Let My Love Open the Door to Your Heart


I'm in the kitchen looking through things to make for dinner and my phone rings. I grab it and see it is Ken.

"Hello," I said.
"Hey," He said.
"Party hard?"I ask since I haven't heard from him since Friday.
"A little, sorry for not calling all weekend."
"It's fine."
"I had a interesting dinner on Sunday."
"What was it?"
"I was just talking to my girls in this restaurant and saw Blake and he told us that we should join the family."
"You say Blake told you to join them."
"Did you join them?"
"My sister said of course."
"I'm so sorry for that. I told Ryan when he brought it up to not drag you in to it."
"I didn't even think about Blake thinking on the same lines and not talk to Ryan about it."
"Do they like the fact we together because I get the sense that they really don't."
"Your ex being around kind of hurt things but they were fine. Blake and you can get along. He also doesn’t like hanging out with Jade’s Wife Family at times so the more the merrier when they are at a table with him."
"Ok I get it."

I hear Mike coughing making me sigh.

"I got to go Ken," I said.
"Ok. Text me when you put Mike down so we can video chat?"
"Maybe. Mike is sick so he doesn't sleep good at night."
"Oh ok bye."

I hang up and go over to the couch and pull Mike in my arms. He looks at me. I kiss his head and pick up and go to the kitchen and get him water and sit on the counter holding him not knowing what else to make him feel better with the cold he is having.

He starts coughing. I take the cup and hold him over the sink. He threw the water up. I get my shoes and then grab my bag and put him in my car.

"No doctow," Mike said.
"I'm going to get some medicine."

I drive to the target and start looking at thing and then grab my phone and call my mom.

"Hello," She said.
"Mike got a cold," I said.
"Are you sure it's not strep throat?"
"Yeah or there is more than that wrong with him. He's not keeping anything down. He got a bit of a fever. What do I do about keeping something down?"
"Give him water and Gatorade. You also give him some meal shakes to get vitamins in him."
"Thanks mom."
"Fever is really bad for a child."
"I know what to do for that mom."
"Ok. Anything else you need?"
"No. I call you later."
"Bye. Call me with how he's doing."

I hang up and grab the Tylenol I normal get for him and go to the food aisle and find food. My phone rings making me look and see its Ryan.

"Hey," I said.
"Are you upset with Ken?"
"No. Why?"
"He seems a little down."
"Mike is sick. He's not keeping anything down today."
"Ok. Talk to you later."
"Ok bye."

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket and find the food things to get Mike and Gatorade. I go home and get him to take the medicine knowing his fever is high. I take care of him through the rest of the day. I'm lying on my bed reading my book while Mike is lying watching a re-run of a race going on. My phone rings making me grab it and see that it's already 2. I look and see Ken is calling. Mike looks at me. I kiss his forehead.

"It's just my friend," I said.

I hit accept.

"Hey," I said.
"You sound tried," Ken said.
"It's 2 and I haven’t' had a good sleep since Friday."
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's got a cold. It's pretty bad. He's not keeping a lot down."
"I will tell you if I'm mad at you or just hang up the phone."
"Are you upset about my ex?"
"No plus I have my family to tell me things."
"I guess that's true."

I start laughing looking at my socks.

"You ok?" He asks.
"My socks matches my shirt," I said.
"You’re tired, so I let you go but call me when you have time Or text me if you can video chat."
"Ok bye."

I hang up and Mike hands me the remote. I rolled my eyes and rewind the race form when Ken and I start talking and he smiles at me.
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