Status: Just for fun

Complicated Story

Break up and Secrets

4 hours later… Third P.O.V.

Blaze woke up and saw her sleeping. He got out of bed and started to get dressed. When he was almost done getting dressed, she said “ No good bye, who leaves like that?”

Blaze froze and didn't know what to do.

Blaze's P.O.V.
I woke up and saw her sleeping. I got out of bed and started to get dressed. Just when I was almost done getting dressed, she said “ No good bye, who leaves like that?”

I didn't know what to do. I usually leave without saying good bye. I faced her and said " Me leave.. pshh..

" are you - She gasped and started laughing like a crazy person.

After she was done laughing, Kiroo said " you’re not the first person I fucked. " While getting out of bed. Just as I was about to say something, her phone rang.

Kiroo's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I ignored it and felt sore. I sat up and saw that he was getting dressed. I then said " No good bye, who leaves like that?”

He was stiff at first and then he face me.

He said " Me leave.. pshh..

" are you - I gasped and started laughing like a crazy person. After I clam down I said " you’re not the first person I fucked." While getting out of bed to get dressed. When done, he was about to say something, when my phone rang.

Lollipop – Mika

I took my phone off the night stand and saw that it was a message. I opened it.

It read - Down town fight you in - O

I replied to his message and said " Give me the – I spaced out.

Blaze' P.O.V.

I got near her and was about to say something when her phone rang.

After she was done texting, she said “ Give me the – She spaced out.

I shrug my should and waved my hand in her face.

“ What ?”

“ you spaced out ?”“ I’m sorry I uh… my head hurts.”

“ I have Advil in my car.”

Just as I was about to open the door, She stopped me and said " we are using the other way." While dragging me to towards the closet. When we stopped in front of a closet. I gave her a confused look. She knocked twice.

“ uh why did you just knocked on a closet door.”

She laughed and when she opened the door of the closet, there was a flight of stairs going up. As we walked up the stairs she said " This is a one night stand only. You better not break into my window."

" Its not breaking in, if your window is open."

She shrug he shoulders and opened the door. As were on the roof top, I said" Its sort of a new view. “ while looking at the stars.

" just come on, your friends are waiting for you."

Third P.O.V.
As Kiroo started to walk towards the ladder that was on the other side of the roof top of the bar. Blaze took off his jacket and put it on her. Kiroo took it off his jacket and said " I'm good, but thanks anyways." While handing back to him. Blaze put his jacket and said " Let me go first so that I can catch you."

She laughed and continued down the railing. When Blaze was off the ladder . she said " I bet that's how you get all the ladies."

Just as he was about to say something, she said “ Can I have – she spaced out.

Blaze P.O.V.

When I put my jacket on her, she took it off and said " I'm good, but thanks anyways." While handing it back to me. Just as she swung her foot over, I put on my jacket and said " Let me go first so that I can catch you."

She laughed and continued down the railing. When I got off the ladder she said " I bet that's how you get all the ladies."

Just as he was about to say something, she said “ Can I have – she spaced out.

I waved my hand in her face.

“ What?”

“ you okay, you space out twice.”

“ I… uh… - Nick?”

I turned around and saw Nick drunk walking.

Third P.O.V.

Blaze walked towards Nick and said “ Kiroo, Do you mind helping me.” While he sung Nick’s hands on his shoulder.

“ sure. “ Kiroo said as she swung Nick’s left arm around her shoulder.

When Blaze opened the door, Nick said “ Sev, has it pass midnight.” He slurred

“ No, bro why?”

“ The bet is over rite?”

Kiroo said “ 80 bucks rite.” While moving his hand off her shoulder.

“ dude how you know?” while laughing.

Blaze said “ Do you mind if you stay here with him. I have to get Sleven.”

Kiroo said “ I’ll get Sleven.”

Kiroo’s P.O.V.
Just as he was about to say something, I turned around and started walking to the bar. When I got inside, I bumped into something hard. I almost fell until someone wrapped and arm around my waste. After the stranger helped me up , I said “ Thanks.”

At school during lunch time…

Kiroo was sitting with her boyfriend and her friends with was his friends to.

Jake - babe, I need to talk to you.”

Kiroo said “ okay what is it.”

“ I can I talk to you in private.”

When they were away from their friends, he said “ I’m sorry… but I think we need some time a part.”

Kiroo made a fist and then said “ we can still be friends right.”

“ yeah.”

Kiroo then said “ okay.” and started to walk away.

Kiroo’s P.O.V.
I was eating with my boyfriend and his friends since his friends are my friends too. Just as I was about to eat a slice of my pizza, Jake said “babe, I need to talk to you.”

“ okay what is it.”

“ I can I talk to you in private.”

So I following him hopping that he was going to confess that he is cheating and that he won’t do it again.

“ I’m sorry… but I think we need some time a part.”

I couldn’t believe it. I made a fist then and then said “ we can still be friends right.”

“ yeah.”

I then said “ okay.” and started to walk away. When I went to the girl’s room, I went to than handicap stall. After I locked the door. I sat on the toilet and flushed it. The toilet elevator lead me to the secret back room, second floor in the of library. When the book shelf closed, I slid down and cried.