Somwhere in the World


Dear Diary,

My friend Molly always laughs at me because I love love so much. I honestly don't see a problem with being a hopeless romantic, but every time I tell Molly this she just laughs even harder. She's a great friend, but this one thing she just doesn't understand.

I've always believed that somewhere in the world my true love is looking for me, so that's why I'm looking for him. Molly thinks I'm crazy, that we're still so young, only eighteen, and that we still have years before we need to seriously start looking for love; however, as much as I see her point, I have this feeling. It's hard to describe; it's almost like an ache, but doesn't hurt. It's quite exciting, actually.

I have a feeling that I'll meet my true love this summer.

My dad is worried. All fathers get worried when their daughters try to find love, but I actually think my dad's worries are well-founded. I mean, not every eighteen-year-old girl travels around the world with nine eligible young men for four months, you know?

But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm going to Parsons in the Fall for Fashion Design, and this summer I'm interning with one of the top fashion design companies in the world. I can't help it that I was assigned to Angela Marks, their top fashion adviser, whose job this summer is to travel with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer on their tour, can I?

I know, I know. My life sounds like some cheesy chick flick, right? That's what Molly told me when I told her about my summer plans. "Please don't tell me you actually believe that a famous band member is your true love," she said to me. I just laughed.

What if my true love is a famous band member, though?

I sound crazy, I know. I need to go to bed. Big day tomorrow. *sigh*

I'll keep you updated.

♠ ♠ ♠
I can promise you that I am well aware of the cliche-ness of the plot line. I am really hoping to bring that out in Laura's sense of humor and sarcasm; I already love writing her! My goal is to have this story be a fun summer story that you all can indulge in, can imagine yourself in as Laura, etc. because there's no way this would ever happen in real life.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the story, mostly because I do not know the ending yet. *wink wink* ;)