Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:
My heart rate was equivalent to the beat of a speed metal song. I backed up slowly towards the others. I looked back and noticed that none of the group had went into the basement, like I had previously asked. A shadow grew around the corner. The outlines of the armour the thing was wearing was perfectly visible in the shadow. I motioned Riley to get the others to hide behind the door. They all followed. I noticed there was a little space between the corner and a few lockers. I hid between there. Footsteps grew louder. Stomp, stomp, stomp. The alien came into sight. It was as tall as I was. The armour made it look a lot bigger than he appeared to be. I ran up to the alien and it turned around. The baseball bat that was in my hand whacked his left cheek, making him fall to the ground, dropping his weapon. I dropped the baseball bat and grabbed his weapon. The gun that it equipped looked like a mixture of a blaster from Star Wars, and the guns that the MIB force uses from Men In Black. I pointed the gun towards the alien.
“Why are you here?” I demanded. There was no reply from the alien, I noticed that he was knocked out, but he wasn't dead. I aimed the gun towards his head.
“Don't kill him!” I heard from ahead of me. A boy in grade 9 stepped out and repeated himself. “Don't kill him.” I looked back at him, confused.
“It tried to kill me, if I didn't tackle him down to the ground, he would've killed you. You are stepping on bodies everywhere you walk, and it's because of this alien and its race. Please explain to me why I shouldn't kill him.” Lisa stepped out as well, followed by the rest of the group.
“It doesn't seem right.” Lisa protested. “Even if it was about to attack you, it's not right to kill a living being.”I hesitated. I felt movement on my legs. The alien was awake.

It saw me, and punched me to the ground. The force of his fist threw me back about 7 feet. I caught my ground and started shooting at its legs, to catch it off guard. The alien jumped with momentum I've never seen before. When it jumped, it would jump like a monkey. When it attacked, it would attack like a bear. When it ran, it would run as fast as a tiger. The alien jumped towards me. It jumped until its feet were over my head. When it was landing, I took a step back and whacked the gun against its neck. That pushed it back a few feet, but that was it. I went for a punch, but it quickly punched me instead. I spun around and noticed a mirror. The alien was walking up toward me. I turned the direction that the alien was in the mirror and punched its hard steel head. My knuckles turned red and began to hurt. The alien took the opportunity to kick me in the chin. I fell against a wall, but I lifted myself back up, ready to keep my balance. I noticed that the only spot that there was not armour on the alien was its neck, so that was my only option. I saw the baseball bat lying on the floor. “This will do.” I thought. The alien saw me reaching for it, and came closer to me. I grabbed the bat and swung it at its helmet. A dent was left where the baseball bat hit the helmet. I walked up to it, and with all my strength, swung a “power-hit” to its chest. Once again, it only back up a few feet. I began to step back towards the same wall I was previously thrown to. The alien ran up to me, as if it was a bull. I spun out of the way, and whacked it with the bat on its back. It fell to the ground hit it 2-3 more times on the head, but keeping sure that it was still conscience. Once there was no strength in the alien anymore, I clenched its neck with my fist, pulled it up, and pushed it to the wall. There was a small opening on the helmet of the alien. I grabbed it and threw it off. I was amazed at what I was staring at.

The alien was silver, although somewhat transparent. It had no eyes, no body parts, just the skin and a white glow around it. The texture of his neck seemed slimy and cold. The alien moved his head around, as if it was looking at its surroundings. It then looked straight into my eyes, or at least I thought it did. But there was something strange about this alien. It had a small sphere in each eye socket, as small as a seed. Eventually, this sphere grew into a shape of an eye. The eye seemed really familiar. At first it was hard to tell, but once it grew, I could tell exactly what it was. Hair started growing on top of the alien. It grew body parts (ears, nose, mouth, etc). I gasped when I saw the final look of the alien. It looked exactly like me.

The fake Jordan looked around with its new look. His straight face never grinned, nor frowned. It looked straight at Lisa, then started forming its body into her. The real Lisa was amazed. It looked like she was looking at a mirror. Without leaving the firm grip I had on its neck, I asked the alien “Do you speak English, a language from Earth?” The alien nodded. “Then what are you doing here.”
“I will tell you no such things.” The alien replied. The aliens voice perfectly matched Lisa's. It formed into me, then said, in my voice “We don't have to tell you why we are here.”
“YES YOU DO!” I screamed. “You murdered these people, You slaughtered my friends, you exploded this whole school, and now you are going this to the whole world, I DEMAND to know why you are here.” The alien was silent. I grabbed a gun that was lying on the floor. I pointed the gun at the temple of its head.
“Please, don't kill him.” The boy repeated. I completely ignored him. He did not know how furious I became. I stared at the alien. For some reason, it started laughing. I couldn't tell why, until I saw a shadow on the ground. When I turned around, I released my grip on the alien, letting it free. I was staring at a machine that was 10 feet tall, charging its weapon to fire at my head.