‹ Prequel: Insatiable.
Status: Will be updated in late June when season four starts. I may place one or two chapters up before that though but the main, main story will start then,.



"I saw everything that was going on, I felt it like I was the one doing it." I had walked out of the room and was now in the kitchen listening from far. I held the cup of coffee in my hand and leaned against the door frame not making myself noticeable as Stiles and Scott spoke, Scott had sent the ground in search for Lydia.

"You didn't do it though, it wasn't you." I heard Scott reply as he sat next to him.

Stiles ran a hand through his greasy hair and sighed, his hands where shaking and he looked tired. I took the chance to make my way over to them and hand him the hot cup of coffee, hoping it would warm him up. I looked into his green eyes and saw the fear, sadness and pain. I could also smell a weird scent but I didn't know what it was coming from.

I took a seat on the small table across from him and placed my hands on his knees, he was jittery as well. It pained me to see him this way and I just wanted to take the pain away, Swiftly I grabbed his hand and closed my eyes. I could feel the immense pain that he was in flow through my body and I quickly pulled away.

"Stiles..." I was going to say the plain obvious but didn't, instead I stood and grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped it around his body.

I watched Scott quickly move so I could sit next to Stiles, I sat to where he could place his head on my lap and take a nap.

"Do you think they will find her?" I asked quietly to make sure not to wake up Stiles.

"I hope so, we have to kill him." Scott responded and soon after Daeton walked in.

He wore a simple black jacket like always, in his hand was a box with the necessary tools as a just in case. Walking over to the kitchen he sent me a smile and then looked at Scott.

"He made a powerful move, removing Stiles from his body." I heard them talk but didn't really pay attention, I ran my hands through Stiles soft hair. I didn't realize how tired I had been until my eyes closed and I was not sound asleep.

I stared at the yellow eyes in front of me, she was just sitting there looking at me; her black fur moving with the breeze.

"Why did you give me control?" I asked while walking up to her.

I never knew how big she was until I walked closer, it was the first time she was allowing me to come near her at all.

"I have come to realize, with this whole situation that we are one." Her voice was sweet, soft and calming.

I nodded as I took a seat in front of her and watched as she laid at eye level, her teeth bared and she looked me dead in the eye.

"He will try to make you his...kill him...kill the fox."

My eyes shot open as I felt Stiles pushing from me and the couch, Scott grabbed him as well as I did. His skin was like ice to the touch.

He was dying.