The Bound Hog Dogs

From start till finished...if were not dead

“FUCK BRO!!! What was that?” Norman stalled as his eyes were wide opened and was
breathing heavily and didn’t have the words to say it.
Norman said “I don’t know dude”
“What do you mean you fucking don’t know you just killed this man!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP JONNY!!! I think I know what I just did cause I have blood and
his fucking brains all over me.”
Jonny yelled as he was freaking out “You don’t know what you were doing!?”
“look its fine, its fine. He doesn’t look that bad.” said Norman as he bent over to see the
man wearing his old buttoned up shirt something a mechanic would wear. The dead man was
lying flat on his stomach with the back of his head busted in as the dome is crushed and the smell
of that sour sulfur smell coming from the man’s brains.
“Fine! You just destroyed this mother fucker’s head with a sludge hammer!”
“It’s fine I can fix it” as he was gently picking around the busted in skull and picked up some
of the bone plates of the skull and there was blood everywhere on the dead body, the floor even on
the walls when the blood sprayed when he hit him with the sledge hammer.
“FIX IT!!! NORMAN! Look at this man’s head” he pointed directly at the man’s head in
front of Normans face and said “There is no way you’re going to fix this god damn guys skull. It’s
gone, you destroyed it.
“Well fuck dude I didn’t know what I was thinking!!! The man just would not shut the fuck
up about how he fucked this one girl and how he fucked that girl, and how he sold this much heroin
to this Cuban and this one to this white homie. I couldn’t take it anymore he just wouldn’t shut up,
so I snapped.”
“You just snapped! Well you did a hell of a job of handling that situation did you” he walked
down and was frantically searching through his pockets in his pants and coat to find his cigarettes he
cursed as he couldn’t find them, he started to go nuts and said the F word multiple times a river of
that word was coming out of his mouth. He whipped his arms around yelling and cursing like a
crazy man stomping his feet around like a four year old.
Norman said “Dude calm your shit down, will figure something out.”
Jonny then sat on the couch as his black suit was messy and wrinkled up, his shirt was partly
unbuttoned, he used both hands to brush his hair back as he was feeling very stress.
Jonny said “We are screwed you know that, do you know what you have done? That guy was
our ticket to get him to distribute his product with us and you decided to blow his brain off like a
water melon. Look at this place there’s blood everywhere. FUCK!!!....”
Norman stood there he had that light brown short messy and curly hair, he was known for always
getting the girls especially seventeen year olds. It looked like a mop on his head to me, he
was wearing a dark red velvet suit and his pants were a dark brown with nice shiny dress business
shoes that looked like he stole from a rich man after killing him.
He stood there quietly then Jonny said “You have a cigarette?”
“No I don’t sorry” said Norman
They both then were silent for a moment as it became awkward and Norman grabs his camel
cigarette pack out and grabbed one and Jonny looks at him with the face that is saying what the hell.
Jonny then said in a calm tone “So I thought you didn’t have any cigarettes?”
He took a puff then said “I don’t”
He kinda chuckled in sarcasm and said “Well Norman you have a cigarette in your mouth
and you are smoking it.”
“Yeah… your point”
He then scratched his head as he looked frustrated and irritated, blinked a couple times and
said “Well can I have one”
“Sorry I don’t like germs, I’m like those kinds of people who are germ phobic about that
stuff, (chuckles) who knows what you have ya know” he winked at him as he continued to smoke it.
“Wait so you’re more worried about me giving you something when honestly I have
nothing…I hope. And there is a dead body laying here and you’re more worried about germs?”
“ugh yeah. Have you not read or watched the news lately, people get sick every day and die
because they are never careful and never are cleaned. Gosh I thought you would know that by
“You know what you’re right. Yeah you are right and all I want to do is grab my pistol out
and shoot you in your fucking head.”
“Whoa... Whoa dude come on calm down, were fine. We have gone through situations like
this before” said Norman
“Are you kidding me, no one should go through this cause everything was working out until
you killed him.”
“Well why can’t we just tell the authorities that he came at us and was going to try to kill us.”
“Oh that be good but how are they going to believe that, when they see the blood
everywhere because this man’s head exploded because you hit him with a sludge hammer. Now tell
me this how are you trying to defend yourself by using a sludge hammer?”
