Status: Work in progress!

We Are the Reasons

Chapter 1


If I had known what that book had held, I would never have stopped at that garage sale. I would never have even glanced down that street, never even have taken that route back home.
But of course, me being me, I had to go down and look at what was going on. I had to go and look through the books with the musty smell, and pick up the thickest one I saw, with the most intricate design on the cover.

My mind constantly travelled to that day. That one dumb decision, a five dollar bill and a 10 centimetre thick book changed not only my life, but the lives of six other people as well.

I couldn't help but grin as I stepped out of the metro station, the wind blowing my brown and purple hair around my face. It was finally getting warmer and I had decided to take the long way home, which was a fifteen minute walk instead of a five minute metro ride.

I adjusted my bag straps and my headphones as I started making my way down the sidewalk. Everyone was bustling around me, the street was filled with cars lined up, waiting for the light to change, but somehow I was completely oblivious to it all. All I could pay attention to was the beautiful, clear sky and the music in my ears, turned up to (almost) full volume.

As I turned the street corner, I noticed something written in chalk on the sidewalk. Garage sale! it said. Everything must go!

I shrugged, looking in the direction of the arrow under the words. Garage sale generally wasn't a term you heard very often in the heart of a big city, but when you did, it was definitely very exciting.

"Why not?" I thought. "It's worth a shot."

I had a bit of money in my wallet, and it couldn't be all that expensive, could it?

I walked to the right in the direction of the arrow, which wasn't really on my way home but eh, I could spare a few minutes. I crossed the street and walked passed a few houses before finding the place I needed to be. A table was set up with various things such as toys and figurines, and beside the table, on the floor, were numerous plastic crates filled to the brim with so many different things: baby clothes, records and cassettes, old books, and various knick-knacks.

I was most interested by the records. I bent over, crouching down beside the blue bin, and flipped through each record and cassette but there was nothing particularly interesting.

My attention switched to the box next to it. It was a bit wider, and yellow in colour, filled with books. There were all types of books, ranging from Harry Potter to the romance novels your typical suburban mom would read. I shifted my weight a little bit so my ankles wouldn't hurt, then started looking through the books.

Right at the bottom was the thickest book I had ever seen. It wasn't too big, but it made up for that with the thickness. The cover was peeling a bit, and it was bound in brown leather. I pulled it out carefully. There were faded gold knot-work framing the careful lettering on the cover. I frowned slightly, trying to decipher what it said. The Prophecies of the Chosen Ones?

I rolled my eyes. It sounded so ridiculously stupid, but for some reason, I didn't put it back down. I opened it up to the middle. The pages were old and yellowing on the sides, but the print and the images looked as if they were freshly done, which confused me even more as to what this book was about. I read a sentence.

'However, they will find that they work well together. Their Abilities would unite as one, but they must discover that on their own.'

I was intrigued and mesmerised. I needed this book. I was drawn to it for an inexplicable reason.
I stood up, pulling out one headphone and making sure I was holding the book carefully before walked over to the lady who was smiling at me.

"Hello dear, found something you like?"

She had her greying hair tied up in a bun, and her round glasses were slipping down her nose. She pushed them up as I said, "Um, yes, how much for this book?"

"Five dollars, dear. I never found any use for that notebook. It was too big and bulky, whatever was I supposed to write in it?" She chuckled.

"Um, notebook?"

"Why, yes dear... Look, the pages are blank! I suppose it could be a sketch book too, if you'd like. You seem like the type of person who's interested in the arts."

"Oh yes, I am," I answered absently, looking through the book again. Had I gone insane?

No, there definitely was writing on the book. Why couldn't the lady see it? I didn't understand. Maybe she was an UnKinetic, but I had never heard of a type of book where only Kinetic people could see the writing on the pages. It was impossible. I decided I'd take the book home and show it to my friend Alyssa next time I see her. She was an UnKinetic, and sometimes I envied her. I would like to not have to deal with accidentally frying electronic devices because I don't know how to control my abilities as well as I wished I could.

I smiled at the lady, handing her a five dollar bill, the last of the money I had on me. "Thank you."

"No, thank you! I've been needing to get rid of that book for centuries."

I chuckled, before bidding her a good day and heading back up.

This book was perplexing me so much. I didn't like it. As I walked home, I hummed along to my music as I admired all the fire escapes and the newly bloomed flowers on the blocks leading up to mine.

