Anyone Can Be a Hero

Chapter Eight

"Zoey! Can you hear me?" I called but she wasn't responding, she just laid on the ground holding her ears looking like she was in pain, but I didn't hear anything. I looked around but didn't see anything, but then, just as I was about to turn back to Zoey, I something shine, I got a better look and saw that they were some of Bane's men. I tried warned the Commissioner, but it was too late, Bane’s man had got them, and they were going to take them to be judged, "Shit!" I cursed and then looked around.

It looked like I was safe for the moment, so I picked Zoey up and started to head towards the edge of the roof, where the latter was. Just as I got to the edge I felt Zoey move. I looked down towards her and set her on the ground. Her body became relaxed and she slowly let her hand fall from her ears.

"Zoey!" I called and she looked up towards me with her eyes half opened, "Can you hear-" she stopped me by pulling down. Guns were heard and I grabbed Zoey's arm and started to crawl over to where there was a shed, we hid behind it and I held Zoey close.

"John," I managed to hear her whisper.

"Yeah," I said and looked down towards her. She looked tired, like she was about to pass out at any minute, "Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?"

"Ok," she said and I saw her head start to bob.

"Dammit," I growled and then grabbed my gun and peaked my head around the corner of the shed. Shots were fired and I quickly pulled back. I looked over again and saw that there was a sniper on the building diagonal of ours, "There's no way I can make that."

"I can," I looked down and heard Zoey say.

"What?" I asked confused.

She got on her knees and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Right in front of me her bones started to break and her skin was replaced with white fur, and her once bright brown eyes were not a golden color, "I'll handle this," she said as a wolf.

"Be careful," I said and she nodded her head and peaked her head on the opposite side that I did, "You need a distraction?"

"Sure," she said and I sighed and nodded my head.

I checked to make sure that my gun was loaded and then ran out and fired towards the sniper, not sure if I was hitting him, but definitely getting his attention. I gave Zoey ten seconds to get out from behind the shed and jump down from the roof before I ran back behind the shed for cover. It didn't take long for the firing to stop and I heard a howl. I peaked my head from the shed to see Zoey leaping over from the building the sniper was on to the one that I was on.

"Are you all right?" I asked and she slowly changed back and fell to her knees, "Zoey!"

"I'm so dizzy," she said and I picked her up and threw her arm over my shoulder.

"I'm gunna get you home," I said and she nodded her head and I got her home.

Once I was home, I went into my room and laid Zoey on the bed. I heard her groan and hold her head. I took her shoes off and then walked back up and picked her back up and slowly took her jacket off. As I threw her jacket on to the chair next to the bed, I felt Zoey roll over and then her arms were wrapped around my waist. I looked down at her and placed my hand to her forehead, she was a little warmer than usual, but I didn't think anything of it.

"Maybe some sleep will help you," I said and then looked down to see that she was already sleeping. I smiled and then tucked her underneath the covers and kissed her head.

I left the room and looked out the window, ‘…I need to get to my partner and get him and the others out of the sewers…’ I thought and then side and grabbed my coat.

I woke up to find that I was in bed by myself. I looked around the room and then concentrated so that I could listen to see if anyone was in the apartment. No one was there.

"Where is he?" I asked myself as I got out of the bed, put my shoes back on and threw my coat on, "I hope he's all right," I walked over towards the window and saw that it was dark out. I got a glimpse of the city from John's apartment, and when I saw that the bridge was on fire, and that the fire was in the shape of a bat, I smiled, "He's here!"

I opened the window and looked around, I was all clear. I took a jump and once I hit the ground, I started to shift and then I followed John's scent. He was by the bay, and the closer I got, the more intense the smell of blood was, my eyes widened and I made my legs run faster.

I got to the docks and saw a man lying on the ground, I ran over towards him and looked at him to see that he was John's partner; he was shot in the back. I growled and looked around, I heard people fighting and walked over towards the edge and looked down to see that John was on the ground and at least ten or so guys were around him. I growled and then ran down the rubble and rammed right into two of the guys. I got the men's attention and then started jump on them and bite them, or when one was going to shoot me, I quickly moved out of the way and he shot one of his own guys. But then I saw the Batman appear next to me and then started to kick some guys away. I looked over towards John to see that he was on the ground with his hands up because one of the guys had a gun pointed at him. I growled and then ran over towards him dodge when he tried to shoot me and jumped up, biting him in the shoulder as I took him down.

"Zoey," I heard John yell and I got off of the guy and shift back as I turned around to look at him, "Are you all right?" he asked as I fell to my knees breathing heavily.

"Yeah," I paused to catch my breath, "Give me a minute," paused again, "to catch my breath."

I looked up and saw that Batman was finishing up the guys and then walking over towards us, "You missed a spot," John said as one of the guys was getting up, so Batman kicked him back down. I smirked and leaned into him.

"If you're working alone, wear a mask," Batman said and I stood up.

"I'm not afraid to show my face and stand up to these guys."

"The mask isn't for you," Batman said and then looked at me, "It's to protect the ones that you care about," he said and I felt John's grip around my waist tighten, "Did I see that you were a wolf?"

"Long story," I said and he nodded his head and then reached his hand inside of his belt and pulled something out.

"Count to five and then throw it," Batman said while giving a ball of some sort to John.

"For what?"

"The men are behind that rubble," John said and I turned around to see what he was talking about. John threw the ball and there was a mini explosion, not enough to break the rubble, "Hey no offense but do you have anything bigg- Whoa!"

I was pulled back as Batman brought his flying machine and shot at the rubble creating a huge hole and allowing the officers to walk outside. I smiled towards John and then saw as he got up and walked over towards his friends and hugged them. One by one more officers came out from the rubble and I saw Batman walk up next to me.

"You're Ms. Kyle's friend, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Wayne," I said and smirked while looking at him to see that he was looking away.

"What now?" John asked while walking up to us.

"All out assault on Bane," Batman said and I looked at him, "But you need to get people across the bridge."


"If we fail, we need to save as many lives as we can," he said and John nodded his head.

"You don't need me here?"

"You gave me an army," Batman said and then looked at the army of officers’ still coming out.

"All right, come on Zoey," John said and I was about to walk with him.

"No! She stays, I need her help," Batman said and I looked at him and nodded my head.

"I'll be fine," I said and then kissed John's cheek. He nodded his head and then started out. When he was gone I looked back towards Batman, "So why do you need my help?"

"You can sniff Bane out when the war begins."

"So what, am I your little blood hound now?"

"Something like that," he said and I growled and we both hopped into his aircraft.

"So how do you plan on stopping the bomb while we're in an all out war?"

"I have people on that now," he said and I nodded my head.

"So what else am I hear for?"

"Just to be my nose."

"Oh joy," I said and we flew into the city.