Normans shoulders shrugged as he was leaning his head and nodded and Jonny said “Do you plan
this stuff out, or does it just happen cause I really want to know.”
Norman shrugged his shoulders with his hands out looking all innocent, he shook his head and
Jonny then grabbed his cell phone out and said “Look its fine ill call the big man and tell him what
happened. He’ll know what to do.”
“Are you sure? What if he fucks us over?…” said Norman
Jonny became edgy and said “Okay shut the fuck up, were fine we are going to be okay.”
“Alright fine I just don’t want us to get fucked over”
“Like you haven’t already”
“Oh dude come on. Don’t direct this at me okay.”
“You fucked us ov…” shrugged his shoulders back and took a deep breath and said “look
we don’t have a lot of options right now, and we can’t just stand here and do nothing. I’m going to
call someone, He’s going to help us; were good just sit tight.”
As Norman state walk around as he was quiet too, Jonny then grabbed his high tech cell phone
advanced in twenty years very high knowledge to the phone. He dialed the number on his touch
dial screen 538-222-3564 he put the phone up to his ear as the phone was ringing then heard him
pick up as he answered “Hello”
“Boss it’s me Jonny, we have a problem. I’ll get right to it. We had an accident and Dan is
dead and we don’t know what to do from here.” Said Jonny
the boss said “Shit, that man was going to lead our company to greater limits.”
“I know sir and I apologize”
“I’m going to send someone over and he will help you deal with the body and further more
from here he will tell you what to do.” He then hung up and Jonny looks at Norman and said “He’s
going to send someone over”
They call him the cardinal and also Billy the butcher, Billy Black is the genius of creating the
organization and escaping from situations the man has been known for killing hundreds of cops, he
has escaped twelve car chases and owns eight different small businesses throughout the city. This
man is known for wearing his hair slicked back he maybe old but he grows smarter and stronger.
He drives up to the drive way with a Firebird 86 that was slick blood red color. The door opens
and gets out wearing black slacks with a black dress shoes wearing a short sleeve buttoned up black
shirt, the sides of his side burns were nicely trimmed and were grey as he was wearing black sun
glasses. Walks up to the door with his silver chrome suitcase in one hand and knocks on the
door with the other. The door opens as Norman and Jonny greet him and let him in, they both said
hi but Billy just stares ahead like they don’t even exist to him, Billy walks around the house and scans
everything. Then walks over to the body and looks down at it and says “So let me just guess what
happened here, you both were talking to this guy for a while and somehow one of you ass holes got
offended by him and had the idea to grab a sludge hammer and smash his head with it.”
Norman leans over to Jonny and says quietly in his ear “This guy is good”
“Dude it’s not that hard to tell of what happened here” said Jonny
Billy then takes off his glasses and pulls out his touch screen phone and starts dialing it around and
would nod his head around, rolling his eyes up and down as he was thinking, then he puts his phone
away and walks over to them.
Billy said “Okay shit heads I just made sure the boss doesn’t piss on you, here’s what you’re
going to do. I need you to bring two plastic barrels that you can find at any home improvement
store also I need you to get 150 gallons of acid.”
“And where the hell are we supposed to get acid?” said Norman
He answered “Well maybe if you stop asking so many questions I’ll tell you” he then puts his
shoulder back and doesn’t say anything, then said “I have a gal who has her own facility where
she makes some of the most finest crystal around and distributes it including manufactures it at
every cigarette store and gas station and some super marts. Her name is Ariel, just tell her who you
are and she’ll know that I sent you to her; get that acid and bring it back. You have at least a couple
hours to get this all done before the boss really does kick your ass.”
