Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 20

Liam glanced over to my direction. With his facial expression and movement of his head, he ordered Lisa and I to do the same thing he is doing.
“He's insane!” Lisa whispered.
“I think he's up to something.” I assured. I walked forward, placed my weapons on the ground, and joined him. Lisa soon rolled her eyes and went along as well. At the time, I agreed with Lisa, it was insane, but after all we had been through, I put my most trust in Liam, knowing that what ever he did, he would help us survive.
“You're crazy!” Lisa quietly informed Liam as she put her hands behind her head. Liam did not answer, he just stared into the sky. I looked up at the machine. The charging of the weapon had stopped. It seemed to either have shut down, or temporarily paused. Three aliens walked out of the foot of the machine. One of them looked at the other two, as if talking to each other telepathically. They nodded and the three walked over, staring at us with their eye sockets. Each one went behind one of us. One by one, they grabbed our hands then placed them behind our back.
“What are you waiting for?” I thought to myself. “Let's fight!” I still waited to see what he had in mind for the aliens supper. Liam willingly let the aliens take us, like he didn't seem to care. The Preminanté forced us into the golden robot.
We walked up the stairs which were long and the steps were big. Each step creaked, like walking through the abandoned house I watched the girl get murdered in. It felt creepy and the air was cold. We got up to the top and we were greeted by a massive room. In the middle of the room was an oval metal table, with approximately 7 aliens. These aliens, however, looked different. The had a neon-blue tint to them. Even by looking at them you could tell they had some sort of superiority. Like the other aliens that took us up to this golden robot, the blue Preminanté silently stared at one another, reading each others brain waves, or so I thought. The one across from us stood up, like he was a king enforcing a new law.
“Ah, at last.” The alien spoke. It didn't speak through its mouth. The mouth was perfectly still. However, it was speaking to me through my thoughts, like if it was Charles Xavier. I was stunned at the alien.
“You spoke without turning into me or my friends.” I stated, staring wondrously at the Preminanté that stood before me. It looked at its transparent body, than back to me with its eye sockets.
“I am not like the other Preminanté you have slain. I am more superior, an improvement, if you will. On our planet, the royalty goes to us, because we have more power than our... what's the human word for it, ah yes... brothers. We do not need to hide behind identities of your pathetic race, we speak freely, but we prefer speaking telepathically.”
“What do you want from us?” Lisa demanded. The room was silent, but the thought patterns were loud.
“What do I want? You should know this by now. You three have become the most defensive humans we have come across. You should be happy, for we have not come across such a threat before.”
“Shouldn't the army be the biggest threat?”
“The army? We walked over them like a bug. They did not no our weakness, but unfortunately, you do.” The blue aliens all stood up. Their bodies were thickening, darkening its colour. It slowly resembled armour, perhaps bronze, or whatever metal they had on their planet. I glanced at the neck area -the only way we found an opening for the skin to show, so we could kill them- but that as well was covered in thick armour. The only skin that showed were their eye sockets, an even trickier shot to preform.
“So we came prepared, we could take you out right now if we wanted to.” I became furious with the alien. The alien behind me still held my weapon. I kicked him backwards while grabbing my weapon, and pointed it at the one across from me. Even though it was emotionless, I could feel him laughing at me.
“Do you honestly think you can do damage with that laser gun?” He asked me in my head, laughing while he spoke. “Do you even know how to use that weapon?” I took the gun away from his attention and pointed it at the ceiling. On the ceiling, there was a painting. I shot at it. There was what looked like an apple on the table, though it could be some fruit from their planet. I shot the apple, leaving only the stem. I looked back up to the painting. The face of the alien that was on it was now gone, and a perfect hole was left behind.
“Very well, you indeed know how to use the weapon.”
I felt my hand tingle, then slowly drift to the left. I tried forcing it back to the way it was, but something was pushing it down, something stronger than me. The force pushed my hand into an awkward position, making me release the weapon out of my hand. Nothing was touching my hand, but it was painful beyond belief. An alien caught it and pointed the weapon at me.
“Not only do we have control to enter your thoughts, but we can also enter your body.” The alien smirked. “Yes, you are my puppet. I am controlling you.” My legs started crawling towards him. My torso and other arm followed. I could feel Lisa tug on me, trying to pull me back, but it was useless. The alien took control of me until I was walking the way the alien wanted me to. It forced me to look at its monitor.
“Do you see that number?” It thought. It forced me to nod my head, even though I fought back the tension. “That is the number of how many of your species is left on this planet.” I was amazed at how small the number was. I watched as the numbers rapidly decreased. It went from 93 down to 85, down to 76, so on and so forth, until it reached 3. I stared at the three of us that stood in this room. We were the last three on this planet. It was a scary thought. My blood went cold. I had a feeling that number would lower even further if we didn't fight back.
“And it is so close to be finished.” I took a step back. I was angry, but deeply saddened at the same time.
“Why us three?” I asked. “What's so special about us?”
“There is nothing special with you and the girl. It is the boy that is special.” Lisa and I exchanged looks, then we turned to Liam. He had a guilty look on his face. He refused to take his eyes off the ground.
“He is different from you, but he is different from me as well. You see, his mother is no doubt a human. However his father is my kind. A Preminanté.” I stared at him. I did not believe what I heard. His father was a traitor to our kind. He was a rebellion. He was stupid, his feelings clouded his actions. He fell in love with a human and well, you probably know what happened next. Your friend here is a liar. Everything we knew about this planet and how to destroy it is because of this boy. He told us everything. You may now thank him.”
“SHUTUP!” Liam screamed. I did not know what to believe. The Liam I knew would not do something like that. An alien came up to Liam and grabbed a blade. It took the blade and sliced it across his arm. Instead of human blood, a silver liquid came dripping out, just like an alien would have. It all made sense. Why he was afraid to show his blood in public. Why he was so fast and talented, like he showed with his motorcycle. Why he knew so much. I froze in silence, with my eyes bursting in disbelief.
“Take him to the separator room.” The Preminanté demanded using his telepathy. Two aliens took his arms and dragged him away. Liam did not make an effort to resist or fight back. His coat that he was wearing fell off as it was stepped on by the Preminanté. I moved towards him, trying to defend him, but I lost control of my body. The bones in my body stiffened, and were placed in an awkward position while I was lifted in the air.
“You are not helping him.” He said.
I watched as my best friend was pulled away from me, and with my paralyzed body, there was nothing I could do.