I reached home a few minutes later. I climbed up the three steps surrounded by potted cactuses - don't even ask, the lady on the first floor was probably insane - and pulled out my keys with one hand. I didn't want to put the book down, so I twisted awkwardly as I reached over to my back right pocket with my left hand. I managed to grab ahold of my Doctor Who keychain and yanked it out before shoving the key in the lock. I turned it easily and opened the door. In front of me were two other doors and mailboxes lining the left wall. I checked ours before locking it shut and unlocking the door to the left. The door opened with its familiar squeak and I stepped into the stairwell, kicking it shut and hearing it lock behind me. I climbed up the narrow steps to the second floor, and sighed before unlocking the door and stepping inside my house. So many keys and doors just to get home! It was quite a hassle. I kicked off my shoes, noticing that they were the only ones there, meaning that I had the house to myself. Great! I could call Alyssa over and we could look at the book.

I walked into my room, opening the poster covered door and dropping my bag right next to it. My room wasn't exactly the biggest, but then again, neither was my brother's, so I didn't have any reason to complain.

I put my keys down on the black dresser exactly to the left of the door, and the book on top of my bed. I sat down beside the book, pulling off my socks and jacket before grabbing the book and opening it up to the first page. There was an index, each chapter numbered with Roman numerals.

I. The Origin
II. The Reasons

But I couldn't read any further: my phone was vibrating in my pocket. I rolled my eyes, closing the book and pulling my phone out.

From: Aly
Hey! Busy today?

I hastily texted her back.

To: Aly
Nah, come over, got something to show you!

From: Aly
On my way ^ _ ^

She didn't live too far, so she would be here very soon. I looked around my room: there was a pile of magazines and posters on the floor in front of my bed, and my desk was a mess.

I just shrugged. It was only Alyssa, she was used to the slight mess. She would probably clean it up for me, anyways.

I got up and left my room, walking over to our small kitchen. I opened one of the tip cupboards, and had to stand on my tip toes to grab the pack of Oreos I had come to get. I pulled it down, successfully dropping it on my face and then on the counter. I sighed, grabbing it, and headed back to my room.

I had managed to eat a grand total of three Oreos when the doorbell rang. I scampered to answer it, almost falling over the stairs. I pushed open the door to the stairwell, practically falling on it. I grinned as I saw Alyssa standing there through the glass pane beside the front door. I opened the door and she jumped.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked, moving aside so she could come in.

"Not much," she shrugged.

We went back upstairs and as she kicked her shoes off, I ran to my room to get the book. I sat down on my bed cross-legged and pulled the book onto my lap.

"Look, Aly," I looked up as she stepped in, ignoring the face she was making at the mess. "I found this today!"

"Damn, I knew you liked to read, but that's crazy!"

"No, look! Open it."

She gave me a look, then sat down beside me and took the book from me. She flipped it open, then looked up at me with a blank expression. "Um?"

"What?" I asked, biting my lip.

"There's nothing on this page."

"Yes there is," I insisted. From where I was sitting, I couldn't read what it said but I could see a loopy handwriting right at the bottom. "It's... Look! Flip through the book."

She gave me a skeptical look but continued, looking through the book. "Callie... There's nothing here."

I was surprised and confused. "How is that possible?"

Suddenly, she looked very upset. She slammed the book shut, and putting it down beside her before getting up.

"Wait, Aly, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm going to go."

"Wait, why?" I stumbled behind her as she pulled her shoes on. "What's going on?"

"Do you think it's funny? To make fun of me like that? Yeah, I get that I don't have any cool special abilities, I can't shoot lightning bolts from my hands or control fire or whatever, but you don't have to rub it in."

I frowned. "I didn't... That wasn't my intention. I just..."

"Forget it."

And with that, she left, slamming the door closed. I frowned again, before turning around and going back to my room. I didn't understand where she got this from, but that's not what I was trying to do. I just needed her to tell me if she could see what was on the book...

Speaking of the book, I was just getting even more confused. I sighed as I entered my room, and picked up my bag. I'll get my mind off of the book for now, and just do my homework.

After an hour and a half, I heard the door open. I put my music down and paused my scrolling through Tumblr. Someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I cried out.

"Me!" My brother cried back.

"Come in," I muttered.

My brother stepped in, carefully stepping over my bag I had thrown on the floor after finishing up my homework. He was wearing his white tank top, his skinny frame even more obvious.

"What's up, squirt?" I asked.

"Not much," he shrugged, sitting on my bed. His hand landed on the book and he sat up straighter, pulling it onto his lap. "What's this?"

I swivelled my chair to face him, then shrugged. "A book I found at a garage sale..."

He nodded, flipping it open. His eyes widened. "Holy shit, Callie. Have you read this?"

