Let My Love Open the Door to Your Heart


I wake up and see Mike is still asleep. I kiss his head and get up and do my hair then start my make-up. Mike came up to me and smiles at me.

"Hey baby. I'm almost done and then I get breakfast," I said.
"Ok Mommy."

I smile at him. Jade came and pat my head before he leaves. I rolled my eyes and get Mike apple sauce and hand it to him. He sighs and eats half of it. I grab it and put the lid on and put it in the fridge before getting dress. I go outside and go in the pit and don't see Jade. I grab my phone and call him.

"Hey," Jade said.
"You are driving right?"
"Can you stop and get sweet tea for Mike?"
"Yeah. I got you breakfast. I see that you eat soup for him."
"I feel bad," I said.
"I know Jez. See you later."

I hang up and go inside and grab a cookie and hand it to Mike who is playing with the bikes at the table. He smiles and grabs it and start eating it. My dad came in and looks at me.

"Where is Jade?" He asks.
"He left without talking to me."

He sits down and Mike crawled on my lap. I kiss his head and wrap my arms around him.

"What is up with your hair?" My dad asks.
"It's a hair style dad."
"It's odd."

Whitey came and grabs a water bottle then came and sits next to me.

"Don't you look cute," She said.
"Thanks," Mike said.

She laughs and looks at me.

"He's cute," I said.
"Yeah he is. I was talking about you though."
"Thank you."

"You know where Jade went?" My dad asks.
"I need something form the store and Jade is getting if for me."

He gets up and walks outside.

"Well that's not odd at all,” Whitney said.
"Grandpa doesn’t like mommy's hair," Mike said.
"Really? I think it's different and looks hard as hell to do on yourself."
"Woke up early so I did something to fill time."
"It's cute."
"Can we play outside?" Mike asks.
"Yeah get dress."

I grab his clothes and hand them to him. He runs to the bathroom and gets change then run to the door. I get his pajamas and go outside and lean against the side since I’m in a skirt. Mike starts playing with the dirt bikes. Ken came and wave at me. I smile at him. He came over and lean against the RV close to me.

"How are you today?" I ask.
"I'm feeling good."

Mike smiles at him.

"Hey Buddy," Ken said.
"Your voice sounds much better than before."
"You can't Wide fiwst Moto."
"Why not?"
"So Uncle Wyan can win the season."

Ken laughs and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that," He said.

Ken shakes his head and pats Mike’s head.

"When are you guys going back?" Ken asks.
"Early Sunday," I said.

Jade came over and I see he has four sweet tee's.

"Really Jade?" I ask.
"That's for Mike?" Ken asks.
"Yeah. I put them in here and write his name on it."
"Thank you."
"Want to give him one now?"
"I got to pour in a bottle."
"I do it inside."

I open the door and he walks in. Ken looks at me.

"What?" I ask.
"You spoil him."
"He can't have food. That's sad. All he wants is a chicken nugget. It makes him feel better when he sees everyone eating."
"Ok. See you later."
"Be safe."

He hugs me and wave at Mike who waves at him. He smiles at me and walk away to his RV. My dad came and I smile at him.

"Jade is back," I said.
"Thank you. What was Ken doing over here?"
"Just talking."

I look at him wondering if he can handle the truth then shake my head.

"Dad him and Mike talk," I said.

Jade came and I see a bottle in his hand.

"Hey Mike you want to come with me while I fix up Marvin's bike?" Jade asks.
"Yeah," Mike said.
"Great let's go."

They walk away and Jade hands him the bottle. I walk inside and see Whitney eating Burger King.

"He got me cini minis?" I ask.
"They replace them with thing so it's all good."

I nod my head and she grabs it and see its Cinnabon.

"Oh this is great," I said.
"Jade though so too."

I look and see she's eating it.

"You ok?" I ask.
"Time of the month so I want something sweet."

I nod my head and eat breakfast then grab the coffee. I pat Ryan's head.

"Good Luck Bro," I said.

I smile at him and go outside and go over where Mike is and he runs to me.

"Ready to go baby?" I ask.

Jade looks at me.

"I'm fine," I said.
"Ok,” He said.

I walk outside and go to a place and we watch the 2nd group practice, the one Ryan is in. Mathilde came to me as Marvin came to ride the first practice of the 250 and we talk. We walk to the tent together. I sit Mike down at the table where Whitey is. She smiles at him.

"Here is his water bottle," She said.
"Thanks,” I said.

I shake it and see it's empty.

"Can I have more?" Mike asks.
"After a bottle of water."

