on in the house after I watched an episode of Supernatural. "Geez, Momo, it's time to grow up already." I said louder, my conversation with myself giving me confidence.

I reached for the door and pulled it open but suddenly it slammed shut and I hear the loud click of it locking. Except my door didn't have a lock. After so many accidents that ended with me being locked out of my own room, I had asked my brother to remove the lock mechanism...

I backed up quickly, tripping over my book bag and falling over it. "Hello-o?" I whimpered, scrambling to my feet. "Who's there? Aaron if this is you, it's so not funny!"

"Ding dong you. Are. Wrong!" A high pitched voice answered and I screamed when I saw her. She was sitting on my desk with my laptop sitting in her lap. A young woman, with pale skin, long brown hair, shiny black eyes, an orange shirt and--

"M-M-Mibba girl?" I croaked, my eyes widening in a mix of surprise and horror.

The woman grinned her mouth widening until it split her face and she showed me rows upon rows of jagged, white teeth. "That's m-m-me!" She answered, mocking my earlier stuttering. She hopped off of the desk and stalked towards me slowly. "You didn't update your story, Momo. Why didn't you update your story?"

"I-I was going to I swear! I did an outline and everything! And I was just going to take a--

"A break?" Mibba girl hissed, dropping my laptop onto my bed, and suddenly she was right in front of me and there were less than two inches between us. I couldn't feel her breath on my face. I couldn't feel any warmth. Oh God, what was she?

"Oh, Momo." She murmured, cupping my cheek with her hand. I felt pin pricks against my cheek and liquid trickling down. "I don't like hurting you. Please don't make me hurt you."

And then everything went black.
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:3 I don't know about you guys but I kinda miss the Mibba Girl! :D