Razorblade Kiss

Chapter Twelve: Arriving at Castle Bam

The two days past by so slowly. You spent your days cleaning the house and working. Dan hadn’t been home much and when he was he was sleeping or rushing out the door. You were kind of glad to be going to Bam’s. You wouldn’t be alone all weekend. You were packing your things getting ready to leave when your cell phone rang. It was Bam.


“Angel hey you still coming?” he asked

“Yeah packing up right now. I should be leaving in like 30 minutes.”

He made sure you had the correct directions and hung up.

I better call Dan you thought. You dialed his cell phone and waited for him to answer.


“Dan hey babe”

“Hey Ang”

“I just wanted to tell you that I'm getting ready to leave.”

“Okay I guess I will see you Sunday night. Sorry that I couldn’t go.”

“I know its okay baby. You just make that new client happy. Don’t work to hard.”

“I will.” He laughed

“Try to call me when you’re free."

“I will Ang. Love you.”

“Love you too Dan.” You hung up the phone

“Off to Bam’s” you said grabbing your things and heading to your car. You had a 30 minute drive ahead of you. You popped in Razorblade Romance CD and drove off.

You found Bam’s house with little incident. You made your way up the driveway. You parked your car next to a metallic purple Lamborghini and got out. You started to gather your things when you heard a loud crash. You looked up and saw a skateboard coming out of a car’s windshield. The car was cemented into the driveway. You stood there staring for a moment at the sight in front of you. Suddenly you heard a laugh coming from behind you.

“You like what Bam’s done” Ryan laughed

You laughed as you walked over to the car. Bam was heading over towards you.

“Welcome to Castle Bam, Angel.” Bam said as he tried to pull the skateboard from the car’s windshield.

“Is this a normal thing around here?” you asked helping Bam.

“Yeah pretty much, we tend to fuck up a lot of shit.” He said as he gave up trying to get the board out.

Bam grabbed you by the hand and started to lead you to the house.