I go to the haul and get three and set them on the table and sit down. Mike climb on my lap and I hand him my phone and watch as he plays Bad Piggies on my phone. Lindsay sits down next to me.

"How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good."

I nod my head.

"Second place isn't bad," I said.
"Yeah, I know but Ryan wants to get a number plate."
"There is Supercross."
"Yeah I guess that's true."
"People get hurt worse then so Ryan type of ridding dose great there."

Lindsay laughs and shakes her head.

"Love your logic," Lindsay said.
"I see how Mike might get his now,' Whitey said.

I rolled my eyes and Mike pouts at me. I look and see my phone is dying.

"I need to go plug it in," I said.
"I got it Jez," Whitey said.
"No problem."

Mike hand her my phone and smiles at Lindsay.

"No you cannot use my phone," She said.
"Ok Aunt Lindsay. Can I have more apple sauce?"
"Yeah want to eat here or in the RV."
"Out here."

I get up and get the apple sauce. I get a spoon and go and sit down next to Mike. I look and see Lindsay is gone.

"Where did Aunt Lindsay asks?" I ask.
"Over there talking to a girl."

I turn to where Mike pointed and see Lindsay is talking to someone. I shrugged my shoulder before sitting down next to Mike and kiss his head.

"Did you tell uncle Jade to get me Sweet Tea?" HE asks.
"Thank you."
"No problem. You do need water for every bottle of Sweet Tea."

I smile at him since he got a smile on his face. Lindsay came over and sits down.

"What up?" I ask.

She looks at me and shakes her head.

"It's nothing," She said.
"Ok. Not odd one bit."
"Trust me."

Mike finishes the apple sauce and smiles at me.

"Time to go watch practice," Mike said.
"Ok let me get water."

I go over and get bottles of water for me and Mike then get Mike and walk to the spot we watched. Lindsay came and I look at her.

"What up?" I ask.
"Nothing, now how are you?"
"It's not bad right now."

She nods her head and looks at me then turn me around so my back is facing her.

"How the hell did you do this to yourself?" She asks.
"Set up mirrors," I said.
"I can do something to your hair."
"No thank you."

I laugh and she put her arm around my shoulder.

"It works on you not on me," She said.
"Sure," I said.
"It's not my style."
"That is the truth."

She rolled her eyes turn me to the Track. I look and see Mike is watching intently. I smile and pick him up so he can see better. He watches the race then turn to Lindsay and waves at her.

"Bye Aunt Lindsey," He said.
"Bye Buddy."

She leaves and I put him down.

"You are getting big," I said.
"Thank you mommy."

I laugh at him and Mathilde came and we start talking as Mike watches the race. I pick him up and walk to the RV. I get him a bottle of sweet tea then walk to the pit with him and go over where my dad is and sit down. Mike waves at him then start playing with the bike he has in his hand.

"How are you Mike?" My dad asks.
"That's good."

My dad start talking to him makes me relax a bit about this morning. I get up at lunch time and take Mike inside the RV.

"So Broth or apple sauce?" I ask.
"Chicken Nuggets."
"I know you want them but I can't give you them innless the doctor oks them and he hasn't."

He pouts at me.

"Come on chose one and you get crackers with it and after half of it you can stop and get a cookie,” I told him.
"Ok, apple sauce.”

I grab a apple sauce and lay it down and get crackers down and put them on the table and grab one for myself and eat it with him. I get him a cookie and walk out of the RV so Mike can talk to Ryan before he goes out. Ryan smiles at him and grab my arm before I walk past him.

"Get meat in your system now," Ryan said.
"Got it," I said.

I walk over to Lindsay and she hands me a hamburger. I eat it watching Mike talking to Ryan. I go to the haul and see Ken on the counter drinking water.

"Hey," I said.

He looks at me and smiles. I walk over to him and hug him tight then kiss his lips.

"How you feeling?" I ask.
"Good. I'm feeling good."
"That's good. Just stay on the bike yeah?"
"You are here so of course I’m going to stay on the bike."

I look at him and he smiles and kisses my lips.

"I try my hardest not to fall down," He said.
"Thank you. Don't push too hard or might lose your point lead."
"Who do you want to win?"

I grab water bottles and then look at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Just want you both healthy," I said.
"Got it."

I walk out and hug Ryan.

"Be safe," I said.
"I will be."

He kisses my forehead.

"You good?" He asks.
"I'm good."

