Tattoos of Memories


We were kissing on the couch, my arms wrapped around Erica's waist and her arms hooked around my neck. Her lips were like a drug that I couldn't go a second without and I was addicted to the taste of her mouth, the way it enveloped my lips in a warm hold.

But there was so much that I needed to know and before I got any further attached, I had to have my answer.

So with every ounce of will power, I pulled away and took a deep breath.

"Listen, Erica, I love this, but I need you to give me an answer," I demanded in a warm, but firm whisper. She looked down, her brow furrowed in deep thought.

I wasn't sure that I wanted to know after a minute of silence from her side. She was taking too much time deliberating and I was starting to wish that I had just kept kissing her.

Finally, Erica spoke up.

"I can't keep letting my past dictate my present-day life. And I can't deny that I'm feeling something magical when I kiss you. So I think I'm going to take a risk and say yes."

My eyes lit up with excitement as I picked her up off of the couch and spun her around. She was giggling, her arms still locked around my neck.

"Thank you," I whispered into her throat, sealing it with a kiss on her collarbone.

"Well thank you for being patient. I know that I must have been really annoying," She responded, her tone genuine and bursting with kindness.

I held Erica against me, her head resting against the warmth of my chest.

I looked over at the clock and was shocked by how quickly time had passed. I let go of Erica after kissing the top of her head, inhaling the fragrance of strawberry that wafted out of her hair.

"So I have the boys all week and we have just started recording our new album, so I'm going to be away this week. But I'll call you a lot and we'll...take it from there, okay?" I said as I held her hand. She nodded and I pulled her into another hug.

"Have a good week, Bille."

We stood in the middle of her living room in a silent embrace. I reluctantly let go of her, knowing it would be, at the least, a week until I held her again.

"I gotta go, babe," I murmured, remorsefully. She frowned and kissed me lovingly, the taste of her lips lingering on my tongue.

I left her apartment, a smile tattooed onto my face.

I dialed Adrienne's number, knowing that no matter what she had to say to me, there was no way she could ruin my day.

"Hi, the boys are ready and waiting by the door," She answered, her voice short and frazzled.

"Great, see you in a few minutes!" I exclaimed cheerfully before hanging up. It pleased me that she was in a seemingly bad mood and I was having one of the best days of my life.

I turned the radio on and jammed out to Queen as I drove to Adrienne's. For the first time ever, I was making this trip with a smile on my face and that made me even happier.

I pulled into Adrienne's driveway and turned the car off, throwing the keys into my pocket. I could see Jakob and Joey standing at the door, their backpacks slung over their shoulders. Adrienne was behind them, staring at me blankly.

Jakob threw open the door and lunged into my arms.

"Daddy!" He shouted in my ear and I chuckled, enjoying every second of his greeting.

"Hey, Jake. I missed you," I said as I placed him on the ground, ruffling his hair playfully. Joey threw his arms around my waist and I beamed, feeling more loved than I had ever felt before.

I looked up at Adrienne. She had slipped on a pair of sunglasses, but I could tell that she was disenchanted by the boys excitement. But I couldn't tell if she was angry or just sad.

"Hi, Adrienne!" I greeted her, waving. She feigned a smile, most likely to keep the boys happy.

"Hi, Billie. How are you?"

I smiled and just shrugged.

"Life could not be better, Adrienne," I replied before glancing down at the boys who were arguing over dinner.

"I want pizza!" Jakob shouted, glaring at Joey.

"Well I want macaroni and cheese," Joey simply said before looking at me, waiting for my approval.

Adrienne was staring at me, as well. I knew that she just wanted to see what I would say or how badly I would fuck things up.

"Boys! Do you think that just because you're staying with me this week that you are going to have unhealthy food?" I inquired, watching as they both stared at me, confused.

"But you're the fun one," Jakob whispered quietly. My mouth dropped and I didn't want to look at Adrienne, knowing that I would actually feel bad for her if I saw her face.

"Jakob, don't say that. Parents aren't supposed to be fun, they're supposed to keep you healthy and safe," I reprimanded him, but inside, I was filled with joy. I was the fun parent.

He didn't say anything else, his eyes stuck to the pavement.

"Alright, well I gotta get going. Say goodbye to me boys," Adrienne said, her voice strong, showing no hurt.

Joey and Jakob both hugged Adrienne before running into the car. I simply waved before getting in the car, as well.

"So what's for dinner, after we get home?" Joey asked, innocently. I turned to him and smiled wickedly.

"Pizza and macaroni and cheese."
♠ ♠ ♠
College is starting soon and I'm going to try and make the updates regular. :)

BTW, please check out one of my best friend's photography page. You might know her, she's the one that leaves the most flattering and lovely comments on this story, Batman Forever; (Although I appreciate all comments, thank you to everyone who has commented, please do more of that)

Awesome Photography on Facebook

Awesome Photography on Flickr