Anyone Can Be a Hero

Chapter One

It didn't take long to unlock the safe; it was actually probably one of the easiest I've ever cracked. Selina was outside waiting for me to show her what I had gotten, and boy did I make out with some goodies. When I was finished we headed back to our home and relaxed for a little. Selina got a phone call so she went into the other room while I made myself comfortable on the couch.

Before I knew it, Selina was waking me up, "I have another job- Do you want to help?"

"Wait what?"

"I have another job tonight, do you wanna help?"

"Naw, I just want to relax for a day."

"Understood," she said and smirked.

"But who's the boss this time?"

"You know I have no boss."

"I know, but you know what I mean. Who hired you?"

"Some guy that probably is directed back to Bane."

"Oh," Bane, what a creep, he could kill a person just by looking at him, he gives me the creeps and I didn’t normally scare easily, "What does he want?"

"He wants me to acquire Bruce Wayne's finger prints."

I scoffed and leaned against the couch, "Sounds easy enough."

"I know- I already thought of something."

"Of course you have."

"There's an event at the Wayne manor tonight, all I have to do is dress as a maid or something and find anything that'll have his prints on it."

I smirked and shook my head, "Sometimes you might be too good," I said and then grabbed my bag next to me and pulled out my medicine. I took it and then looked into the bottle to see that I only had a few left, "Hey when you get the chance can you ask your doctor friend to make me a new batch of pills? I'm almost out."

"Yeah, but in the mean time, just try and control that beast of yours."

"You know I'm always trying," I said and then got up from the couch and walked into my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and stared up at my ceiling, that night always haunts me, and it always will.


When I was a child, my parents were drug dealers, what a life for a child to grow up in; they soon got associated with the wrong crowd, but made a lot of money.

One time they never brought in their profits and decided to keep it for some extra cash. They spent it all on more drugs and alcohol, and their boss wasn't too happy about that, he gave my parents a choice of either finding a way to get the money to them, or giving the gang their only daughter. I was only ten at the time and they never hesitated to hand me over to save their own asses.

I was taken from the only place I knew and brought under ground to be experimented on and created and molded into some freak. When I was fifteen, the doctors had created something and were injecting it into myself and three other children, those other children were around my age and were also from drug parents that had screwed up. After the experiments had begun, soon the doctors discovered that I was the only one able to accept the chemicals; I was the only one to survive.

Whatever they were injecting me with, they were now doing it twice a day. I could feel myself changing, but didn't know until a year later what I was changing into. They were filling me up with chemically designed wolf DNA, and I was able to shift into one whenever I wanted to, or rather, whenever they wanted me to. I didn't like to shift, it freaked me out to always hear my bones break and feel my shin being torn off of my body, it wasn't really a pleasant feeling.

When I was seventeen, the lab was broken into by a single woman. She was on a mission to find information about what we were doing down here by whoever had assigned her to fulfill the job. She had no intention of helping anyone down here, but for whatever reason, when she saw me, she just had to. Selina rescued me five years ago, and I've been with her ever since.

My name is Zoey Walker, and I'm a lab version of a werewolf. Although, I don't normally shift, when I actually look like a person, I have the ability to see, hear, smell, and run better. I'm an official freak.


There was a knock at my door and then it opened, I sat up and saw Selina standing there, "Zo, I'm heading out now, will you be my back up if I need it?"

"You know it, just give me a call," she nodded her head and then left. I lay back down on my bed and then sighed.

Selina is the one who taught me how to be a thief, we only take what we need to survive, and normally we take from the rich. I've never been caught by the police, but Selina's been questioned, and whatever she did in the past, she wants it wiped off of the record. She told me she does what she does so that she can have a carefree life and have her record destroyed because someone told her it could be.

I was bored and decided that I was going to go for a run. I put my jogging pants on and hoodie and head out of the beat down apartment, and head out into Gotham cities streets.

Running about a mile or so I started to hear people behind me, when I got a whiff of their scent I growled and turned into a dark ally, they were some of Bane's men. When I found that I had turned into a dead end, I looked up and saw a fire escape, but it was a little high up. For a normal person there would no way that they would be able to jump to it, but since I wasn't normal, it was ok. I crouched down and then took a big leap. Grabbing onto the latter, I pulled myself up and then started to climb to the roof. When I got to the top, I looked over the edge to see that there were three of them down there and they were looking around confused.

You see the medicine I was talking about before, was created by Selina's friend who was a good doctor. Once he found out what I was and knew that I could be unstable, he created a drug that could help me control by beast, but still be able to harness the power.

When I felt it was safe I jumped off of the three story building and landed safely on the ground. I looked around and saw that no one was there and then decided that I was going to finish my run. But when I turned the corner I accidently rammed into someone and we both fell to the ground. My butt hit the ground and I groaned and looked at the person across from me.

"I am so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going!" the guy said and I looked up at him to see him jumping up and holding out his hand, I shoved it off and stood up.

"It's fine," I said gently and then put my hood back on, and started continued on my way but he stopped me.

"Wait! Are you sure you're-"

"I'm fine!" I said a little bit more forcefully and then headed away. My phone rang as I was going down the street and saw that it was a text from Selina telling me to go to the address below. I closed my phone and headed to the place that was only a few blocks away.

I got to this little shop and Selina was waiting outside with some guy on her arm, "Who's this?"

"I'll explain later, when I give you the text, bring this inside," she said and I nodded my head and didn't ask any questions.

I took the small envelope and placed it in my pocket and snuck around to the side of the building.
About twenty minutes later I got the text to come inside so I did. There were a lot of guys with guns everywhere and I looked at Selina to see what she had gotten herself into.

"Give him the envelope," Selina said when I got to the table that she and another man were sitting at. I nodded my head and then looked at her, "That'll be all, Zoey, thank you."

I nodded my head and then walked outside and then headed back to the side of the building again. A few minutes later I heard sirens going off and I knew that the police were on their way. My eyes widened and I looked around and saw a fire escape, I jumped onto it and headed to the roof, going over to the edge I could look down and see the police show up and take the situation under control. I saw Selina walk out a few minutes after the SWAT team rushed in and smirked. I ran to the edge of the roof and jumped so that I would land next to her.

"Did you have fun?" I asked her as I landed next to her and just continued to walk next to her.

"Always," she said and we headed back to the house where she explained to me that she had an interesting conversation with Mr. Bruce Wayne.

"Do you think he's going to come back?"


"The Batman?"

"Who knows? He could be dead, for all we know," she said and I sighed and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat in our very limited fridge.

"Selina! There's no food in here!"

"Just because there's nothing you like in there, doesn't mean that there's no food!" she yelled from the other room.

I sighed and shook my head because there was literality no food. I walked to the cabinets and found an old box of crackers and grabbed them, dinner at its finest. Sometimes I wished I had a better life than this, but this life was still better than the life I had before I met Selina.