"You can see what it says?"

He looked up at me as I had just said the most obvious thing in the world. "Duh, I have eyes."

I rolled my own eyes. "Oi. Both the lady who sold it to me and Alyssa couldn't see what was on it."

"Well, hell, I wish I couldn't either, because this is freaky." He turned back to the book. "You have to come see this."

I frowned. I had never heard Connor sound so urgent and shocked in the fifteen years he had been around. I got off my plastic swivel chair cautiously, and sat down beside him on my bed. He had the book turned to a page of writing, and on the other side, a full page illustration. "What is it?"

"Look." He handed me the book, pointing to the illustration. It was a portrait, and it took me a minute to realise why he was so surprised.

"Holy shit," I whispered.

Depicted in the illustration was a young boy, who really couldn't be older than either of us. His eyes were a russet brown, so familiar to me, but yet completely new. His hair was curly and unruly, a dark, dark brown, so close to black. The portrait was a bit faded, and his skin tone was not too dark, but tanned. His expression was determined. We could only see up to his shoulders, which were clad in a tattered brown and white plaid shirt.

I looked up at Connor, his gaze meeting mine steadily, but I knew he was just as freaked out as I was. "Connor, that... That looks just like you."

He nodded, turning his attention back to the book.

"The same face structure," I whispered, looking back at the book as well as I ran a finger down the boy's jaw. It didn't feel quite right to talk very loud. "His hair is a bit curlier than yours, though."

"Nah, I just get haircuts."

I chuckled slightly. "This is crazy."

He nodded. "Oh my god. Wait."

He turned the page. Another portrait adorned the page to the right. I didn't really have time to look at it, as Connor turned the page again, and again.

"Aha!" he yelled out victoriously, scaring me. "Look at this."

I looked at the portrait with curiosity, and gasped, slapping a hand to my mouth. "No way."

The girl's eyes were the same shade of brown as mine: lighter than Connor's, but only when you're close enough. Her hair fell down in very slight waves, past her shoulders. Her hair fell on her face slightly, almost obscuring her left eye. She was wearing a black shirt, done up to the topmost button. "This is insane."

"You're telling me," Connor agreed. "She even has the same emo swoop as you!"

I shoved him, scowling. "Look who's talking. Remember when you used to ask me for my hair straightener on a daily basis, and then just ended up keeping it in your room for days on end?"

"Those were dark days," he joked.

The two of us looked back at the book, and I sighed. "What are the odds? What is this book?"

"I don't know," Connor shook his head. "I really don't know. Maybe it's just a dumb coincidence."


I couldn't help but feel that all this was not just a coincidence. When Connor left to go back to his room, I kept flipping through the portraits. There were seven of them in total, including the two that looked like Connor and I. One of the two other girls portrayed looked vaguely like the girl who lived upstairs, but I couldn't know for sure. I didn't know what she looked like well enough to be able to say with complete certainty that it was her. Another portrait was also familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who this dirty blonde boy with strangely coloured hazel eyes reminded me of. The other three portraits, however, were completely new faces to me.

It was getting dark when our parents got back from work. I left my room to great them, then retreated back inside for a few more moments of peace before dinner. I opened up the window in my room, the book tucked under my arm, and swung my legs out. There was a fire escape joining Connor's and my windows to the window right above mine, and I liked sitting there, on my window sill with my feet flat against the metal grill. There was enough light to read, thanks to the street light directly next to our house, shining down on me. We didn't have much of a view: just a small street with a decent amount of trees, and houses with colourful flowers growing in front of the majority of them. Just another street. Nothing special, nothing fancy.

At dinner, Connor brought up the book, and I sighed. I hadn't really wanted our parents to know, but I suppose the cat was out of the bag now, hunh? As we finished up, our mother brought the topic of the book up again, and I reluctantly went to my room to go get it. I checked my phone in the process, and was very disappointed to see no new messages. Why had Alyssa taken this so harshly?
I brought the book back, and our parents' eyes widened.

"Told you it was huge," Connor grinned, and I shot him a death stare. He just raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "What?"

"Never mind," I sighed, handing the book over to our father. He opened it up, then blinked, looking up at the two of us. Connor had moved over and was leaning his arm on my shoulder. He was only an inch taller than me but he never let me forget it. Ha, well, I was a year older, so joke's on him... Or is it on me? I get freedom sooner than him, so let's just agree that the joke is on him and move on with this.

"Well, I don't see anything," our father shrugged.

"There's nothing on this page..." our mother agreed.

