Anyone Can Be a Hero

Chapter Four

"Shit!" I cursed as the girl fell to the ground, I heard her say no hospitals, but I was a cop, and I just hit a girl. I sighed and then picked her up and carried her to my car and placed her in the back seat. I ran to the drivers’ seat and sped to my home. I brought her upstairs to my apartment, laid her on my bed and looked at her, ‘…She’s very beautiful…’ I thought but then remembered that she was friends with that thief, ‘…How’d she ever get associated with a woman like that?...’

I looked at her shirt and saw that there was blood on it, I picked up that side and saw that she was bleeding from her side. My eyes widened and then I left to go and grab some towels, warm water, and other things that I was going to need. If she didn't want me to take her to a hospital, then I was going to fix her up here. I thanked God that I had a friend who was a doctor and helped me out every now and then when I needed fixing. I had to stitch up her side, and clean up her wounds, or they would get infected.

I had to take off her shirt and I blushed, I rubbed my face and then saw the damage that was done to her. I definitely couldn't do this on my own, so I grabbed my cell phone and dialed up my doctor friend, Conner's number. Within the hour he was at his door with things that he might need.

"Thanks for coming," I said and let him in.

"Where is she?"

"In my room," I said and then led him there.

"Whoa," he breathed when he saw the girl lying in my bed. Conner scratched his head and then walked over and stood over her, "Well just from looking at her I would say that she's probably got three broken ribs, maybe a broken wrist, lots of minor cuts, but then if I look at the wound on her side- Did you stab her or something?!"

"No, I accidently hit her with my car!" I said and he sighed.

"Some of these wounds weren't done by a car," he said and I walked over and looked at the girl, "Who is she?"

"Don't know- This morning I arrested her friend, and then only a few hours later I find her like this. I took her finger prints, but when I ran them through the data base, I got nothing. It's like she never existed."

"That's not a surprise."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"She was probably born at home and raised underground. I would bet my life that she was raise in the drug trade."


"When men and women get involved with the drug trade, they make babies so that they can have the future drug trades."

"That horrible," I said and looked at this girl.

"She might have ran away, and they found her," he said and I sighed.

"Do what you need to do, I'll be out here," I said and he nodded his head and I left the room, thinking over what my friend had told me.

Almost an hour went by and screaming and then things being thrown around. I got up from the couch and ran into the room to see that the girl was standing on my bed and Connor was on the other side of the room staring at her shocked. I ran over towards the girl and stood in front of her. She glared down at me and then threw her hand out, but I caught it and tackled her down onto the bed. She was underneath me and trying to get out, but I wasn't budging. This girl was either really strong or on something, because one second I’m on top of her, holding her down with all of my weight, and the next she was pushing me off of her.

"Do something!" I yelled towards Conner as I pulled her down for the second time and trying to find a better way to hold her down, he nodded his head and grabbed something out of his bag.

"I'll sedate her," he said and then stuck the needle in her arm.

Once she calmed down I sat up, but still on top of her. I was breathing heavily and my arms were a little sore from holding her down.

"What the hell was that?!" Conner yelled and I looked at him confused, "She just woke up and freaking attacked me."

"What do you mean?"

"She was in a dead sleep and then she just woke up."

"Is she fine now?"

"She will be, I put everything that was broken back into place and then sewed her side back up."

"Ok, what do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about it- But you'll definitely owe me!" he said and I nodded my head and watched as Conner left my apartment.

I looked back at the girl and sighed, there was blood all over my sheets, the girl's clothes were a mess, so I went to my dresser and got some clean clothes and brought them over towards her. Her shirt was already off, so I just picked her back up and slid the other shirt on her. I set her back down and looked at her pants; I sighed and then unbuttoned her jeans and could feel my face getting redder and redder. I closed my eyes and pulled her pants down and then quickly threw a pair of my basketball shorts on her. From there I picked her up and then carried her into the living room and laid her on the couch. I gave her a pillow and blanket, and walked into my room so that I could change the sheets on my bed and put some fresh ones on there.

By the time I finished with that, I walked back into the living room and found that the couch was empty. I stopped and then looked around confused, ‘…Where the hell did she go?...’ I thought as I looked around my room, and then felt someone jump onto my back, and I fall to the ground.

I roll myself over and manage to push the girl off of me. I flipped myself over and grab the girl's wrist as she was about to punch me. I pin her down to the ground and hold her there as she tries to free herself under me.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" I said and she stops struggling and looks at me, "I'm only trying to help you."

"I don't need your help!"

"Well you look like you do!" I said and then sighed and looked at her, "I'm going to get off of you now, don't freak out!"

She glared but didn't move when I got off of her. I helped her stand and then she walked over towards the table and sat in a chair. I sighed and then followed her over.

He sat down across from me and I stared at him, "Where are we?"

"My place?"


"Because you said that you didn't want to go to a hospital."

I looked at him, ‘…He heard me?!...’

"Now the questions here are, who are you and what happened to you?"

"You're the one who took my prints, so you tell me."

"Ha! Yeah, about that! You're not in the system."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No, you're not in the system at all! No birth certificate, social security number, nothing! And I don't even know your name!" he said and I wasn't really surprised, "And you don't look surprised."

"It's Zoey, and when you grow up the way I did, you won't need those."

"Zoey eh? What do you mean?" he asked and then his phone rang.

"A story for another time," I said and then watched as he got up and answered his phone. I watched him go into the next room and I looked over towards the windows and looked out them. He only lived on the third floor, ‘…Not that bad of a jump…’ I thought as I dove out the window and landed nicely on the ground.

I ran into the ally way and then turned the corner and watched as the cop looked out the window for me. I smirked and then a few minutes later saw him run outside and get into his car. I decided that I was going to follow him to see what kind of cop he was, because I know that some were really dirty.

I followed him to the hospital and then to the police station, from the police station back to the hospital, and then from the hospital he drove to some construction company that I never heard of. I stood on the roof and watched as he got out of his car and walked over towards the one guy and talked. Then a few minutes later, three more guys showed up and just attacked him. My eyes widened and I jumped down from the roof and landed next to the cop. I took down the three guys in seconds, and I heard gun shots so turned around and saw the other two guys on the ground.

He sighed and then looked around and I stayed at his car. He must have figured something out because he was talking to himself and running to the car, "Get in!" was all he said and I sighed and nodded my head, "Do you work for Bane?"

My eyes widened and I looked at him, "Hell no!"

"Good, because he's making a huge bomb and plans on trapping every cop in the city underground," he explained and then got his cell phone and called someone and explained to them to get the cops out of there.