Anyone Can Be a Hero

Chapter Nine

"Can you find him?" Batman asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I can smell him."

"Take me to him," he said and I looked at him.

The battle had already started and Batman was trying to get to Bane so that all of this could end now. But I was losing him in the crowd and I was growing impatient because I was worried about John. I shifted and then found Batman, "Just get on," I growled and he uncomfortably got on. He weighed a ton, but I got past it and started to run towards where I had a lock on Bane's scent.
When Batman found Bane in the crowd he jumped off of my back and ran towards Bane and punched him in the face. I stopped running and turned around, wondering what he wants me to do now.

"Go help Blake!" Batman yelled and I nodded my head and then got out of the crowd and tried to get a lock on John's scent.

I found him heading towards a bridge, when I got there; I ran towards him and shifted. He was standing in front of a gate with children behind him. Police officers from the town over the bridge were blocking us in and saying that if we didn't turn back now, they were going to blow the bridge.
"John!" I called and then ran past the children and stood next to him.

"These assholes won't let us go!" John growled and I grabbed his arm holding him back.

"Sir! If you take one step forward we will fire at you! If you take two steps forward, we will blow this bridge!" the officer said and I felt John tense up.

"John we can find another way."

"There's no time!" he said and I sighed and nodded my head, he was right, there wasn't any time. I let John's arm go and he started to walk forward, "Now I'm a police officer just like you, please do not shoot me."

Shots were fired, but they were just warning shots, the officers were yelling at John to go back, and before we knew it, the portion of the bridge exploded and we were left with no exit. John stood up and was yelling and cursing at them. I walked over towards him and grabbed his arm trying to calm him down.

"There is a way for them to get over," I said and looked at him.

"No, it's too risky," John said while looking back at me.


"No!" John said and then headed back towards the children and told them all to get back onto the bus.

John was having a conversation with the man who was in charge of all the children, I found out that these were some boys that were from the local boys shelter that John use to go to. I leaned against the bridge and tried to think of a plan to get them out of here, but my mind was coming up blank other than shifting and carrying these children over two or three at a time.


I looked up to see John looking at me; he had gotten everyone on the bus, "Yeah."

"You should get out of here, you can save yourself."

I looked at him shocked that he was saying that, "Hell no!"

He looked a little taken back but then shook his head.

"You wanted me John, well now you're stuck with me!"

He smirked and then walked forward and wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips against mine, "Have I ever told you that even though we're going through this, I'm glad we met, and I'm glad that I fell in love with you."

I smiled when he said that and pressed my lips against his and laid my head on his shoulder, "No, but it's good to hear, because I love you too."

He held me for what seemed like forever, but we were interrupted by an explosion.

"All right! This is it! Take cover!" John yelled towards the children on the bus and I grabbed his hand.

We heard one of the kids yell 'no, look'. We looked to see that Batman was coming towards us in his flying thing that he called 'The Bat', with the bomb attached to the ship. My eyes widened as he flew over us when I realized what he was going to be doing.

"NO!" I yelled but John held me back, "He's going to-"

"I know," John said and when you couldn't see Batman anymore, that's when we saw the bomb go off and we saw the mushroom shape cloud form over the bay.

Batman saved us; he literally gave everything up, just so that Gotham was safe. John held me as I laid my head on his shoulder and tried not to cry loudly. I could hear the kids cheering on the bus, but they were only cheering because they don't understand what Batman, their hero, just did for them.

"It'll be all right," John said and I looked at him and he kissed my cheek, "Gotham will move on, they will look to what Batman did for them, and learn from it."

"I hope you're right," I said and then I pulled away and wiped my eyes when I heard all of the children coming out of the bus and start to pile around us.

"Let's go home," John said to the children and they all cheered and ran back onto the bus.

The bus backed up off of the bridge and then started to drive back to the shelter home. Where John helped them put back together and told me to head home.

As I was walking home, heading up the stairs towards John’s apartment, standing in front of the door ready to unlock it when I had gotten a lock on Selina's scent. I smirked as I found that she wasn't alone and that she was inside of the apartment. I opened the door and then saw her and Batman standing in the living room.

"Good to know you're not dead," I said and he nodded his head, "You can take that mask off now, Mr. Wayne," he smirked and then took his mask off and I looked over towards Selina, "So what do you plan on doing?"

"Start a new life," she said and I nodded my head.

"Good, you deserve it," I said and then closed the apartment door and walked into the kitchen to get a drink, "So what's Gotham going to do without Batman?"

"They'll survive, they have new heroes anyways," he said while smiling towards you and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm no hero."

"Yes, you are, Zoey," Selina said while walking over towards me, "I could see that the day I first met you. I knew that you weren't meant for the life I lived."

"So where do you two plan on going, since one is technically dead, and the other has a fresh start?" I asked and Selina walked over towards Mr. Wayne and grabbed his arm.

"I don't know yet, but we'll write when we get there," she said and I scoffed.

"No you won't."

"You're right- But I'll still miss you," she said and then I looked at her and nodded my head.

"Try to at least leave clues around that you're all right, ok?"

"I'll try to put that on the 'remember' list," Selina said and I smirked.

Mr. Wayne walked up and handed me a big yellow envelope. I looked at it and then back towards him, "What is it?"

"A life," he said and I opened to see that there was a picture of me, with a birth certificate, high school transcripts, and other things in there, I looked up towards him confused, "I heard that you're not in the system because of your past," I looked over towards Selina and she smiled and nodded her head, "This'll help you get that life, if you want it."

I looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you."

He nodded his head and then held out his hand, I looked at it to see a memory stick in it. I look at him confused and grab it, "If you choose to have this life, all you have to do is stick it into my computer, and your file will by uploaded, and you'll be placed in there as if you always were."

"Your computer?"

"You'll find it, when the time is right," he said and I nodded my head and thanked him again.

"Good luck in your new life, Selina."

"You too," she said and then I got one last hug before she and Batman climbed out of the window and disappeared, probably never to be seen again.

I looked down towards the file and memory card in my hand and stared at it well, "I'm going to have a long debate in my head about this one."

"What one?"

I turned around to see John standing there, I told him everything that had happened and he smiled when he found out that I could actually be a person, and have a life, even though most of it is fake.