Status: Three Parts

Fragile Wolves

Part Two

Part Two

Jon didn’t know where to start looking for Rickon. His thoughts were clouded about what just happened. Feeling like a complete idiot, for not knowing how to comfort a crying girl, his thumb still tingled where he grazed her soft sweet skin. A little wet from her salty tears that she didn’t even knew escaped until he brushed it away. His thoughts went back to the matter at hand as he started to think about where he might find his student.

“The Roof.” He mumbled as he ran towards the stairway that led to the top of Winterfell Academy. From the highest point you could see the sun set and almost half of the city of Westeros. As he made his way up to the roof, he saw something lying on the stairwell. Picking it up it was a picture of Sasna. Her lips were turned down in a frown and she was applying makeup to her left eye which was darker than the other one. It was a polaroid. Written in black sharpie was a message. ‘You looked better without the makeup’. Rickon must have dropped it on the way up. Jon felt a sudden urge to run back to Sansa. To do something, that wasn’t just standing here holding a piece of evidence that Sansa was physically abused. Even though he had never met Sasna, his friend Robb only said good things, while Arya complained about how she never has time for her because of how much she works. Not to mention, Sansa worked for his Aunt Dany, who said half of the Targaryen spring collection was all thanks to Sansa. Her brilliant eye for what the next season is going to look like, has really made Dany’s collections, unique and trendsetting. What ever that meant to begin with. So for someone to do this to someone who is genuinely a lovable and nice person who cares about those around her is sicken to him. Shaking his head and trying not to punch something, he headed up the stairs. He saw Rickon’s back as he stood there with a brown bag at his feet.

“Rickon.” Jon’s voice traveled to the boy who was still crying. From sadness or anger, Jon could not determine but could either way he was visibly upset.

“She hid it well from the others. They started coming about two months after mom and died died in the car accident.” He started to explain when Jon came to stand next to him. “They were in her room, in her desk drawer. I heard her crying one time and thought it was over our parents so I went to comfort her. Sansa has always been there for me when I needed help or when I was upset or sick. So I thought I should be there for her as well.” He paused to sniffle a little. Jon didn’t say anything, He knew it wasn’t time to say anything. “But instead I saw her clutching a letter. What it said on it...It just wasn't right. So after about two or three of them, I started to get the mail and bring it in. Stealing any letter that was addressed to Sansa that had no return address to it. About three months ago, the letters started to have photos in them. I think he noticed that she wasn’t being affected by them. But I was. That bastard was telling his family and friends about them. And the other day when Tommen said how Joffrey had showed him a photo of my sister lying on a bed drunk out of her mind, with, no….with no….” He took a deep breath. Tears started to come out of his eyes as he tried to will himself to finish the sentence. “I couldn’t let him mock my sister like that. Not after the last letter.” Bringing his arm up he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Bending down he picked up the bag and handed it to Jon with his other hand. Inside, the bag was half full of letters and photos. Jon took out the letter that was on top.

Dearest Sasna,
You’ll pay for making my queen cry. Stealing the love and affection away from Magary and making her second rate at the workplace is the wrong move my pet. What should I do first, cut off your pretty red hair and send it to your family? Show them the shame that you bear. You probably never told them. About why the accident occurred. Well, maybe I should tell them. The fact that your beloved parents, Mr. & Mrs. Stark were killed because of your mistake. How the driver was paid to kill. Because you wouldn’t listen. Telling Magary how I was hurting you was a mistake. You paid for it. Maybe you should pay for it again.

Rickon took the bag from Jon and pulled out a photo. It wasn’t a polaroid picture. It looked like a cell phone picture of two people entangled in a car.

“My mom and dad got hit by a tractor trailer.” He said, not even looking at the photo. Turning it over the back read a sinister message. See what you made me do.

“Rickon...When was this sent to her?” He asked, his hands a little shaky. HIs best friends little sister was in danger. In serious danger, and he had to tell Robb.

“Two days ago.” He said. His tears were falling hard now. Jon reached out and wrapped Rickon into a hug as he pulled on the back of Jon’s shirt.

“Nothing is going to happen to anybody okay.” He reassured him. “I’m going to take you back to your sister, shes not going to see these, I’ll make sure of that. You and her are going to get a ride home with Sam, Mr. Tarly. And then I’m going to call Robb and Arya and get them involved. He will never touch her again. You understand? I will never let that happen. Your brother is like a brother to me, which means your family is my family as well. No one is going to hurt her. Or you anymore.” Rickon looked up at Jon.

“You promise?” Rickon asked pulling away from Jon and trying to wipe away his left over tears.

“I promise.” He said tousling his hair. “Lets go get your sister.”

Rickon ran into the room and into his sister's arms as he kept saying I’m sorry, over and over again. Sasna was sniffing, trying to keep tears away that had stopped flowing.

