Blake and I

Blake and I have only been together for a year and a half, but he is my soul mate - after all, he is the one who the seer told me would always be there for me, no matter what happened in my life.

I've been searching for him for a decade, and now that I've turned eighteen, I finally found him. The prophecy I was given ten years ago has come true, but not without an expense - Blake and I have to fight the darkest forces ever seen to mankind.


Because Blake is a fallen angel...and I am one of the purebred.

You can see why there would be strife among my family in this case. The thought of the purest beings on earth, loving Nephilim? It's unheard of! I have to duck away from my father's wary eye to stay with the one who was promised to me...but Father has other ideas. He wished me to wed Antha, one of the High Power's sons. I won't deny that Antha is beautiful, but his heart is wicked, whereas Blake's heart is kind.

I thought I could trust Antha...he has been my friend for so long, but to wed him? Not when I know the prophecy isn't talking about him. I never realized that if I said no to his proposal that he would do what he is doing.

What can I do to save my love?

Or is it all a dream?