I Remember

Chapter 12

Note: I am going to change this chapter to third person. This is a dream, just to let you all know, but I kind of want it to be like a movie. When he has a thought it will be in regular type not italics. So just please go with me on this . . . . . Also I have never flown before so be kind to me-lol . . . . On with the story . . .

He stood inline with a few passengers, waiting to board his plane. He looked down at his ticket,

Flight 284: Non stop
Leaving: Los Angeles at 2:35pm
Arriving: Philadelphia at 8:26pm

He read to himself. He let out a huge sigh and shuffled his feet as the line moved. Only a few more hours and I will be home with my family and in my Angel’s arms, he thought as he finally made it up to the front.

“May I have your boarding pass please,” the woman at the desk asked. He handed her his boarding pass and waited.

“Okay Mr. Valo, we are all set. Have a good flight.”

“Thank you,” he muttered as he made his way onto the plane.

Once inside the plane, he found his seat quickly, fastening his seatbelt once seated. He grabbed his carry on bag and pulled from it a picture. He looked down at it, a smile spreading across his lips. Angel, I will be home soon my love, he thought as he rubbed his thumb over her face. He stared at the picture for a little while, just looking at her beautiful face, wishing he were with her right now.

“Once I get home I will be taking time off. I want to be there to watch this child grow inside you. I want to be there with you every step. I want to be the person you cry to, laugh with, and yell at. I don’t want to miss a thing like I did last time. I will be there I promise,” he said talking to the picture, as if it might be heard by his love.

Once the plane was finally in the air, he pulled his I-pod from his bag, placing the headphones in his ears. The music of the Rolling Stones filled his ears. He laid his head back and shut his eyes, falling asleep to the music.

A few hours later he awoke with a start, the plane had jerked. He took the headphones from his ears and placed his I-pod back in his bag. He sat looking around at the other passengers, looking at the scared expressions on their faces. A few more minutes passed, everyone started to calm down, blaming the jerk of the plane on turbulence. He sat back in his seat, his muscles relaxing a bit. Suddenly the plane jerked again, sending the flight attendant flying down the isle. His expression changed from relaxed to worried, as the plane jerked again. He closed his eyes for a second, praying that it was just turbulence and everything would be fine. As he opened his eyes, the pilot came on over the loud speaker.

“Folks we seem to be having some problems, but nothing to worry about. Just sit tight and we should have this problem corrected soon.”

He tensed up as he processed this news. He knew that something wrong with the plane wasn’t a good thing. He looked down onto his lap and saw he had left out the picture. He stared at his smiling love.

“I don’t know what is going on, my love, but I know that I will do my hardest to get home to you,” he said as the plane jerked again.

He closed his eyes, fear taking over along with a want to live. He listened to the voices around him; some were trying to calm their loved ones. Others were crying and repeating that the plane was going to go down. He opened his eyes and once again looked at the picture in his lap, dreaming of his Angel.

Within minutes the plane jerked again, but this time it started to nose dive. Everyone was thrown forward from their seats. Screams were all that could be heard. He closed his eyes; a tear fell from his face. As he opened his eyes he saw the picture lying in front of him. He grabbed it, saying his final goodbyes.

“Angel, my love, my life, I never wanted to leave you, but I have no choice. I love you and I will always be watching over you. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. You are my savior, my soul, my everlasting love. I cherish you with my last breath. I love you,” he said kissing the picture and smiling at his love. He looked out the window one last time to be greeted by Pennsylvania country side. He smiled thinking of time he spent with Angel and the love they had shared.

The plane soon crashed to the ground, parts scattering everywhere. All the passengers died on impact. His last thoughts were only on one thing, his beautiful Angel.

I awoke screaming at the top of my lungs, my breath coming in long gasps. Soon Bam burst through my door, running to my side and taking me into his arms.

“Angel, what happened?”

“I . . . had . . . a . . . horrible . . . dream,” I said between sobs.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” he asked, rubbing hi hands down my back. Once I clamed down I began to tell him about my dream.

“I was Ville in this dream; I saw things as he did. I saw his final hours. Bam, I saw Ville die!” I sobbed.