Connor and I exchanged a look. Both our parents were Kinetics, so there went my theory. "That's so weird," I mumbled, taking the book back. I opened it up, and Connor looked over my shoulder. "There's definitely things written on it."

Our mother shrugged, thinking it was just a joke, and went to go and do something or the other. Our father, on the other hand, was intrigued. "Can I borrow it? Just for a bit. I'll give it back to you by the end of the night."

I handed it over to him, but honestly, I didn't want to. "Please be careful with it."

"Don't worry! I just... I just want to see what it's all about and what it's made of."

"Okay..." I wasn't fully convinced, but I took his word for it.

Connor and I turned on our heels and walked over to our rooms.

"That's weird," I sighed, leaning against my door.

He leaned against his door, imitating me subconsciously. "I know."

"How is it possible? How is it that we're the only ones who can see it?"

"Twin telepathy?" he joked.

I rolled my eyes. "We're not even twins, dumbass, I'm older than you. I'm also being serious."

"I don't know," he shrugged, then suddenly frowned. "Wait. Did you look at the other portraits?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but there were only two faces that seemed somewhat familiar. Other than ours, of course."

"Show them to me when you get the book back from Dad."

I nodded again, and we both turned, retreating to our separate rooms.

As I got ready to sleep (or lay in bed and search for a slumber that would only arrive much, much later), I thought more about this book. I didn't understand, and felt like it wasn't even close to ever understanding it. Why did it have portraits of Connor and I, and why were we the only ones who could see it? Nothing added up.

Later that night, when our dad returned my book safely and they thought we were sound asleep, I pulled my window open and crept across the fire escape to Connor's window. He had already opened it, since I had texted him before leaving my room, so I slid into his room and walked over to where he was sitting on his bed.

His room was practically mirroring mine. We had similar furniture and the same arrangement, but everything was flipped. He preferred larger posters while I liked smaller, single page or double page posters.

I sat down on his bed. "Okay, look."

First, I flipped to the portrait of the girl. He tilted his head slightly, and I tried to decipher his expression but it was proving to be harder than expected.

"I don't know, looks kinda like the girl upstairs?" he shrugged. "I don't know her, so I can't tell you. I wouldn't know."


I flipped it to the page with the blonde boy next. "And him. Tell me he doesn't look familiar."

Connor frowned. "Yeah, he looks familiar. But how?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "I was thinking that maybe he was one of your friends, since I don't really pay much attention to them."

"No," he sighed. "I've seen that face, I know I have, I just don't know who he is."

I nodded. "Same here."

"Maybe he's just a guy who takes the metro with us sometimes."

"Maybe," I shrugged. "Oh well. This is absolutely crazy."

"Hey... Can I borrow that? Maybe tomorrow?"

I frowned slightly. "Uh, sure, why?"

"I want to read it," he shrugged nonchalantly.

I gave him a 'don't lie to me' look which he purposely ignored. Shrugging, I closed the book and headed back to his window. "Good night!"

"G'night Callie!"

I climbed out, crossing the short distance to my room, and slid back in, making sure to keep my window slightly open behind me. Even when lying in bed, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about the strange book, and what it meant.

The next day, while listening to Ms. Silverman drone on and on about the Iranian revolution, I had a sudden realisation. It was so obvious that I had to hold back from slapping my forehead loud and clear. People in my class already thought I was insane, this would just confirm their suspicions!
I had been thinking about the book, and how to figure out why we were in it and what it was about. It's a book. Isn't the obvious answer just to read it?
I sighed, shaking my head and pulling out my phone from my bag. I slipped under the table a little, keeping an eye on the teacher as I opened up the 'New Text Message' screen.

To: Connor
So I found out how to figure out this book... Just read it!

I slid my phone back in my bag hastily, not risking waiting for him to answer.
Between periods, I checked my phone again, and surely enough, he had answered. He was always on that damn phone of his, it was unbelievable. Of course, he had this really fancy phone with all these apps and stuff. I just had a dumb phone, because I kept frying all my other ones, so that probably explained why he spent so much time on it as compared to me.

From: Connor
Btw is Aly talking to you?

I sighed. She had avoided me all morning. In Art, we sat together but she completely ignored me. Didn't she get that I had just made a mistake and wasn't intentionally trying to make her feel bad?
I shrugged, slipping my phone into my pocket and looking up, but not quickly enough.
I ran smack into someone. "So sorry," I mumbled, before walking off, shaking my head. I needed to pay a lot more attention than I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! So this is my first time writing something like this, and feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Any questions you have will surely be answered in the next two chapters :) Thank you for reading!