Razorblade Kiss

Chapter Fifteen: Hanging with the Crew

~Fast Forward a couple of hours~

The game had continued and everyone was hammered. Rabb had passed out about an hour ago and it was just you, Bam and Dico left. After another hour and seeing Dico naked you decided to call it a night. You said goodnight to Bam and Dico and headed upstairs to you room. One inside you changed into your PJ’s a HIM tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. You slid under the covers and looked at the alarm clock on the night stand. 3:13am. I’ll call Dan tomorrow when I get up. You thought as you drifted into your alcohol educed slumber.

You woke up with one of the worst hangovers you ever had. You grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. You found some aspirin in the cabinet. You took a shower and felt a little better but you knew it was only because of the aspirin. You did your makeup and straightened you hair. You got dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a CKY t-shirt. You headed downstairs. As you reached the steps leading to pirate bar you smelt eggs and bacon. You entered pirate bar to find April cooking breakfast.

“Morning Angelus.”

“Morning Mrs. Margera.”

“Please Hun Call me April or Ape.”

“Only if you call me Angel.”

“Okay Angel. You want some eggs and bacon?”

“Yes Please Ape.”

April set a plate down in front of you. As you started eating Dunn came downstairs.

“Morning Ryan.”

The response you got was a grunt as he headed to the coffee pot. Dico soon followed. Rabb walked downstairs and stated eating the breakfast that April had set out for him. The last one to come down was Bam who stumbled down the stairs and sat down. He let his head fall to the table. A loud THUD echoed thought the room.

“Bet that felt good.” April said snickering.

“Hoped it would make the hang over go away. Note to self: DOES NOT HELP!!” he said smiling.

“So Bam what’s the plan for today?” Rabb asked with a mouth full of eggs.

“Angel you skate?” Bam asked.

“I use to but I had to give it up. No time and no money.” You smiled

“Well we’re going skating today then.”

“Bam didn’t you hear me I have no board.”

“Angel, Angel.” He scolded you.

“I’m a pro hunny. I got tons of boards. You can have you pick.”

“Okay I guess we’re skating.”

You said finishing you breakfast. You all talked for a while after finishing you food. Bam told everyone to be ready to leave in one hour. He grabbed you hand and lead you upstairs.

“Pick a board.” He said opening a door to a room full of Element stuff.

You picked out the Bam Goth Deck, destructo trucks, and element wheels. You assembled the board with some help from Bam.

“There we go” you said tightening the last bolt.

You and Bam went downstairs to wait for the guys.