Status: Update every other day, chapter by chapter

Love at First Fight

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:
The aliens gun glowed a bright red. It pulled the trigger and I ducked. A laser, the same colour as the charged weapon, was shot right at the alien behind me. I watched as the alien disintegrated in front of my eyes. The baseball bat, which has now rolled over to the janitor's closet, was picked up by Lisa. She chucked the baseball towards the big machine. It took a little bit of damage. That gave me an idea. The baseball bat fell to the ground, and I reached for it. The machine noticed I was going for it, and it threw me out of the way. It was about to crush the bat with its mighty big feet, but Liam grabbed the disintegrated aliens weapon, and started firing at the neck. This time, the alien was taking a lot of damage, backing up as was getting hit. With the strength I had left, I lifted myself off the ground, went towards the bat, and hit the aliens armour at the back part of the knee. With a big bang, the machine fell to the ground. From below, it shook as he landed. The machine muttered in a language that was foreign to Earth. I knew there was an alien inside. I jumped on top of it, ripped off its helmet, and like the previous alien, demanded information.
“I came with a squad. I was told to kill off anything that might be a threat. Our main target was the 'mayor'. This structure was in the way of his whereabouts.”
“How do you know the mayor?” I demanded.
“A human told us. A rebellious alien lived in Earth created a half-human, half-alien. We call them Hybrids. The Hybrid told us everything we need to know about the human race.” I was shocked. I became angered to who ever this Hybrid was, for giving his own race away.
“That still doesn't answer my question.” I informed. “Why are you here, and why do you want to kill the mayor?” The alien hesitated.
“Domination over the Galaxy was a plan we had for a while, it never really went to force. About 10 Duras ago (Dura is a length of time, like a year. 10 Duras equals to 6 human years) We took over the planet “Pluto”. Over 1 000 Duras ago, we froze over the planet “Mars”, killing all life forms on that planet. Around the same time, we flooded of the planet “Uranus” with mostly water, and gas. All of these planets had life forms on it at one point of time. Unfortunately for us though, the human race on planet Earth is the second strongest race there is in the Galaxy. We are the strongest, so Earth quickly became are most difficult target. Taking out the leaders of your race would be the easiest way to take out this planet.” All of us questioned it, for we were taught differently in school, but we dared not to argue, for there was little time to spare.
“Where is the mayor now?” I asked.
“Where light is spun, the leader lies.” The alien took a last breath, then slowly melted until it was no longer seen by the human eye.
“Where light is spun, the leader lies.” I repeated. “What does that even mean?” We puzzled on the riddle for a while, then one of the grade 9's spoke up.
“How about the lighthouse?” She said. I added the lighthouse into the riddle. It made perfect sense.
“That's it! I remember reading about the mayor going to the lighthouse for an award ceremony.”
“Alright, let's go.” Liam said, still a little shaky from the aliens.

I led the way, grabbing what I could from the disintegrated aliens. When I was walking, I tried to figure out in my head everything the alien told me. “Could it be true what it said? I thought Pluto was no longer considered a planet. Is that perhaps why, and the media never told us the truth? Is that why Mars is frozen?” As I questioned the aliens teachings, I looked up and noticed we were back near Lisa's French room. Since the ceiling came down from before, we were trapped. The only way out of the building, was through the ceiling.

Fortunately for us, the ceiling slanted at an angle that was not too steep, and was eligible to climb. I grabbed Lisa's hand as we walked across the newly formed ramp. When we reached the top, we had to duck, from all the tubes and wiring. It smelled of sweat and hot copper. The surrounding looked like inside of a ventilation, except more space, darker, and a lot more objects inside. We started army crawling towards the direction we thought was the entrance. The banging and laser fire was a lot more clearer in the ceiling than it was on the ground. We felt the ceiling shake. I turned towards the roof to see a giant silver metal ball with legs and feet that reached up to 15 feet, ripping a part the roof.
“MOVE!” I yelled. I lifted up slightly to quicken my pace. The machine started firing below our feet. I glanced over to see metal melting from where the lasers were. The machine kept on firing below us, so we had an opportunity to go faster. It's really hard running from someone trying to kill you, while looking like you're a baby, I can tell you that much. As we came closer to the entrance, the machine shot a laser right in front of Liam. He fell and landed into a room with the lock melted. He was trapped.
“Don't wait for me! I'll find my way out!” He yelled. I panicked.
“I'll come back for you!” I replied.
“There is no time for that, just go!” And right when he said that, the alien blasted the ceiling in front of us. We fell to the ground.

The eight of us picked up ourselves off the ground and tried to figure out where we were. We were in the main hallway. The main doors were to our right. We bolted towards them, trying to find the quickest way of transportation. I have no idea how, but we managed to escape the building.