Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 21

I heard a BANG from behind me. Someone fired a laser and I heard something fall down. I panicked, until the alien removed it's telepathic grip on me. I fell to the ground and found the blade that the Preminanté used to slice Liam's arm on the ground. I quickly grabbed it and ran to my right. I jumped on an alien and stabbed its eye. The alien started bleeding the silver liquid as I ran behind it. Aliens started firing at me. I saw one alien choke Lisa. I was filled with so much anger, but I knew that if I screwed up somehow, I would die. The alien I was using as a meat shield had a gun equipped. I grabbed the gun and fired at a few aliens. The Preminanté I hid behind was getting blasted, but because of its armour, the lasers had no effect. When I looked at the back of the alien, it had its armour tied pretty tightly. I cut the cords and the armour fell down. I remembered that it was hidden in the alien skin. The alien seemed to regrow another armour piece, but it was too late. The aliens couldn't stop when the lasers fed threw the alien and killed it. I turned to Lisa and motioned her to distract the alien that was using his telepathic abilities. She slipped out of her grip, kicked the alien that was holding her, forcing it to fall back on another alien. Lisa took the gun that was owned by the alien. She crawled around the aliens. As I was firing at the aliens, she fired at the picture I previously shot at on the ceiling. The picture fell down, just as planned. The picture came bolting down, hitting the telepathic alien on the head. The alien didn't faint, but it did seem to get dizzy, though it was hard to read its emotion from its eye sockets. That was my opportunity. I remember playing ninja games when I was younger, how they ran around, doing awesome stuff and hurting their enemies. I had no other choice. I needed to get up close to one. I used my “meat shield” to move closer to another alien. I dropped the alien and stabbed it in eye. With a momentum, I ran to the next one, and slid under its legs. I threw the knife up, and it sliced the knots at the back of its armour. I grabbed my gun and shot it in the back. My heart was beating fast. As cruel as it sounds, it was exhilarating. I hid behind a turned over desk as I shot at the aliens.
I turned to look at Lisa. She had a piece of the broken frame and she was lighting it on fire with matched from the abandoned house. When the alien turned to her, she tried jabbing it in the eye, but the Preminanté used its telekinetic powers to freeze her in place. The torch-like frame was falling, when all of the sudden it froze as well. It was a foot off the ground, but then it gradually lifted itself. It became eye level with the alien. I watched as the torch turned 180 degrees, and pointed at Lisa, getting closer and closer.
The only thing on my mind was helping her. I could not risk losing her. She was my love, my life, my everything, and I wouldn't let her go so easily. There was an alien about 7 feet in front of me, walking closer to me. Without any hesitation, I threw the blade into the eye socket and leaped over and caught the body. Again, I used it as a meat shield as I shot the remaining Preminanté. I took the blade that was covered in the gooey silver liquid and threw it at the torch. It instantly connected with the wall, expanding the fire to the wall. Some of the liquid came on to my hand. There was something weird about this blood, though. It wasn't just wet, it was slimy. I wiped it off as I turned to the Preminanté. My muscles tightened. My bones were stiff. I couldn't move, but I was dragged towards the alien. Lisa, was in the same unstable position as I was, but her eyes showed that if she could move, she would crawl into a ball and burst into tears. The Preminanté placed us into a normal standing position, although my muscles were still in its control.
“How would you like...” The Preminanté spoke to Lisa. “ be famous? How would you like to be rich, to be loved by hundreds, no, millions. You could be rich, you could be royal.” A levitating gun floated in the air like it was a feather. It softly landed in Lisa's hand, which she then firmly gripped it. Even though she was resisting to turn it, she turned her hand and the gun pointed at me. I stared into her eyes. She was crying in pain. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out. “I'm sorry” she mouthed at me.
“If you shoot him.” The alien continued. “You can have your freedom, your pride, your fame.”
The alien forced her telepathically to slowly press on the trigger. Lisa resisted for her life. Imagine 100 pounds pressing on your fingers. That is how I would imagine that. I know she wouldn't shoot me for fame. She has wanted to be an actress, but she would shoot her love for it.
“This won't solve anything.” Lisa reminded the alien. “What will you do when you kill us?”
We heard a scream from the room Liam was dragged into. The alien pointed to the counter of the human population. Before it counted to 3. Now it has counted to 2. Liam was dead. My best friend whom I cared about for so long. Tears formed in my eyes. I felt lifeless, emotionless, clueless.
“Once you two are done, we shall reproduce, start a new life. Stretch to more galaxies across the universe. More power equals more success. We strive to be bigger, stronger, and most importantly, better. However, the girl can accompany me, if she does me a simple favour.”
“Never!” She screamed.
