The Party Scene

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

I'm not going to lie, I really am not ready for this. I've been dreading this day for almost two months, and now I was going to have to face it. I had just moved to Baltimore three days ago, and I was now being forced to attend Dulaney High School. Despite my pleas to stay in California, my parents believed that moving half way across the fucking United States was brilliant way for our family to start over.
After my incident, my parents finally realized that I needed help, and decided to pull me out of my school so I could start a new life. But I didn't want to start a new life, I didn't want to be alive at all.
As we pulled up to the school, my mom flashed me an apologetic look, knowing how nervous I was. "I'm sorry honey, but you have to go to school" She said to me, before leaning over and kissing my cheek.
I gave her a weak smile then turned to open the car door. She whispered an "I love you" as I stepped out of the car and headed towards the school.
I looked around, taking in my surroundings. The school was large, and rather new looking. A crowd of kids stood at the doors of the school, chatting amongst themselves. I noticed that everyone was wearing expensive name brand clothing. I looked down at my Blink-182 t-shirt and skinny jeans, and suddenly I felt even more out of place.
All of the sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and the next thing I know I was on the ground. I looked up to see a boy with blonde highlights smirking at me. On his right was a buff brunette kid who was also smirking down at me.
"Excuse me, why the hell did you just do that?" I asked, picking up my backpack off the ground. "Cause you're a newbie. And a lame I see" The blonde highlights kid said. The buff dude just laughed.
"Well that gives you no fucking right to shove me!" I exclaimed, getting back on my feet. "Obviously you don't know how things work around here. You think you're cool skunk hair? You ain't shit" The boy retorted. "Show 'em Zack" He said to the other boy, and before I knew what was happening I was on the ground again, this time I had been kicked.
The boys laughed hysterically before turning and heading towards the school. "See you later fag!" The blonde kid yelled over his shoulder. Well, today was off to a great start.
After I got my shit together, I headed into the school to grab my schedule and find out where my locker was. The lady at the attendance desk was rather snobby, and didn't even ask if I knew how to get around the school. She just shoved the paper at me and continued talking on the phone.
Well fuck you too, I thought as I walked to my locker, which was apparently located in the A hall. 434, 442, ah finally, 448! I quickly put in the combination and luckily got it correct the first time. I shoved my backpack in my locker and hurried to my first class, AP calculus, which was located in the B hall.
I was still stressing out over the fact that highlights boy had called me a fag. How the fuck did he know that? Yeah, I'm gay, but I don't want people to fucking know that. That was the number one reason I got bullied at my last school, and I didn't want it to be a reason for me to be bullied here.
I swear to god, if people's eyes could burn holes through you, I'd already be dead. I stared at the ground as I walked into the classroom, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
Then I heard his fucking voice. "Well would you look at that, Skunk hair is a smarty pants!" The highlights boy yelled out, staring directly at me. This caused everyone else to turn and look at me, and I seriously felt like I was going to pass out on the spot.
Before I could respond I felt someone poke my shoulder. I turned around to see a kid with short brown hair standing behind me. "Hey, you're the new kid! Come sit with me, I don't bite!" He exclaimed, flashing me a grin. Damn, he had nice teeth. I didn't hesitate to follow the kid over to some desks in the back of the room.
As I sat down, the boy turned to face me. "I'm Rian, and you are?" He asked. "Uh, I'm Jack" I stuttered out, still amazed that someone actually wanted to talk to me. "Cool, I love your hair by the way!" He exclaimed, before reaching into his backpack and taking out a large yellow binder. "Thanks, everyone else seems to hate it" I muttered, glaring at the boy, who was now sitting on the other side of the room.
"Oh, you talking about Alex? Don't worry about him, he's just a douchebag" Rian replied, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I've only been here for less than an hour and he already hates my guts" I added, tapping my fingers on the desk. "Don't worry, he doesn't really like anyone, unless you're blonde and have huge boobs" Rian laughed.
I stifled a laugh, before looking over at the boy again. He was currently flirting with the girl sitting next to him. How predictable.
Before I could respond to Rian, the teacher walked into the class. She was a tall blonde woman, probably in her mid twenties. I'm not going to lie, she was gorgeous.
"Okay class I'm Ms. Reynolds, and I'm going to be showing you the way to master AP calculus". "I can name a couple other things I want you to show me!" Alex called out, biting his lip. Ms. Reynolds turned and smiled at him, before addressing him.
"And what is your name?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him. "Alex Gaskarth, but you can just call me your man" He replied, receiving high fives from the boys sitting around him.
"Well, I think I'd rather call you an immature horny teenager who isn't going to get shit from me" She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.
The class fell silent, and everyone turned to look at Alex, whose mouth was hanging open. I had just made the decision that Ms. Reynolds was my new favorite teacher.
The rest of the class went by without anymore unnecessary comments from Alex, and Rian and I learned a lot more about each other. I learned that he was into Blink-182, Green day, and New found Glory (which happened to be three of my favorite bands), he was a drummer, he had a girlfriend named Cassadee, and that he lived with his grandma due to the fact that his parents had been killed in a car crash.
Rian had invited me to come over after school, which I gladly agreed to. After what seemed like forever, the school day finally ended. As I followed Rian out to his car, I looked over to see Alex and Zack long boarding away from the school. Thank god, I won't have to see them again until tomorrow. Sadly.
Rian's car was a beat up looking truck, that smelled of air freshener and cologne. When we got into the car, he put in Green Day's album, 21st century Breakdown. The ride home was silent except for the sound of us humming along to the music.
We pulled up in front of a large yellow house, and as soon as we did, I immediately wished I hadn't came here.
Sitting on the porch steps of the house next to Rian's was none other than Alex and Zack. They were smoking cigarettes and laughing about something, I was lucky they hadn't noticed me yet. I tried my best to hide my face as I walked towards Rian's house, but my plan was a failure.
"Well would you look at that Zack? Mr. Potato head invited the Skunk haired faggot over for a tea party!" Alex exclaimed, and in a matter of seconds both him and Zack were on their feet and walking over to us. "What do you want Alex?" Rian asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We wanted to say hello to our new friend!" Zack replied, punching my shoulder roughly. Alex took another drag of his cigarette before speaking. "Where are you from fag?" He questioned, blowing out a cloud of smoke. I tried not to cough on the disgusting air as I replied "Why does it matter to you?".
"We need to know where to ship your gay ass back to" He responded, giving me a smirk. I could feel my blood boiling, and I knew I needed to get away from him before I did something stupid.
I think Rian read my expression because before I could do something he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his house. "See you tomorrow faggots!" Zack exclaimed as Rian pulled me inside.
"You didn't tell me he was your neighbor!" I cried, as Rian slammed the door shut. "I'm sorry man, I totally forgot to warn you!" He replied, giving me an apologetic look. "It's fine" I sighed, setting my bag down next to my Vans. "I know something that will make you feel better, lets go listen to some music!" Rian exclaimed, turning and heading upstairs. I smiled then began to follow him to his room.
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Hello friends I know this chapter kinda sucks but thank you for reading it, you all rock.
I'll update as soon as possible :-)