He nods his head. I stay back and walk to the pace with Lindsay and watch the race then go over to the place Mathilde is going to watch the race. I start feeling like someone is watching me making me nerves. Mathilde came and hugs me. I smile and look around but I don't spot anyone looking at me. The race starts and then she looks at me.

"So you are with Ken?" She asks.
"How did that start?"

I told her how Ken and I meet and him asking me out on the first date while the race is going on through her cheering for Marvin. She leaves once the race is done. Mike grab on to my leg making me pick him up.

"You ok buddy?" I asks.

He points behind me making me turn and see Ken's ex right behind me.

"Hello," I said.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
"Watching the race," I said.
"Right. Why aren't you with Ken? Don't you care about him?"
"I'm watching the races with my son. He likes both classes."
"Wonderful mother skills."

I rolled my eyes and I feel an arm around my shoulder. I turn and see Lindsay making me calm down.

"Hey Lindsay," She said.
"Leave her and Ken alone," Lindsay said.
"Really you are taking a teen mom's side then mine?"
"Yes because I know the mother."
"She wants Ken for his money."
"No that's what you wanted. I heard what happen to your boyfriend. He dumped you, so now you want Ken back. He has moved on and you should too."
"He's move on with someone who is older than me and who is a mother."
"I'm younger then Ken so I’m younger then you," I said.

She looks at me then Mike.

"Really were you on 16 and Pregnant? Couldn't get on Teen mom so you think Ken is the way to make a name for yourself?” She asks.

I hand Mike to Lindsay.

"Go watch the race. I catch up ok," I said.

She looks at me.

"Trust me Linds. I got this,” I told her.
"Ok, I be where we watch the first Moto."
"Got it."

She walks away and I turn and look Mariah.

"You really are stupid aren't you?" I ask.
"I figure with you getting a picture that you figure out more things about me but I guess you didn't."
"What does that mean?"
"You seem to know a lot about me besides my last name and family," I said.
"It doesn't matter. I don't know why Lindsay is defending you as hard as she is."
"My last name is Dungey so that will make Ryan Dungey my older brother."
"You can't be a Dungey. You have a kid."
"Things happen. Life isn't black and white all the time."
"Wait Ryan doesn't have a little sister."
"Look at Interviews and pictures when Ryan won his rookie year. You hear him say sister and would find pictures of a girl there that isn’t Lindsay.”

She looks at me and sighs.

"That's why Lindsay is protective of me but that’s doesn’t matter. You cheated on Ken and hurt him. He’s happy now so leave him alone and you should give him that and not bring up that hurt again," I told her.

I start walking away but I feel an arm grab me. I turn around and look at her and see her looking at me.

"You really like him don't you?" She said.
"Yes, or I wouldn’t be with him today."
"Ok. I leave you two alone. I just thought you are a gold digger and want him with someone better then how I thought you were."

I walk away and find Lindsey. I grab on to her hand knowing he's nervous since Ryan is in second. I look and see Ken is in fourth making me wonder if he's just cursing not carrying about the race. Lindsay runs to the tents when the race is almost over. I pick Mike up and he smiles at me. Once the race ends we go to the place Mathilde will be at and watch the race with her. We go back to Ryan's RV and Mike grabs a sweet tea and smiles at me.

"You doing good baby?" I ask.

The door opens making me look and see its Lindsay.

"Hey," She said.
"Uncle Wyan got second,” Mike said.
"Yeah I know."

She sits down and pats my leg.

"We are going out to dinner to celebrate. Let's go," She said.
"Do we have enough room for all of us?" I ask.

She looks at me.

"We have two cars. Ryan got one figuring we going to need it with the seven of us here," She said.
"I call the car that doesn't have my dad isn't in," I said.

She laughs and nods her head.

"Let's go," She said.

I get up and grab my bag and made sure it's all packed. Mike hands me a bike. I put it in then he goes and grabs a couple more and put them in my bag. I rolled my eyes as he look at the rest then my bag.

"You got enough Mike," I said.

Lindsay grabs the Car Seat. I pick Mike up and start fallowing him.

"Mommy," Mike said.
"Can I talk to Ken to say good job?"

I look and Lindsay and she nod her head.

"Just come with Jade and we figure out how it works so you’re happy," She said.

I walk over to the side and see Ryan waiting looking at his phone.

"Hey," I said.

Mike holds his arms out and Ryan grabs him.

"You did a good job," Mike said.
"Thank you," Ryan said.

I lean to the side and smile at Ryan.

"You just waiting around?" I ask him.
"Got to wait for how was your weekend, and Jade has to finish up too. Are you coming to dinner with us."
"I get soup," Mike said.
"Yeah you do, and crackers,” Ryan said.
"I bet you get a cookie when you come back."

