Anyone Can Be a Hero

Chapter Five

"Where are they?" I asked confused on how almost all of the Gothem City police force would be trapped underground.

"They're all heading into the sewers to find Bane."

My eyes widened, "He can't!" I said and then there was a huge explosion and the ground shook and smoke came from the sewer lines.

"He did it! But not every cop is under there and I have a feeling that they're going to kill the Commissioner."

"Is he the one in the hospital?"

"Yes, and I need to get there now!"

"I can get there faster than you!"


"Pull over!" I yelled because he wasn't going to make it because the street was blocked, "Don't freak out about what I'm about to do!"

“Wait- What are you about to do?!”

“Just don’t freak out!” I yelled and he sighed and nodded his head suspiciously, but his eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he watched me shift in front of him.

He backed into the car, looking like he was about to have a heart attack. When I was fully shifted and standing in front of him, I bent down and looked at him, “Get on, it’ll be faster if I just run there,” he didn’t move and I give him a little growl, “Do you want to save your Commissioner or not?! Get on!”

"We're going to have a decision about this later," he snapped back, I didn’t say anything. I felt him climb onto my back; he wasn’t as heavy as I thought he would be. When I stood up straight, he tensed and grabbed onto my fur tight, “Is this safe?” he asked but didn’t reply, just took off towards the hospital

When we got there I shifted back in the ally way and told him to go ahead because I needed a minute to catch my breath. When I finished, I ran into the hospital but then stopped, the smell freaked me out and it just reminded me of my past. I ran back outside and stood in front of the door. Pacing back and forth, debating on whether or not I should get in there, but was happy when didn’t need to make a decision when I heard the doors burst open and Blake ran out with the Commissioner next to him.

"We need a car!" he yelled and then I nodded my head and went up to the closest one, opening the door and hotwiring it.

I got into the back seat while Blake drove and the Commissioner sat in the passenger seat, we went to Blake's apartment and tried to think of a plan. We were watching the news, the Commissioner sitting on the couch while Blake and I stood behind watching what the news was broadcasting about what Bane had done. He blew up a football stadium and got a doctor to create a nuclear bomb that could kill us all, and he said that a child in the city had the device to blow the bomb up.
"Well this is wonderful," I muttered as I sat at the table.

I felt someone staring at me and looked to my side and saw Blake. He nudged his head to follow him and I did, we went into his bedroom and he sat on his bed, "Why are you able to turn into a wolf?"

I sighed and walked over towards the window, "You're unusually calm about that."

"Well, don't get me wrong, I'm freaking out a bit," he said and I smirked, "And what did you mean before- People that grew up like you weren't in the system?"
I looked at him and then walked over and sat next to him, "Because to the system, we were never really born."

"What do you mean?"

"My parents were associated with the drug cartel, that's how they met. They had me just so they could add to the population. One day, they never handed in their profits."

"They kept them?"

"Yeah- Which wasn't good,” I said and then sighed, “They tried to escape, but didn't make it too far. The leader gave them the choice to pay them all the money back, or to give them me."
"Why you?"

"Well, rumor had it was that the leader was doing experiments on kids to see if he could create better soldiers for his little army."


"And they were true. My parents gave me up and from the time I was ten years old to fifteen, I was continuously stabbed with needles, liquids were thrown into my body, and I did things that I didn't want to-" I sighed and looked away, "Let's just say things were put in my body that totally shouldn't be. Project Wolf-"

"Project wolf?"

"Yeah, they wanted kids to have the ability to change and only be programmed to obey the leader."


"There were four of us for the program," I paused and looked at him, "I was the only one to survive it. My first change was three days after I tested positive for wolf DNA in my system, I was ordered to kill my parents."

His eyes widened and I felt his hand on my shoulder, "That's horrible."

"Selina was given an assignment to break in and steal some information about what the leader was up to, and when she saw me, she helped me escape and I've been with her ever since," I said and then looked at him to see that he was looking down.

"So in a way we're both orphans."


"My mother died when I was young, and my father was killed when I was around ten. I was sent to a boys home and was there until I was eighteen."

"You always want to be a cop?"

I heard him laugh a little, "Ever since I could remember."

I smirked, "It's good to have a dream."

"You don't have one?"

"No I did, but it came true."


"Selina made that happen; it was my dream to get out of that place."

"You better get in here!" we heard the Commissioner yell from the other room.

I stood up from the bed and looked out the window, "Blake, don't tell anyone that-"

"You're secret's safe with me," he said and smirked. That smirk made my body do a lot of things that I wished it didn't, "Oh and it's John Blake."

I smirked and shook my head, "Here I thought Blake was your first name."


"All right, John," I said and we both walked into the other room to see the Commissioner sitting on the couch and Bane was on the news and he was holding a paper in his hands.

"You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you from tearing down this corrupt city. Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent from the words of Gotham's police commissioner, James Gordon. 'The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent, he saved my boy then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crime so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the mad man who tried to murder my own child but I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth and it is time for me to resign.' And do you accept this man's resignation? Do you accept the resignation of all these liars? Of all the corrupt?

I look down at the Commissioner, but luckily what I was thinking, Blake said, "Is it true?"


"Those men locked up for eight years in Blackgate, and denied parole under the Dent Act, based on a lie?"

"Gotham needed a hero-"

"It needs it now more than ever. You betrayed everything you stood for," Blake said and I sighed. Blake walked into the other room and I followed after him. I saw him pacing back and forth and I stared at him not knowing what to do, "This city is going to blow up, and I feel so useless just staying here!"

I smirked and then walked up to him, "Then do something about it!" he looked at me and I patted his cheek, "You're smart, think of something."

"You're a pain," he joked and I smirked and walked out of them room.

"I try," we walked to the front door and I turned around to look at him, "Care to share your plan with me?"