“Very well then.” Lisa pushed a little harder. Right then I had an idea. I got eye contact with her and motioned her to shoot at my foot. She had confusion and doubt in her face, but I made sure she did it. She pushed her hand down and willingly pulled the trigger. I looked down at my foot. It started gushing out tons of blood, like a river. I felt light headed, though I forced myself to stay conscious. I fell to my knees and the alien released me of its grip. It assumed I was defenseless. For the most part, I was. The alien had a big smile, even though it had an emotionless face.
“Now,” the alien spoke in our minds. “Finish him.” I could barely look up. But when I did, I would cry even more when I would see Lisa with the gun in her hands. She stared at the blade that fell from the torch, and was on the ground, and motioned for me to grab it. I looked down and found the blade. In a split second, I threw it up towards its eyes. It scratched the sky as it skid threw the air. When it was close to the eye socket, it froze in place. My heart froze. For a second I thought I was about to die, when Lisa had been released of the grip, so she shot the alien. The alien fell back. Lisa kept shooting the Preminanté. The anger in her eyes frightened me. This was a girl that wouldn't even hurt the aliens. When I stared at her, I could tell she was not the same girl I once knew. The Preminanté turned from blue to white. The body looked like a sleeping bag. At the time, I did not realize that the fire expanded all the way around the machine. Lisa, with the strength she had left, helped me up and walked me to the door.
“The coat.” I faintly said to her. She forgot that Liam's coat was on the ground. She picked it up and continued to help me out the machine. I felt safe when I was with her. She burst into tears.
“Forgive me, please. You know I didn't have control. Why did you make me shoot you?” She cried. The air was hot from the fire.
“The alien wouldn't leave you alone until you shot me, so I let you shoot me, but I needed you to shoot me in a place where you wouldn't kill me.” I could feel her shake. Although I felt safe, she most certainly did not.
“Why did you make me grab this coat?” She asked.
“I needed something to remember him by.” I simply replied.
When we got out of the machine, we saw even more wreck in the city. It was obvious that even without their leader, the Preminanté continued to terrorize our home. She laid me down on the ground while she looked through the coat pockets.
“There's something here.” She said. She found 2 bottles in one of the coat pockets, followed by a note.
She read the note out to me. “Dear Jordan. If you are reading this, then you know that I betrayed you. I do not deserve to be your friend, and my human form is probably dead by now, so you will not see me again. When I was younger, the aliens killed my father in front of me. I grew very much hatred for them. He was on a mission to research the way of the humans by forming into them. He fell in love with my mother. He illegally moved here and stayed here. When the Preminanté found out, they sent bounty hunters to hunt him and kill him. My father taught me everything he knew in life, and the Preminanté forced me to say everything he knew. If I didn't, they would kill my mother. I couldn't let that happen. So I told them about the human race. Anyways, I am sorry, but here are two potions. These potions are a chemical my father found that glitches the human count. Basically, you drink this and it will only knock you out. On the count, it will count that you're dead, and they will leave you alone. Then you'll have Earth to yourself until they return. It takes about 5 minutes to work. I wish you luck, and I am sorry.”
We stared at the letter in silence, and then to each other.
“We have no other choice.” I said.
“I know, I am just scared.” Lisa informed me. I held her hand.
“Everything will be fine.”
“You can't promise that!” I thought about it for a while. It's true, I couldn't promise that.
“We just have to trust him. There is nothing else we can do.”
It took a while, but I finally managed for her to grab the potion. I didn't know what would happen, but I trusted Liam with my life, literally. We held the potions up to our mouths.
“Jordan?” She tried to get my attention.
“Yes?” I replied. She took a deep breath.
“I love you.” I stared at her in surprise. My expression quickly changed to happiness.
“I love you too.” She finally said it. After all we have been through together, after almost getting killed countless times, she finally said it. I was so happy. If I wasn't in pain, that would've been the happiest moment of my life. I felt so connected to her now, I felt so close and so in love. We both took our drinks and threw the bottles away. She then laid on top of me and we started to kiss. It was more passionate than I ever remembered. We came closer to each other, grabbing parts of our bodies. I wrapped my one non injured foot around her as I lightly tugged on her hair. I started to become light headed again. It got worse and worse, but I did not stop kissing her. I knew that if I died, I was happy that it was with her. I was happy that I could see her just for one last time, taste her lips one last time. I couldn't imagine a world without her. She meant more to me than oxygen did. I did not want to leave where I was. Eventually, I felt that she wasn't responding. I opened my eyes and saw that she passed out. For the last seconds I was conscious, I tried to cry. My eye lids grew heavy. My strength wasn't enough to keep me awake. I eventually passed out. That was the last thing I ever remembered.
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You may choose to end the story off here. If you wish, there are two more chapters two read. Also at the end of the next chapter you may choose to end the story off there. The last chapter of this book is an epilogue.