Mike looks at me.

"Yes you do. You actually can have one now," I said.

I laugh as Mike slips out of Ryan's arm and start running to his RV. I hug Ryan since I can still see Mike waiting at the RV.

"Good Job in all of the season Ryan," I said.
"Thanks. We are going to spend about two weeks at home."
"I figure out the things when I came back to see about his heart."
"Thanks Ryan."
"You might want to think about spending a few days home while we there."

I walk to the RV and get a cookie and hand it to Mike. I pick him up and he points where Ken is. I walk over to him and he smiles at me. I smile and hug him. Mike waves at him.

"Hey Buddy," He said.
"Good Job," Mike said.
"Thank you Mike."

Mike smiles and show Ken the cookie.

"Cookies are good," He said.
"Yeah I know. I get to have them for a little bit."

Mike looks at him and brought his cookie closer to him and out of Ken's face.

"My cookie," Mike said.

I laugh and kiss the top of Mike's head.

"He won't eat your cookie," I said.
"He's not a cookie takew?"
"No only Uncle Blake is."
"Ok. You need make him cookies."
"I do?"
"Yep for him winning. You make the best cookies."

Ken laughs a little.

"What's your favorite type of cookies?" Ken asks.
"Peanut butter," Mike said.
"Those are good."
"Mommy makes muddy men for me."
"Chocolate frosting?" Ken asks.
"That sounds really good."
"She only makes them for Chwistmas time."
"Well then I hope I can have one then."
"Not if Uncle Blake eats them all."

Ken laughs and I look over and see Ryan is closing up the interview he's doing and there isn't anyone waiting to talk to him.

"We need to get going," I said.
"Going to go get dinner?" Ken asks.
"Yeah out somewhere," I said.
"Have fun."
"Thank you."
"I get another cookie," Mike said.
"So do you like Bikes better then cookies?"

Mike looks at him then the cookie he has.

"Bikes are not food. It's not the same thing," Mike said.
"I guess you’re right."

I smile and hug Ken. He kisses the top of my forehead quickly.

"Have fun at dinner," He said.
"I will."

He let me go and smile at Mike.

"See you later," Ken said.
"Bye," Mike said.

I smile and wave at him and start walking to where Ryan is seeing him and Jade looking at us. I go over and Jade grabs Mike form me.

"Where is your phone?" Jade asks.

I look at him and walk to the RV and grab my phone form the charger. I walk over to them and we go to the car. I get Mike in and get in the car since Lindsay, Whitney and my dad already left to get the table.

"Who is all joining us for dinner?" Jade asks.
"I think the Martins are eating with us also," Ryan said.
"That's ok right Jez?" Jade asks.
"Yeah, it's fine," I said.

He pulls up to the restaurant. I get Mike off and go to the restaurant with them and see Lindsay talking to Jeremy and Alex while my dad is talking to their mom and dad.

"You guys didn't leave my wife did you?" Jade asks noticing Whitney isn't in the lobby.
"She is getting us the table," Lindsay said.
"Good," Jade said.

Lindsay rolled her eyes. Whitney came and Jade hugs her.

"Uncle Jade thought they left you," Mike told her.
"Aw that's sweet," Whitney said.
"I was joking," Jade said.

She looks at me and I shake my head.

"Right that's cute,” She told him again.

He glares at me and Mike. Mike pokes his nose.

"Uncle Jade is cute,” Mike said.
"What's Uncle Ryan?" Jade asks.

I smile at Jade.

"Ask about the other one," I said.
"Oh what is Uncle Blake," Jade asks.
"Cookie Taker."

Jade and Whitney laughs.

"That's great," Whitney asks.
"I know right."

We go over where Ryan is with Lindsay, Jeremy and Alex.

"This Jezebel and her son Mike," Ryan said.

I wave at them. Mike turns so his head is in my shoulder. I kiss his head.

"He's shy?" Alex asks.
"Yeah," I said.

My phone beeps. I grab it and see it's a picture of Ken. Mike grabs it and I turn it on to Bad Piggies.

"I want to play cow," Mike said.
"That makes noise so it's not appropriate for a restaurant."

He looks at me and sighs before start playing Bad Piggies.

"He's three," Jade said.
"He understood that."
"More then what you normal talk about."
"When something is not rude," Mike said.

Jade looks at him then at me.

"See he knows what it means," I said.
"That's wired," He said.
"No problem."

A waitress came and called our name. We go and sit down and start talking while we eat.
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