Razorblade Kiss

Chapter Seventy Seven: The Pain

~Fast Forward 1 Month~

You and Ville have been happily married for almost a month now. You loved the thought of being Mrs. Ville Valo. Everything had been perfect. You and Ville were so happy with being married and having a baby soon nothing could ruin your happiness. Even thought you were 9 months pregnant you felt great. And to everyone’s surprise you had even been helping out with some of the stunts for Viva La Bam. Of course against Ville’s wishes.

Everyone was out for a while, leaving you alone. This didn’t bother you. You were kind of enjoying it. As you sat alone on a bench out back a cool November breeze blew through the air, you loved how quiet it was. Castle Bam was always noisy. The boys were always up to something. But today you could hear a pin drop. As you sat enjoying the silence you were jolted out of your peacefulness by a sudden pain. You thought nothing of it at first. Until you felt another. OMG I think I'm in labor. You thought as you made your way out to the front hoping that everyone would be back soon. You were afraid. What if no one gets back soon? Will I have this baby right here? Please hurry back Ville. You thought as you sat and waited.

After an hour of sitting outside you heard a car pull up. You look up to see Bam’s Hummer. A wave or relief swarmed over you. As you hear the car turn off you feel another contraction. But this one was more painful, more intense. You let out a scream. You heard footsteps and saw Ville and Bam running over to you.

“Angel what’s wrong?” Ville and Bam said in unison.

All you could say was

“It’s time.”

Bam ran inside and grabbed your suitcase you had packed. Ville picked you up bridal style and put you into the Hummer. You and Ville sat in the hummer waiting for Bam. Ville stroking your hair. Another contraction sent a wave of pain through out your body. You let out a grunt and curled into a ball.

“Don’t worry love everything will be okay. I Love you.” Ville whispered into your ear as he rubbed your back. As the pain subsided Bam got into the Hummer.

“Bam you better hurry I don’t know how much longer it’s gonna be.” You said looking at Ville.

Bam turned around to look at you. He saw that you were in pain and needed to get to the hospital quick. He started the hummer and sped off to the hospital.