Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 10

My eyelids were heavy. I couldn't open them for a while. I knew I was in some sort of medical room, because the lights blinded me. Although I couldn't see, I definitely could hear.
“He's awake.” A voice informed. It was Liam. I felt his hand pat my shoulder. I now realized I was in a bed. A really soft bed. I really did not want to get up, because I was so comfortable. On my left side of my body, I felt a hand hold mine. It seemed that they were holding it for a while, because my hand was asleep. The hand felt soft, smooth, and warm. It could be only be one person: Lisa. I couldn't smile though, since I was only half-conscious. I moaned. I lifted my body, but then I felt Liam's hand touch my arm. “Easy boy.” He told me. “Take it slowly.” I moaned again. I managed to sit up straight up and open my eyes. The walls on the room were white, like a doctor's room. I couldn't tell if I was in a hospital though, because there were a few guns, ammunition, grenades and armour on some of the cupboards.
“Where am I?” Was the first thing I said.
One of the guards looked at me. “You are in Connors' hideout. Connors was always a nervous tick, so he got the government to build him a “safety zone” for him and his family. A member of our crew has a masters degree in Surgical Residence. He is working on healing your wounds. It seems that when the... creature attacked you, it injured your legs. They should be fine, but be cautious of them.” I nodded. The man that stood in front of me was big. Big as in strong. He had dark brown hair, and it was dirty and short. He had dark brown eyes, and wore a black suit with a white shirt behind it. A typical bodyguard clothing. Although he did look buff, he seemed to be a sensitive man.
I glanced at Lisa. Her eyes were wet from tears and some of her make up was smeared on her face, but somehow, she managed to put a smile on her beautiful face. I smiled back, but quickly turned back to the guard.
“And where is Connors now?” I asked.
“Connors, the police force, and a few of Connors guards are examining the blood from those creatures.” For some reason, this body guard did not like saying alien. Perhaps he knows that calling them alien increases their rage. I moved my feet to the ground, released Lisa's hand from my grip, and stood up. Without saying anything, I walked towards the door. It wasn't 'till I stood up that I realized how small the room really was. I twisted the door knob and pushed the metal door, which due to my lack of strength, was heavier than it needed to be. I was welcomed into what looked like a laboratory. Like the previous room, the walls were white. Someone must love the winter if all of their walls are white. About 5 people stood at a waist-high table, which believe it or not, was also white. I swear, if you brought a rabbit in here, it would blend right in. On the table was a microscope, and blood sample on it. I walked closer, followed by the others to it and tried to examine it from a distance.
“Glad to see your awake, Jordan.” Connors smiled. It seemed to strange to see him smile at me. He despised teenagers. He didn't hate them in general, it's just that he had to deal with teenagers trying to be “rebels” and attempting to fight the police, smoke or just doing drugs, disobeying the laws, those actions speak out for all teenagers, unfortunately. Connors looked back down at the microscope. He let the others examine it. When it got to my turn, one of the guards told me that the blood seem to have a strong resemblance to the element Mercury. I knew it. It had to be it,
“But it doesn't match all the requirements of Mercury.” He informed.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, let me show you something.” He grabbed a lighter from his pocket.
“The element Mercury, at room temperature, does not burn, because it's a liquid. With that being said, pay attention at how the flame reacts with the blood.” The man took the blood and placed it on the table, where a container lied. He drew the flame closer to the blood and quickly brought his hand back. Immediately fire grew on top of the silver liquid. I became confused. “How can that be possible? You can't just set fire to something like that.” But then I noticed something that was also peculiar. Either the flame was really hot, or the liquid was very weak, because when the fire burned down, it started to dissolve until there was nothing. The guard wiped the container off, to assure that the liquid was gone. A big smile drew on his face.
“I believe we have found their weakness.” One of the policemen grinned.
“Precisely,” The guard replied. This must have been the guard that got some masters degree the Surgical field. “If you strike enough heat to their bodies, they will burn up easily.”
“That must be why they wear those metal armours.” Suggested Connors.
“Exactly. If you ever get near one of them, make sure to rip off their armour, if possible.” I saw a few eyes glancing at my direction, but then glanced away. All of the people in the group seemed to like the idea, except for Lisa. Being a girl, she was sensitive to the death of life forms. I know it would be hard for her to process it, but we were at war and there was little else we could have done. She shook her had complained. “Doesn't this sound crazy to you people? I just want to live a normal life, where I can graduate from high school and college, get a job, and live peacefully. Can't we just surrender?” If there was any one that shouldn't say anything to her, it would be me, but my unacknowledged had to be idiotic.
“Honey, I don't like killing things at all. If there was another choice, I would totally do it. But just remember, we are at war. The last thing I will do is surrender. I will burn them if I have to. I will take them prisoners and demand answers from them.” My voice started to raise.
“Jordan, you're scaring me. This whole thing is scaring me.”
“I know, honey. But you have to do it, if you want to survive.”
She hesitated. “I... I just can't!” She burst into tears and ran away. I tried to go after her, but the others suggested me otherwise.
We discussed about further plans for a while. Predictions about where they would attack next, what weapons we should equip if a certain thing happened, and just how to prepare for the next “battle”. Although my body was there, my mind was set to Lisa. “Why did she have to go? Please come back! Where did she go? I'm starting to miss her.”
We finally ended our discussion, and planned to go right away. I grabbed what I needed to, even food to regain my strength, and instead of the search for aliens, the gang and I started our search for my girlfriend.