Come Back to Me

Turn around

As we make our way to Starbucks I try to slow our pace, slowly convincing myself to turn around and head back to the hotel.

"So, I have a question." I get a slight fright when Mel speaks, I was day dreaming about running home.

"How do we know it's him? Did he tell you what he looks like?" She starts laughing. "Dumb question. He probably looks like you but without the hair!"

"I don't know. I guess we just look for 2 guys."

"I guess.. You nervous?"

"Terrified. I don't think I can do this. What if it's a lie?" I asks stopping in my tracks and looking towards our hotel.

"But you found the newspapers.. I don't think it's a lie sweetie."

"I am so nervous.." I whisper. Mel cuddles me, and takes my arm, entwining it with hers and starts to slowly walk again.

"It'll be fine. Honest. I can't really imagine how you're feeling. Your whole world changing in the blink of an eye, from one letter. What are you going to do about your parents..well..kidnappers should I say?"

"Let's just take one step at a time.."

It suddenly dawns on me that i hadn't even thought of them as kidnappers after finding out. I hadn't asked myself the question, why would they take me? In the distance I can see Starbucks and since it's so close to the beach there a few people hanging around. Hard to know if Tom is one of them. Maybe he's sitting down inside.

"I love California.. I should come here more often." Mel adds, looking up at the sky.

"It is nice.. And warm."

As we reach Starbucks I tug at Mel's arm to slow down. I want to look at people, see if one of them at least resembles me.

"Do you see him?" I whisper to Mel. We both look at the people standing, talking to their friends. Then I see two men standing, talking to one another, their backs are to me so I can't see their faces. They look as though they are waiting on someone. One is tall, dark brown hair, very tanned and is wearing a white T-shirt with blue jeans. The other is shorter than his friend, dirty blonde hair and wearing surf shorts with a white vest. Mel looks in the direction I am staring at and then she nods, tugging my top frantically.

"Do you think it's one of them??" She asks.

"I think it's the shorter one." I whisper.

"How do you know? You can't see his face.." She's right, I can't. But how do know it's him? The way he's standing, maybe. I stand like that. I have a habit of standing with my arms folded, swaying left to right.

"His posture.." I whisper.