Gerard Is Dead!

Tweezle's Chapter That She Forgot To Name

When the crowd saw Hannah running across the stage on fire, slowly dying in agony, they began to cheer.

“Die, Bitch, Die!” a small emo child shouted.

The flaming girl was so distracting that no one noticed the horror happening onstage. The rest of MCR joined Bob in crowding around Gerard’s lifeless body. Hoping, praying it wasn’t true. Mikey pushed through the rest of them and fell to the ground next to Gerard.

“No!!!” he screamed. “No!!”

It was then that the crowd noticed. The air was suddenly filled with moaning and screaming. It started soft, but as more people realized what had happened it got louder and louder. Mikey was oblivious to it all.

“Why are you just standing there?” he shouted angrily to the rest of the band. “Someone call an ambulance!”.

“Mikey...” Frank said, tears streaming down his face, “it’s over. He’s...he’s...d-dead”.

Frank tried to put his hand on Mikey’s shoulder, but Mikey pushed it off and kept shaking his head.

Ray poked Frank from behind to get his attention. “Should we, um, at least call an ambulance for that 15 year old girl?”

“No way!” Bob butted in, “the bitch killed Ge-” Bob stopped talking when he looked over at where Hannah Montana had been. All that was left was a pile of ashes and a blonde wig.

“We haven’t seen the last of her...” Ray whispered. Everyone nodded in agreement. Mikey stood up from where he had been kneeling over Gerard.

“But next time... We’ll be ready,” he said, taking a superhero pose. Just then MCR’s manager woke up from his nap and rushed out onto the stage.

“Oh My God!” He exclaimed when he saw what had happened. “Offstage, everyone!” He shouted at MCR.

“What about Gerard?” Mikey asked.

“I’ll deal with it," the manager replied. Once he had shoved them all off stage he looked around. What a mess had been made! He looked out at the audience who were still in a panic. Luckily most of them had committed suicide, so there wasn’t as many people to deal with. He decided to just let them leave or die off on their own. He got out his cell phone and called the police. A body bag was on its way.

Gerard opened his eyes. He had found himself lying on the floor in a small burger place.

“What the...” Gerard muttered. "What happened?"

Then it all started to come back to him. The concert...crowd cheering...and then.... Her. Gerard looked around again. It must have just been a bad dream. Then Gerard heard a pleasantly familiar voice.

“Can you open this for me?” Frank asked Bob, handing him a bag of Skittles. Bob took the bag wordlessly and popped it open, spilling the majority of the skittles onto the floor. Frank burst into tears, pounding his little fists on the table. Gerard had seen Frank get upset about spilled Skittles, but never this upset.

“First Gerard and now this!” Frank wailed, burying his head in Bob’s burger.

“First me, what?” Gerard asked, approaching the table. Ray cut him off, nodding in agreement with Frank.

“What a day." He then started picking the skittles off the floor and dropping them into Frank’s milkshake for him. Mikey just stood there staring at a burnt fry on his plate.

“I can’t believe Gerard’s dead,” Frank said softly, lifting his head up to take a sip of his shake.

“What?” Gerard yelled. “No! I’m not dead!” he screamed. “I’m right here!” He waved his hand in front of Frank’s face. “I’m right here,” he repeated louder, jumping up onto the table. Still everyone ignored him. Gerard went up to Mikey.

“It’s me! Look at me!” he shouted. He tried to shake Mikey, but his hands went right through him.

“It’s useless” a voice from the corner said. “I’m the only one who can see you”