Status: Completed.

Different Dimension


It reached the time for the party before Zack had even realised it. Sierra had assured him he just needed to dress casually, a t-shirt and jeans, so that’s exactly what he wore. A nice plain black polo-shirt and jeans that weren’t ripped. He wore his nice shoes, because nothing else went with the outfit, but he looked okay. At least that’s what Sierra and her dormmate Tay said when he and Rian met up with them in front of the dorm building. Zack’s friend Alex joined them not long after, his dormmate Jack with him, and the six of them headed over to the party.

Zack was quite nervous, to be honest. He hadn’t really gone to parties in high school – not having many friends did have that consequence – so he wasn’t sure what to expect. And he knew college parties would be so different from pathetic high school parties, so that didn’t help to calm him down. What if he was laughed out of the place? What if he majorly embarrassed himself? He didn’t think he could handle that.

“Relax, okay? The party will be fun. And my cousin has loads of hot guy friends who will hit on you, so you’ll enjoy yourself,” Sierra murmured suddenly.

Zack blushed slightly, tearing out of his thoughts. Yeah, Sierra had taken one look at him tonight and realised he was gay, or something. He didn’t think he looked particularly flaming, but apparently to assemble an outfit as well as he did (her words, not his), it was obvious. Whatever. At least they could be friends now without it ever becoming awkward.

“Thanks. I think,” Zack mused.

Sierra just grinned. It wasn’t long before they reached the house, where it looked quite busy already, and Sierra just pushed the door open.

“My cousin’s in the kitchen. I’ll introduce you,” Sierra yelled above the music.

Everyone nodded and followed her. Zack tried not to let his eyes wander, but it was a struggle – there were a lot of hot guys here. He was at college, he was allowed to look, right?

“KENNY!” Sierra squealed.

A tall guy with scruffy light brown hair turned round, before grinning. Yeah, they were definitely related. They had the same eyes, if nothing else.

“Fuck, Sierra, it’s good to see you!” the guy said happily.

Sierra gave him a big hug, before stepping back to join the rest of them.

“This is my friend Zack, the guy I met from Florida, the one I told you about. And his friends Rian, Alex and Jack. And this is my dormmate Tay,” Sierra introduced.

“Hi, I’m Kennedy,” the guy smiled, “Good luck hanging around with Sierra,”

Sierra pouted, making them all laugh.

“This is my buddy and housemate John,” Kennedy said, poking the guy behind him in the ribs.

“Ouch, dude, unnecessary,”

Wow. John had impeccable cheekbones.

“Where’s Paul?” Kennedy asked his friend.

“How the fuck would I know? Probably trying to talk Martin into pretending that he’s enjoying himself,” John shrugged.

Huh. They sound…interesting. Juniors, eh?

“No, wait, he’s here. PAUL!” John called out.

Zack turned his head, eyes going wide. Fuck. Of course, of course his RA was here.

“Oh God, no I can’t see you guys here, I’m not supposed to let you drink!” Paul groaned.

Sierra looked confused. Zack just snickered, Rian laughing too.

“Paul is mine and Rian’s RA,” Zack explained.

“Ohhh…well technically you’re off duty tonight, so you can just pretend it isn’t happening?” Sierra suggested.

Paul frowned slightly.

“Why do I get a feeling that you’re not going to make my life any easier being friends with my freshmen?” Paul sighed.

Sierra just grinned, making everyone laugh, Kennedy rolling his eyes.

“Just don’t get too wasted. Your mom will kill me,” Kennedy said seriously.

“Yes Sir. Now, where are the shots?” Sierra asked, hands on hips.

Looks like tonight was going to be interesting after all.


A couple of hours into the party, Zack was pretty buzzed. Not enough to be tripping over his feet, or staggering, or even slurring, but enough to be completely relaxed and chilled out. He was enjoying himself, that was all.

