Memories From a Dead Girl


"I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

We were sitting in a small coffee shop when Chloe spoke to Austin. I'd taken a seat on the window sill, which wasn't allowed, according to the sign, though no one would ever know. I leaned closer, listening.

"Do you think she's still here?" Austin asked suddenly.

All of the conversations around me seemed to stop. This was the first time that Austin had ever acknowledged that I was around.

Yes, I wanted to say. I'm still here. Oh, God, I'm still here. Please help me.

"Maybe," Chloe answered, sipping her coffee. She grimaced. "I thought you didn't believe in ghosts?"

Austin gave her a thin smile. "So you didn't forget everything about me." He scratched the back of his head. "I believe in presences, if that makes sense."

If I had a heart, it would have completely stopped at this revelation.

Chloe and Austin had been together?

I stood up, pressed my hands against the table, and pushed. To my shock and everyone else's, the table lifted to the side, spilling coffee cups and sugar onto the floor. I didn't even know I could do that until I'd felt the anger and reacted.

Chloe rushed to stand. "What just happened?"

"Bad table leg?" Austin offered. He knelt to clean up the mess.

"You should have told me," I hissed to my sister.