Status: In Progress



Kimberly awoke on the cold bus, covered in a wool blanket. Her eyes darted between the passengers before locking with the stranger across the aisle, “Where am I?” She hoarsely whispered.
With a grave blank expression the man’s voice boomed though he was only whispering, “The Alcan. We’re taking all survivors to the Lower 48.”
She sat up, the sun gleaming on her face, giving her a false sense of security and hope encompassed in warmth, “I don’t remember… Talking to you, or anything…” Her face still turned towards the window, she closed her eyes tightly.
When she looked over, his expression had changed to sympathy, “I’m sorry, we found you unconscious on a park bench… We didn’t think we should leave you so, Molly and I, Nick by the way, took you in, I guess…” He laughed sorrowfully.
“Oh… Alright…” She looked at him awkwardly, fumbling for the right way to say it, “…Thank you…”
He tried to smile but it came across as a pitiful mix of sadness and helplessness, “You’re very welcome. When we get to camp, in Washington, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
“Woah,” she reeled in her seat to where the frost was gripping her neck from the window, “you’re not from Alaska?”
“God no, no offense, but I would never live in such an isolated place with little safety from the wild.”
“Oookaaayy… So. Why did you come to Alaska?” She edged a little closer towards his way.
“To get survivors…” His face stoic, he shifted uncomfortably.
“For what…?” She smiled, a little on edge, suddenly feeling not so safe.
He ignored her and proceeded to talk a walk to check the aisles of the bus.
Kim could feel the welling of her eyes and turned away from the aisle again, “So what’s in the Lower 48?” her voice breaking up, she asked the other guard next to her.