They both walked out of the house and walked across the street and Jonny looks at his watch as it
said the time 9:30 p.m. and got in his nice Cadillac that was polished dark silver with a trim of black
on its side. The windows had the dark phantom tint; the body was unique and had the 2020 look to
it; he put his finger to the key ignition as it read his finger print and the car started. Jonny then
drives fast out of the neighborhood as the car had a clean sound with the engine roaring a little and
the smell of burnt oil and plastic was in the air as the car was powered by a new cleaner fuel. It was
meant to make the city more green but this fuel has already began a bad future, three years ago it
brought a much darker cloud around the city of a radius of fifteen hundred miles. A virus then
came in as it was falling like snowflakes from the dark grey clouds it fell like a fall out was
happening, and thousands of minds and lungs were being infected by this virus that was giving them
severe memory loss, paranoia, easily committed in addictions and easily angry. People were freaking
out and were very violent to people on the streets and local authorities soon the virus died off only
leaving the ones left who were still sick. They drove into the cloudy night; it was black with swirls of
phantom grey, but the city was so lit you could see it for a hundred miles. Trees were only twigs
that were standing up high, there was lights of all different vibrant colors everywhere you turn; so
bright to where the people living in the city, that have these high tech curtains which can close off
any light that is in the house. Billboards in every highway strip, where they’re be advertising to you
from pornography or trying to shove food in people’s mouths with fast food advertisements. Along
the streets were homeless people and families in every corner with the economy being so down it
drained trillions in debt, and families who became homeless because either having no money or as
refugees from a great earth quake that tore the city apart. New high tech security was in every street
corner as police were too wearing their dark heavy armor with dark blue lights that were small but lit
up very well around the armor, they wore high bred helmets that covered their faces with a small
visor that covered their eyes and glowed red with a loud, deep and vibrate voices. Holding their
heavy futuristic rifles and shotguns that had high tech gadgets with scopes on them including red
lasers and long heavy barrels for better accuracy. Their guns had futuristic body armor steel they
had a camera attached to the side of their guns except these cameras were not only use for combat,
but like radar guns they can scan whoever comes by and they can scan the chips that civilians
acquire in their hands from a distance because they track them.
The streets had many prostitutes from ages in the sixties all the way down to twelve years old
dressed to the point where it was nude, they would ask men and young boys to come to bed with
them, especially with ripped up magazines of naked women and men on the streets; it was trashed
with it. Down town was the capital for corrupted companies, fast foods everywhere where people
we’re coming in and out of every day and night 24/7. There was TV’s everywhere in stores with
advertisements from food, voting the next governor in Pulp City. Drugs is the biggest epidemic
especially with meth being legal and sold in every street corner. There are more tweakers around
with their eyes blood shot dilated, twitching their heads around and shoulders always quivering.
With their faces and arms all scabbed up with blood blisters that just would disgust you, there is
even days where they have festivals to say how meth isn’t bad for you and how they have all this
nonsense research information of how meth isn’t bad for you. In these festivals thousands of
people attend them to smoke and inject meth, more riots and property destruction including theft
and murder have climate to 92%. When people ask me what Pulp City is like I just tell them it’s a
mud hole filled with all corruption, greed, lust, hate and fear that become sins. Walking in this city is
like walking in the 1940’s except with brighter in advanced of technology and the city is more sinful,
Because it relies on that. The city was filled with shop markets and had crowds of people around
buying, trading and selling, money was flowing through down town like wall street from food,
medicine to drugs and alcohol. Cars were different; cars were able to go faster and sounded quieter
like they were floating for they have customized air capacity that go through these air sleds in the
tires. Also it has millions of tiny pin holes around the tire that blows small CO2 air. Their windows
didn’t have windshield wipers but had windows where the lasers, steam down a line across the
window, to where it quickly dries the window.
Vehicles were faster, cleaner, smoother, more brain smart the car or truck was becoming you.
Everything with technology becomes your own mind. It used your lust for momentum and
adrenaline to sell. The city was colossus it was a capital for business and entrepreneurs, that is their
empire. The city sky scrapers are many as they each involve with a powerful company or
organization, three that are the most powerful each have disguise as one does trademarks with cars,
the other food and last but not least trades in alcohol and cigars. But they take from these great men
with wisdom as these godfathers of these organizations have transformed them to being iconic
palaces. Each have corrupted this city as they are known for their high class 1920’s mafia suits
except with more better made weapons in advanced technology, they’re nicknames were the suited
wolves. They both drove out of the downtown area and drove on the highways that stood high and
wrapped around far as these highways can go. As it was a long trip with lots of moving around in
their seats, lots of music like Journey and Eagles which was playing a great hit Hotel California, they
finally start driving on the freeway that leads out of the city and out to the dessert forest which was
the middle of nowhere.
Norman then said “Jonny type the directions from my phone to the GPS App.”
