Razorblade Kiss

Ending #3

You sat on the couch waiting to leave to go get Ville. You flipped through the channels looking for something to watch. When you noticed a breaking news story. It was about a plane crash. Your heart almost stopped. Please let it be another plane not his. You thought as you stood up and watched intently. You listened to the reporter.

“Today at 7:34pm Flight 284 crashed. Officials say that it was due to engine problems. We are told that there are no survivors. We are also told that Ville Valo singer of the Finnish Band HIM was on this flight. We send out deepest sympathy to his family. Mr. Valo is survived by his wife Angelus and his son Brandon. Again Flight 284 has crashed and there were no survivors.”

You didn’t move for a second. You weren’t sure what you just heard. It finally hit you Ville’s plane had crashed and there were no survivors. Ville was dead. The love of your life the father to your children was dead. You let out a blood curdling scream and fell to the floor. You heard footsteps and Bam appeared in the room. He ran over to you asking what was wrong. You couldn’t way anything you just pointed to the TV. Bam turned his attention to the TV. He watched as replayed the reporters report on the crash. He fell to the ground next to you. A look of shock and disbelief on his face.

“No he can’t be. This isn’t real.” Bam kept repeating. He wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you sobbed. Suddenly you heard Brandon’s voice.

“Mommy what’s wrong?” he said looking at you. You grabbed him and held him close to you. He looked up at you with those green eyes. This made you cry even more. Bam left the room to find everyone. He came back with the guys and April. April saw you crying on the floor.

“Bam what’s going on is Angel okay?” April asked and everyone repeated. He looked at everyone with tear filled eyes.

“Ville’s plane crashed. There were no survivors.” Bam said bowing his head. Everyone stared at him in shock. April ran over to you crying and held you and Brandon. You were a wreck. You finally let go of Brandon and April took him to the kitchen. You looked up at Bam.

“Bam please tell me this is all a dream and that Ville is okay.” You cried.

“Angel I wish I could. But this isn’t a dream. It’s real and Ville is gone.” He said this and you started to cry even harder.

How could he be gone? I just talked to him a few hours ago. This cant be happening. My love is dead. How can I go on without him? He will never see his unborn child. This child will never know its father. You thought as you put your hand on the small bump that was your tummy.

~The Funeral~

You sat in a chair with Brandon on one side and Bam on the other. You could focus on anything but the casket in front of you. Your love was in that box. He would never hold you again. He would never touch you, never kiss you. You would never hear his voice again, he would never sing to you again. This was all to over whelming. You couldn’t take it anymore. You jumped out of your chair and ran over to the casket. You threw yourself on it.

“Ville my love I need you. Why did you have to leave me? I need you. I love you.” you cried as Bam tried to pull you off of the casket. But suddenly you heard a voice saying your name. It sounded like Ville. You shot up. Bam looked at you funny.

“Did you hear that?” you asked him.

“Hear what? All I hear was you screaming at the casket.” He said.

“Ang” you heard the voice say again. You looked around trying to find where the voice was coming from.

“Angel” the voice said again. You closed your eyes listening to the voice.

When you opened your eyes you were in the hospital Dan was sitting next to you holding your hand. He saw you were awake and started to cry.

“OMG Ang. I’m so happy you are awake. We all were so worried.” He said kissing you.

“What’s going on?” you asked a little confused.

“Ang you were in a car accident. You were on your way to the HIM concert when you crashed your car into a tree. You hit your head off the steering wheel and went into a coma.” He said looking at you with love in his eyes.

“I never made it to the HIM concert?”

“No you didn’t you’ve been in the hospital the last 3 months.” You just looked at him. This was a lot to take in.

'I never met Ville or Bam. All of it was a dream. Dan cheating on me. Me dating Ville. Us getting married and having children. His death. All of it a dream.'