Razorblade Kiss

Chapter Twenty Six: Staying the Night

~Fast Forward After the Hospital~

You went to the hospital. 3 stitches and two broken ribs later you were back at Castle Bam. You got out of the hummer with Ville’s help. He helped you into your room.

“You need your rest.” Ville said as he started towards the door.

“Could you stay with me until I fall asleep?” you ask him timidly.

“Sure.” He said as he laid next to you. You curled up next to him as he put his arms around you. You were asleep within minutes.

You awoke the next morning to find yourself still in Ville’s arm. You didn’t want to move you love being near him. He made you feel like nothing could go wrong like the world was a kind and gentle place. You looked at him sleeping. He’s so cute when he’s asleep you thought as you stared at him. He stirred and opened his eyes.

“Morning love” he said still holding you.


“Sleep well?”

“Very. I’m going to go take a shower.” You said as you slid out of Ville’s arms. You grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom.

You took a short shower and did your hair and makeup. You got dressed in a Stabbing Westward tank top and a pair of Jnco jeans. Once dressed you headed back to you room. You entered you room to find that Ville had left. You laid down on your bed. So many things have happened in the last 2 days. You lost your job, left Dan, moved in with Bam, and seeing Ville sent so many emotions through you. 'Am I falling in love? No I can’t be I've only know Ville for a short time. I can’t be in love. I just caught Dan cheating on me. I’m not as upset as I thought I would be. Ville makes me completely forget about Dan. Maybe I am in love.' You laid on your bed with so many things going on in your head.
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Sorry for the short chapters. Hope you are enjoying.