Status: I wont be finishing this, sorry

I Don't Really Know Where Our Ghosts' Go

Chapter 1

I walked along the corridor, it was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. A loud silence had filled my ears as I slowly walked down the stairs, steps creaking every now and then as I applied to much of my body weight for it to handle. Once I reached the bottom of the steps, I quickly ran to the door and escaped into the cold midnight air. It was currently autumn, making orange leaves litter the floor. The dark sky made the moon look bright and powerful. I descended down to the bridge, remembering what my father had told me. I should never go over the bridge and into the forest; that had been where all the murders took place. I knew he’d be disappointed in me if he knew I gave into my temptation of seeking through the forest. I just admire and daydream about what lies beyond where I stand now, what is it that has to be hidden behind the forest, why was I so curious anyway? I just shrugged and sat down besides the river, taking in the fresh, cold air. My lungs inhaled and exhaled, my chest raising and falling as they did. I watched the silver water dance under the moon. Little fish swam under the strong waves. Rocks scattered the bottom of the river. It seemed peaceful, right here in this moment. I just wanted time to stand still, so I could admire just this.

A loud bell signalled, awakening me from my sleep. I shot up, frightened by the sudden noise, then taking in my surroundings and seeing I had fallen asleep next to the river. I looked over towards the tall building that stood alone throughout the groups of other buildings. People were crowding around the front of the lone building. I scrunched my eyebrows, curious. I pushed myself onto my feet and dusted myself off. I was shivering from the coldness that overcame my body. My feet dragged me to the waves of people, the silent mutter now becoming a loud baffle of voices.
“What’s going on?” I asked my friend Jordan. I don’t really talk or interact with many people. Jordan is my only friend. I’m fine with just one friend. I’ve coped most of my life with no friends.
“There’s been another murder.” He simply stated. My eyes widen…that has been the sixth murder in two weeks.
“Is it by the same person?” I asked, curious to know. His head nodded up and down, his eyes half lidded, showing only half of his diamond eyes. Taking in his whole figure, it looked like he’d just woken up. His bedhead was messy and sticking up in random places, bags hung low under his eyes, purples and blues easily noticeable. We just stayed in our own silence. The baffle of voices became louder as someone started walking towards the crowd. I then noticed my dad was walking through the large crowd that had just surrounded him. He looked annoyed and too deep in thought to deal with the mumbled screams and prays of the village people.
“That’s enough. Stay calm and stay inside your homes until further notice. I will arrange a village meeting later on in the week, but for now, please stay inside and only go out if necessary, but don’t go out alone, or at night, do I make myself clear?” My father’s voice boomed. Everyone stood, silent and mumbling a ‘yes’ or nodding. A minute passed, and then everyone went off in different directions back to their homes. I just gulped down my words and followed my father into the once crowded building. We stayed quiet, everything just occupied with silence. Only the little breaths and occasional coughs or sneezes occurring. I breathed in and let out a heavy sigh, deciding to leave and go back to the house. It was quite a boring today, nothing to do but just sit around and be in my own world for a few moments; before being ordered to help my dad with his continuous cycle of doing nothing. It was just plain boring, repeated every day. I just wanted something out of the ordinary to happen, not that the murders are, but I mean, something out of the ordinary to me. The murders don’t really affect my daily life if I’m being honest. I don’t sit in fear or death and stay away from the forest. Bloody hell, I always stay just outside of the forest every night. I guess I just have to wait for something to happen, something to change my life, for either the better, or the worse.
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I added more, hope you like it. My writing style is shit tbh. But meh, still gonna write for like the 0 people that read this, so yeah, enjoy this, 776 words!!!!!!!