It hadn’t taken long to realise that they were the only freshmen at the party but no-one had made too much of a fuss. Not with Sierra’s sassiness and the fact that she was related to the party-throwers. From what Zack could see, Jack was currently dancing with Sierra’s friend Tay, Sierra was in the middle of a beer pong match with her cousin Kennedy and a couple of his friends, Rian cheering her on, and the last time he saw Alex he was straddling a bearded guy on the sofa, lips locked and hands wandering. That had been an eye opener. But each to their own.

Zack wandered to the kitchen by himself to get a soda because he was thirsty, and because he didn’t want to get any drunker. He was happy as he was. There was nothing shameful about wanting to stay at a happy buzz, was there? But as he cracked open a can of Pepsi, he heard someone snorting from behind him. Was that aimed at him? Zack turned around with a frown to see a really drunk guy leaning in the doorway.

“Such a fucking freshman,” the guy slurred.

Zack paled slightly. Oh God. This was not what he wanted. Just keep calm. Cool and calm.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Zack said simply, squaring his shoulders.

“The freshman’s got an attitude huh?”

What? No he didn’t!

“What the fuck are you even doing at this party, huh? Standing there with a fucking can of Pepsi? Why don’t you just go home to your mommy?”

The guy kept ranting, and the longer he spat out insults, the more tongue-tied Zack got. He hated confrontation like this. A fight he could deal with. But verbal abuse always left him mute and embarrassed, like an absolute child. Why wouldn’t the guy just leave him alone? He wasn’t doing anything! Other than being pathetic, obviously, but still!

“Why don’t you just fuck off, huh Crabtree? Unless you’re gonna suck my dick to make you being here worthwhile?”

Zack inhaled sharply, turning his head to see a guy standing next to him. And that guy was honest-to-God the hottest guy he’d ever seen. Pale skin, messy dark hair, tattoos running up his slim arms, dark intense eyes…holy fuck he was gorgeous. And he was standing up for Zack?

“Whatever, Johnson,” the drunk guy sneered, before leaving.

Johnson. That was surname, right?

“You okay kid?” his saviour in skinny jeans asked.

Zack swallowed heavily as he realised how close the guy was standing. Wow. He was literally in groping space. Woah, wrong train of thought.

“I’m not a kid,” Zack muttered.

“Says the freshman holding a can of Pepsi,” the guy…Johnson mused.

Zack couldn’t stop himself from blushing slightly, making the guy laugh.

“Pour it into a red cup. That way no-one will notice you’re not drinking alcohol,” sex-on-legs suggested.

“Um, thank you,” Zack murmured.

Why hadn’t he thought of that?! Fuck, he really was a freshman.

“It’s not that I’m not drinking, I’ve had more than I probably should, but I just don’t want to get anymore drunk. My RA is here,” Zack rambled.

Shoot him. Just shoot him now.

“A freshman who knows his boundaries. That’s a new one,” the guy teased, hand brushing over Zack’s hip.

Oh wow. Oh wow. Zack just blushed again, although for a different reason obviously, earning another laugh. The guy stepped even closer to Zack, leaning forward so his lips were brushing Zack’s ear, making Zack’s breath hitch in his throat. How was this guy affecting him so easily? What was it about him?

“Enjoy the party,” the guy murmured, warm breath brushing over Zack’s cheek, before leaving the kitchen.

Holy shit. As soon as Zack’s heartrate went back to normal, he grabbed an clean cup, emptying the can in, before rejoining the party, head reeling from what just happened. Who was that guy? Who was Johnson? And what the fuck just happened?

“Dude, are you okay?”

Zack looked at his dorm mate, surprised. He hadn’t even realised he’d rejoined his friends.

“You looked a little flushed,” Rian added.

And of course, Zack blushed a little more.

“I’ve met the guy of my dreams,” Zack said with a goofy smile.

Rian just laughed, clapping Zack on the shoulder. Zack grinned in response. College was fucking awesome.
♠ ♠ ♠
So they've met!
Well, kinda.
But I promise it only goes up from here :)
Yay for Martin defending Zack!

Thank you to everyone who read the last chapter, and to the following who commented! Your feedback and thoughts are what drives me to write, so please keep it all coming!

Forever Young.