“I’m sorry, I yelled.” Rickon said hugging his sister tightly. Sam walked over to Jon who was looking at the two siblings embracing.

“Jon, what is going on?” He asked with worried eyes. “She wouldn’t say anything at all.”

“Sam, I can explain everything later, but I need you to take these two back home, and stay with them until Robb comes home, or I call you. Rickon knows, but I have a very bad feeling about all of this.”

“Alright. Want me to pick up Ghost on the way and have him as a guard dog? You know he likes me, and takes well to other Starks.” Jon smiled at the memory of Robb and Ghost wrestling around during the halftime of a football match.

“Thats not a bad idea. Make sure to grab his food. Ghost will definitely protect them.” He started to walk over to the siblings, but then turned around and looked a same. “Just make sure they know they can not keep him.” Sam laughed at Jons comment.

“I will, I promise.” And with that said, Jon returned to his desk and slide the brown bag in his bottom drawer. Sasna and Rickon stopped hugging and Rickon came up to his desk. His young eyes were proving how scared he actually was. A young boy of only twelve should not have had to deal with this.

“You will keep your Promise?” He asked. His voice low and trying to be as scary as he could make it.

“I will.” He said as he shook his hand in an agreement. “Know go with Sam, I’ll walk Ms. Sansa out in a moment.”

“Oh and Rickon?” Sansa yelled after him as he was about to leave the classroom. “You're still grounded.” She said with a sad smile. Rickon’s groan could be heard echoing through the hallway. She turned back to Jon and both stood there in complete silence. Until she spoke up. “More so because he was disrupting your class. Not for standing up for his sister.” she said, feeling the need to explain. Jon showed a small grin as he grabbed went around to his seat. His jacket and keys were there and along with his bag.

“I don’t think we will have anymore problems.” He said, packing up his things. Sansa had her pursed slung over her shoulder.

“Why is Sam taking us home?” She asked her eyes filled with worry. Jon didn’t know how to start this. He knew that he had to tell her the truth and didn’t want to alarm her to much. But he had to say something. Walking over to the front of his desk where she was standing, he stood in front of her, only a little bit away, leaning on his desk. She sat down in her occupied seat and in this moment Jon realized just how blue her eyes were. clearing his voice, Sasna gave him the look to say get on with it.

“About several months ago, not sure when, you started to receive mail, letters, from an unknown person who had no return address. After about getting about two or three, Rickon started to intercept them. So that you never got a hold on them. He had saw you opening the previous ones and noticed how much more upset you had become because of these. The letters seem to have been graphic, and photos were also sent.” At this point he noticed Sasna started to breath deeper. “I promised Rickon that I wouldn’t let you see them, I’m going to keep that promise.”

“Why would he do this?” She asked, her knuckles turning white over where she was gripping her skirt. Jon took a step forward and placed his hands on top of hers. He bent down on his knees and made eye contact with her blue eyes, that reminded him of the sea. If he had met her on anywhere else, she would have caught his eye in a heart beat. Her eyes were shimmering from the tears that were about to escape.

“Because he loves his older sister very dearly. And would do anything to make her happy.” He said said, holding her hands tightly. Her fingers felt cold in his hands. Soft like his dogs fur. She smiled at him, her eyes shining bright.

“Why are willing to help someone you barely know?” He smiled at her, as he stood up dragging her with him. Holding each others hands, he didn’t look go, or even break eye contact. It wasn’t he didn’t want to. He just couldn’t her eyes were intoxicating to him.

“Because, I don’t like to see a good person get hurt.” He swallowed as he took one look down at her lips.

“How do you know I’m a good person?” Her voice was like something that was dipped in honey or even melted chocolate, something you could never get enough of. The gentleness she has for others is shown in her voice.

“Four people have told me only good things. Al four of these people are my close personal friends, and my aunt. They are all people I trust. And my gut feeling is telling me that you are a wonderful human being. And my gut feeling is never wrong.” Lifting his hand he wiped away a fallen tear that had escaped. His thumb brushing cheek bone as her cheek felt warm and thin under his palm. She placed her hand on top of his. Her thin fingers seemed to me soft on his skin. They just stared at each other until Sansa’s bag started to go off. The moment past as Jon immediately withdrew his hand from her skin, and she took several steps away from him.

“That was Rickon. He just texted us, asking where are.” Going over to his desk, Jon shoved the brown paper bag into his work bag hiding any evidence away from Sansa. He was going to go to Robb and then call Arya to meet him at the police station.

“Yeah, we should get going.” he let her walk out first and then locked his classroom door. “Also, I hope you like dogs, on the way home, Sam is going to pick up my dog. Ghost, he seems to love you starks, so Sam thought it was a good idea, to cheer you guys up.” He said, walking her out of the building, and over to Sam. If he lied to Rickon about one thing, it would be about how their family is like his family. Because Sansa feels like everything that isn’t family. That was a different and new feeling he hasn’t had in a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
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