Status: Just for fun

Complicated Story

Cheating & break up

2 months later... she acted like a normal person, hidding that she is a halfa.

Kiroo's P.O.V.

It was Saturday afternoon, around three and I was out of work. Once I was in my car, I called my boyfriend to tell him not to make any plans for tomorrow. It still went to his voice mail. I hung up and drove home. Once I got home, I took a shower. After getting ready to see my boyfriend, I called him. I got his voice mail and left a message. I pulled out of the drive way and drove to his house. An hour later, I was at his place. I parked my car across the street like a I always do when I go to his house. I locked my car and walked across the street to his house. Once I was at his porch I called. I still got his voice mail. I got the spear key that he keeps under the flower pot. I unlocked the door and went inside. I walked in silently so I can surprise him. As I headed for the room, I notice that the lights were off. I figure he was sleeping, so that's why he wouldn't answer his phone. I went inside and decided to wake him up, by pulling the blanket gently. As I pulled the blanket gently I was shocked to see him in bed but he was not alone. Underneath him was my sister, Cornelia. The scene didn't register in my brain. But when it did, I silently and quietly walked out of the room before either of them noticed my presence. Once I was out of the house, I put the spear key back under the flower pot.

Ray's P.O.V.

I laid next to her trying to catch my breath.

" that was -

" You know you can say it."

" your better than my other girlfriend. “

“ Don’t you mean my sister. “

" Yeah. but I feel guilty for - her phone rang.

Get a Clue - Simon & Milo

" Hello?"


"okay Mem. I’ll meet you at the mall.”

After she got off the phone, she kissed him and said " I have to go.”

" can't you stay with me please." I said with my hands rapped around her waist.

"Ray, I can’t. Tomorrow is your anniversary with my sister.” She said while looking for her skirt.

" that's tomorrow. I thought it was Monday. " I said while looking for my pants.

" No, Babe. Ours is on Monday." putting on her shoes.

" oh, okay I’ll call her after you text me. " while putting on my pants on.

Kiroo P.O.V.
Once the flower pot was back to its place, I ran down the steps crying when bam! I crashed into something hard.


Opening my eyes, I saw I was lying on top of some dude. I quickly got off him and said “ sorry.”

After I helped him up, I started walking away.

Loke's P.O.V.
After she helped me up, She said “sorry.”

Just as I’m about to say something, she walked away. I shrug my shoulder and walked to up the porch. As soon as I was about to all Rayn, I saw some girl walking out with her clothes wrinkled.

“ Loke, What are you doing… Never mind. I’m gonna take my girlfriend home, so make yourself at home.”

I walked in the house and made myself like it was my house. When Ray came back, I said “ was that your girlfriend.”

“ nope, Girlfriend’s sister.”

“ dude, one of these days you’ll get caught.”

“ pshh.. whatever.”

“ okay dude but if you get caught, Don’t get me involve.”

He then said “ I’ll make you eat those words, I beat you in Call of Duty.”

“ your on.”

Third P.O.V...... Somewhere around midnight

Ryan parked his car across the street from his girlfriend’s house and said “ you can still back out.”

Loke said “ Hell no I ain’t backing out, I never back down on a dare.”

Rayn said “ okay. But Don’t wake her up. Or you’ll feel pain.”

Loke laughed and got out the car. After Loke shut the door, he walked towards the picket fence and hopped over it. When he was in the back yard he walked towards the porch and looked for the key.

In the Demon World… at the gym. Kiroo’s P.O.V.

After I hit the punching bag, Nina said “ are your clam.”

“ shut up.” I said as I punched the punching bag again. And Nina fell backwards on her but. She got up and held it still, then said “ look, I know it’s hard on you, but u have to let it go.”

“ I just can’t.” while punching the punching bag one last time. When she fell on her arse, my phone buzzed. After Nina was about to hold the punching bag again, I said “Yoslish?”

Nina laughed and said “ About time, my arse is hurting me because you punch to hard.”

I laughed and we exited out of the gym.

Four hours in the club called Ravenswood….

I was in the club trying to have a good time with Nina trying to forget about it but I just couldn’t so I told her I’m heading home.

Nina sigh and said “ fine, but take me keys.”

When I got home, I was just about to close my eyes on my couch, when I heard the kitchen back door open. I groaned figure it was Nina, I shrug my shoulders and was just about to close my eyes when my watch made a sound. I pressed the button to stop the sound on my watch and active lock down. When I was in the computer room, I saw a guy about to exit my room. I hit the button. When he touched the door, he was passed out. I went into the secret door that leads to my room. I handcuffed him to my bed post and put a chair in front of him and sat there waiting for him to wake up.