Memories From a Dead Girl


Chloe poured Austin another glass of wine. I'd watched her all night. She didn't know what else to do but ply him with drinks. She was smart, my sister, knowing that alcohol could help the situation more, that maybe he would have remembered.

"Slow down," she said softly. "What do you mean you remember everything? Austin." She grabbed his arm. "What happened to Olivia?"

Austin, drunk from the wine, looked at Chloe. He looked broken as he said, "There was someone else on the side of the road that day."

I closed my eyes. "Think, damnit."

I knew there had been someone else, but I couldn't tell them, being dead and all. But that didn't matter, because I couldn't bring the past into the present for them to see. Frustration coursed through me, and I did something stupid.

I pushed the glass out of Austin's hand. It flew out of his hand and hit the floor, shattering.

He stood, his hands shaking. "I didn't do that."

Chloe's eyes widened, then she spoke quietly.

"No, it wasn't you."

Her words, though ones I begged to hear, settled over me in an eerie way.