Status: Completed.

Different Dimension


For the next week, Zack couldn’t get Martin out of his head. Like, Martin’s face and eyes and body and voice were all he thought about. Every single time he daydreamed, he caught himself thinking about the older boy – every single time. Even with his ex, Matt, he hadn’t felt caught up like that. Sure, Matt and Zack were still friends now, one of Zack’s only friends actually, so maybe that was why. They didn’t have that instant spark that Zack felt when he was around Martin, at that party and even just talking in Paul’s room.

It was unlike anything Zack had ever felt before. And it was so overthetop, so dramatic, because he’d only met the guy twice. But it seemed like twice was enough – there was nothing he could do to get Martin out of his head. It was like Martin had dug his claws in deep, with no chance of releasing him. He couldn’t stop thinking about him, and he didn’t know if he wanted to either.

Not to mention he’d had to take way too many cold showers because of Martin too, on top of how often he was jerking off to Martin’s beautiful face and enticing voice. Thankfully Rian’s Biological Sciences major kept him in the labs until late a lot of the time, or that could be awkward. What? He was a horny 18 year old – he couldn’t help it. Luckily he just about had enough control over himself not to get turned on in class by his daydreams. That would suck big time.

Rian had noticed him daydreaming though, sometimes zoning out in their dorm, or even at lunch, and had wasted no time in sharing this information with Alex, Jack, Tay and Sierra, all of whom decided that teasing Zack relentlessly was the best course of action. It wasn’t his fault! He couldn’t help how hot Martin was, or how his body chose to react to that! Martin was literally his perfect man – why couldn’t he daydream about the older guy?

Talking of daydreams, Zack was currently stuck in one as he walked to class. He knew the route like the back of his hand now, and just let himself drift along as he thought about how good it would feel to have Martin’s arms wrapped around him. And so on.

As usual, Zack didn’t have much luck, and he caught his foot on a step, barely breaking out of his thoughts as he started to fall, choosing just to squeeze his eyes shut…

…but a hand caught him.

And it’s Martin. Holy fuck. Martin just saved him from face-planting. How much more perfect could he get?!

Zack immediately blushed a deep red, stomach flipping at Martin’s resulting smile.

“Am I always going to have to save your ass?” Martin asked, raising an eyebrow as he let Zack’s arm go.

“I don’t know, you seem to be a pretty good knight in shining armour,” Zack blurted.

Oh fuck. Oh why the fuck did he have to say that? But Martin just laughed, smiling even more.

“Knight in shining armour…I think I can deal with that,” Martin teased.

Zack just smiled shyly. He flirted, however unintentionally, and the hottest guy he’d ever seen hadn’t rejected him. College was freaking awesome.

“How are you finding college so far?” Martin asked.

Martin wanted to talk to him? Like an actual conversation? Fuck yeah!

“It’s good yeah. No problems yet. Classes are alright and I’ve met a few nice people,” Zack nodded, trying to keep himself as calm as possible.

“That’s good! What are you majoring in? Or haven’t you decided yet?” Martin asked, leaning against the wall.

Wow. He really was interested in talking. Zack wasn’t going to pass this up.

“No, I’ve decided. Um, English major with a concentration in creative writing,” Zack said.

“Wow. You must really like books,” Martin mused.

Zack blushed slightly. Wow. Way to sound like a nerd, Zack.

“Among other things, yeah,” Zack said, smiling, “what are you majoring in?”

“Italian Studies,” Martin said, smiling back.

“That must be interesting. What got you into it?” Zack asked.

“My grandma is Italian, and her stories always fascinated me. It’s how I met Paul actually, his family are all Italian,” Martin explained.

Zack couldn’t help but love the way Martin’s eyes lit up as he spoke. He could only imagine how much Martin’s grandma meant to him if just mentioning her made him this happy.

“Ah shit, I’ve got to get to class...”

No! Damn it!

“…but I’d like to get coffee with you this afternoon,” Martin said smoothly.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Was this real life?!

“Y-You want to get coffee with me?” Zack asked, eyes wide.

Martin smiled even more and nodded.

“Yeah, I do. Maybe you can even tell me what was making you think so hard that you tripped up a staircase,” Martin teased.

Zack blushed heavily, making Martin laugh, but Zack smiled even more. Martin actually wanted to see him again. And not by accident this time.

“I don’t have classes after 3pm,” Zack said shyly.

“Perfect. I’ll meet you outside the library, after your last class?” Martin suggested.

Zack just found himself nodding. This was happening. This was actually his life.

Martin just smiled at his stunned silence, squeezing his shoulder, before leaving, Zack staring at his retreating figure until he walked round the corner.

Zack had a date. Was it a date? It seemed like a date. He had a date with a hot older guy who genuinely seemed interested in him. At 3pm, which was in…5 hours. And crap, he was going to be late for class too.
♠ ♠ ♠
They have a date!
(The date will be the next chapter, incidentally...)
Bless Zack for his daydreaming ^_^

Thank you to everyone who read the last chapter, and to the following who commented! I really would love to know your thoughts and feedback about this story, so please keep it coming!

Forever Young.
