Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 18

I wasn't sure what I expected when I entered the room. I couldn't see anything, but I knew I was in a narrow wooden hallway. I had a cold and dark feeling, that I entered an unsafe place. “It's not that bad.” I tried to inform myself. “You thought it was worse in here.” Spiders crept the corners of the house as I navigated further. I entered a dark room, which seemed to be a living room. I saw a few figures hang on the wall by ropes.
“Jordan.” One of the dark figures said faintly.
“Lisa!” I screamed back. I was so relieved to see her, if it was actually her this time. I was stressed out and wanted this war to be over so I could just relax with her.
“Don't!” She managed to speak a little louder. “It's a trap!” I felt something rough touch my ankle. “Not this again.” I was flipped upside down. The rough object gripped tighter against my ankle. The object I predicted was a rope, because of all the other times I've been tied on a rope. The room looked weird upside down. Blood started rushing to my head. A dark figured started walking to me upside down on the ceiling, or should I say, the ground, and I was the upside down one, at that point, I was so confused I didn't even know what was up or what was down. The figure came closer then cut the ropes. I landed on the ground which I felt too exhausted to get up.
“Are you okay?” The figure said. I tried to look at him, but my head was spinning, so it looked like there was two of it. Once my head gained control of itself, I noticed that I was talking to Liam.
“Good as I'll ever be.” I replied with a hint of a joke.
“Let's get you up, you look tired.” He noticed the scratches from the fight I had with “Lisa”. “We should clean those up.” Something was really peculiar to me.
“Why are you not tied up, like the others?”
“Don't listen to him!” I heard from my left. I glanced over to a door frame, and there Liam was, panicking like as if his friend was about to die.
“Okay, now I really need to lie down.” I told myself. I stared at the Liam that was in front of me in confusion. He however was giving a death stare to the other Liam. The Liam to the left continued on, trying to get me to believe he was the real Liam.
“He's not the real Liam! He's the alien!” The Liam in front of me balled his fists. It was definitely an alien. The Preminanté yelled at Liam.
“How did you escape my imprisonment?” It demanded.
“You are very wise when it comes to your equipment, very stupid when it comes to ours.” The alien became furious. It grabbed its weapon and fired at Liam. He quickly evaded and grabbed his weapon. They stared at each other, fingers trembling on the trigger. It was like looking at a mirror. “We thought walking through Earth would be as easy as it was walking through Mars. But even your human race is putting up a better fight than those blood-thirsty martians.” It gave a cold dark stare at all of us with Liam's eyes. I glanced over to Lisa, and she gave me a worried look. “You humans have suspiciously been staying alive longer than your soldiers. If I sold you to my kings, I shall be rewarded with the most gold I could find. So I've been keeping you alive here. I've already called them over, they shall investigate your well being, then keep you hostage. Then, they shall bring you back to our planet and humiliate you there.” I reached for my weapon. When I grabbed it, it was shaking. It was peculiar, for I was not shaking it. The rumble grew and it started to pull away from me. I tried to yank it back, but it was a useless gesture. I glanced over to Liam and noticed that he was having the same problem. Our weapons were leading us to the Preminanté. I finally released my weapon and it sped towards the alien's belt. At this point the belt was making a loud sound. Liam did the same. The alien laughed with pride.
“Magnetic belt, but it is a special belt. It only attracts what it sees as a threat.” I stared at the alien with hatred eyes. The loud sound from the belt stopped and the alien picked up both our weapons and pointed them at us. Lisa screamed. The Preminanté turned towards her and pointed the guns at her. She became scared. Liam from behind kicked the alien's leg and it fell to the ground. The alien reached for his belt. Liam bent over to pick the alien up. Apparently, there must have been some “press button for shield”, because a blue force field generated a shield and it blasted Liam backwards. I feared that if I touched the shield, the same thing would've happened to me. I had to think of something quick. The alien walked over to Liam. He panicked as he walked backwards. “Think, Jordan. Think!” What's the only thing that can get inside the shield? I looked around as the Preminanté grinned at Liam. Then it hit me. I noticed that the alien left our guns lying on the ground. I grabbed one and the alien to me. It laughed hysterically.
“You will not dent this shield with that!” It laughed. The gun rumbled roared again. It was a stupid idea, when I thought about it, but I had no time to think. I only had time for action. My feet started dragging towards the alien, as I predicted. I grew closer and closer as I watched Jordan escape. As I came closer, the Preminanté's grin grew a little higher. The gun was now touching the blue ball of death. As I figured, the shield didn't repel me, but I let it touch me, it would. While the barrel was still in the shield, I fired my weapon at the shield. The belt dropped and the shield mimicked. Liam took the advantage to get the alien in a headlock. I dropped my weapon and went over to Lisa to untie her. When I finally untied her, he gave me a long kiss. This wasn't one of those 'I'm going to see you in a few minutes so I'll just give you a small peck' kiss, no it was an 'you've been gone forever and now I don't want to let you go' kiss. Her smooth lips have turned a little dry, but that didn't ruin the impact of the kiss. Everything that I had been through was worth it when I kissed her.
“I missed you.” She whispered nervously. I could hear the two Liam's fight behind me.
“I missed you too.” I turned around quickly to see one Liam attack the other. I lost track on which one was which. One threw a fist at the other and the other flipped him over. I crawled over to the girl that was with us and untied her. She had her eyes locked onto the fight that was going on. I turned around and watched them fight. I dared not to interfere, for I didn't know whose side I would be on. One landed on the ground and turned to me. “Help me!” He said. The other Liam turned to me.
“Attack him, he's the alien!”
“No don't listen to him, he's the one!”
“I'm not, you believe me, right?”
“Stop!” I yelled. The one on the ground stood up and they froze in place. I looked into one of their eyes, and then the others eyes. Strangely, nothing was different. Usually the alien has something different in its eyes, but now I can't tell. “Alien.” I shouted. They both didn't flinch. I stared at both of them. “There's only one way to tell.” I said. “A human bleeds human blood, an alien bleeds foreign blood.” I picked up my weapon that I dropped earlier. I walked towards the girl that was shocked in fear. “Do you remember which one was which?” She shook her head. I walked back to them and pointed my weapon to the one I thought was the alien. I fired my weapon. The Liam pulled the other Liam in front of him and it hit him. The Liam that got shot immediately started to hide his wound, so no one could see. That was Liam. The Preminanté grinned and walked up to me. It turned into its normal form and guarded its neck. If I shot, it would be pointless. It punched me in the face and I fell onto Lisa. Liam was still wounded. The Preminanté stared at the girl and formed into her. “Let's see what temperature you burn at girl.” It immediately grabbed her and dragged her into the back room. She screamed a terrible scream, like one you'd hear in a horror movie. I was scared. The Preminanté locked the door and wrestled the girl onto what sounded like a table. I could not see them anymore. I had to help her. I slammed my body into the door, but nothing happen. I heard screams louder than a heavy metal concert. I heard fire burn. I grabbed my gun and shot at the door. It made a small dent. Walking through the door would take hours. I noticed that the screaming stopped. All was quiet. I froze where I was. I stared at the doorknob as it slowly opened.
“Who's next?” It asked with a great grin.