Memories From a Dead Girl


I watched Chloe get ready to see Austin. It reminded me of the first time she'd told me about him. That part of our life seemed so long ago.

I was sitting on the couch reading when Chloe came in. She was completely excited over something and I could almost tell what it was by the way she squealed and skipped over to me, dumping her bag down by my feet.

"Let me guess," I said. "You met someone?"

Chloe grinned.

"What's his name?" I asked, slipping a bookmark in my page.

"Austin," Chloe said. "I met him at the college. He's really nice. I'll invite you to the campus soon so you can meet him."

"Why can't you just invite him over?"

Chloe frowned and ran her fingers through her long, tangled black hair. "I thought you wanted to see where I went to school. You're thinking about what colleges you want to attend, aren't you?"

College was for people with a pulse.

My fate was sealed the second I stepped out of Austin's car. I was never going to grow up, become a famous author, or get married. I'd had dreams for myself, and they were taken because some stranger decided to stick a knife in me.

Frustration swirled inside me until I couldn't take it, and an idea exploded inside my mind, an idea so insane, so intense, that I didn't think it was possible to get answers.

But it was the only way.
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So, things are about to get weirder.