Jonny then grabbed it from Normans hand; he looked at the text and typed the directions
in the GPS as Jonny put it on his phone stand which was on his dash board. Then saw how almost
halfway is in red lines he then said in confusion “Isn’t that part of the land where it warned us not to
“Well I wouldn’t say warned, you don’t have to make it sound that bad” Norman chuckled
and Jonny looked at him oddly then said “Isn’t that area filled with outcasts including radiation?”
“Yeah” said Norman
“And you don’t find this dangerous to you” said Jonny
“Oh come on, don’t you like a little danger in your life?” he smiled
“Not if it’s going to get us killed Norman, oh shit something is wrong with your phone. Shit!
Your phone is dying” the phone then went black and he said “Damn, now how are we going to get
“Maybe will find somebody. From the looks of where were going to be, find the last thing I
saw on that GPA was too keep going straight for ten miles and after that well I don’t know.”
They kept driving and there were driving out of range and it became dark as there were stars in
the sky, you don’t get to see that much in a big city. There was a greenish mist, it was a fade of
but windy with the smell of deep sulfur where the streets were partly dusted over. The trees were
burned twigs that were lifeless but most were burned to the trunk. The ground was dark white
with pounds that were molded with green, it had steam coming out of these long chimneys the
sulfur was being burned and smoke came out of these. As they continue to drive down the street
they see a small gas station that looked abandoned and breaking down, they both drove closer to see
it clearer and saw someone sitting out on the front porch .Then pulled in and parked by the pump.
Both got out and walked over to get a clear look but the shadows were shading over the old man as
he was wearing a dirty shirt with jean overalls and wearing a wrinkled up old torn leather jacket with
his trucker hat on. He looked asleep and they walked over and kept saying “Hello, Mr.…are you
As they got closer then suddenly awoken and a part of half of his face was deformed from the
Radiation, he had patches of grey thick hair around his face. His body was skinny to the bone as if
he was starving he opened his eyes and got up quickly and grabbed his double barrel shotgun and
aimed at the both. He started to yell at the both of them as he said “What the fuck are you
doing here?”
Jonny said put his hands out to show he carries nothing and said “Sir calm down, we mean
you no harm, and we just need your help.”
“You shouldn’t be here no one from the city is allowed to be out here.” Said the old man
“Why? Why shouldn’t we be here?” said Jonny
Norman said “Let’s just get out of here.”
“What happened here?” said Jonny as he leaned closer to the old man and listened real
closely, the old man’s bones were cracking when he was opening his mouth he said “You
shouldn’t of come to this valley, used to be the main highway leading to other great journeys that
families would go on around the country. But on this very highway as there was trees, grass,
business and homes with beautiful people, that all changed one day in this small town when the
government sent in these choppers with big cannon guns on them flew over with hundreds of
soldiers wearing plated steel heavy armor with high tech gadgets on the armor and weapons.
They came in closing off roads from the town thirty miles away and they got everyone out of their
homes and left them there as they launched many small mortar rockets that had a gas. This gas had
radiation but also was a new kind of radiation to where it made peoples bones get so stiff to where
they break and skin would peel off and they would lose their hair, throwing up and scratching
themselves of the itching pain. It was an ice freezing burn pain all over their bodies as their faces
would be ripping off, they did this to us and they should burn in hellll” the old
man then breathed his last breath as the energy of just talking killed him cause his body was so torn
away and so tired.
Norman then said “So much for asking directions”
Jonny just looked at him and rolled his eyes nodding his head; he walked away and said “Get in
the car” the both walked over and got in the car and drove off down the highway as they were
driving down they saw the pavement roads burnt black and a stream of abandon burned
vehicles were sitting there in the street, Jonny and Norman managed to get through. After a
while of driving they see a lot of lights up ahead to the right side, but was hard to make out of
what it was with the mist that was in the night air. Once they drove closer they saw this huge
facility it was the size of a Costco. There were lights on everywhere outside of this building, they
drove up and stopped in front of the gate as this guy wearing high tech bullet proof light armor
holding an AR with advanced scope and high tech gadgets on it. The guard walked to the
window and just stared at them pointing his little black flashlight in their eyes and around the car he
then said “What do you want?”
Jonny said “Me and my colleague were sent here by Billy Black to see Ariel”
The guard then leaned over and looked at Norman then back at Jonny and said “Wait here”
He walked in the small building after a few minutes later; he came out and waved for them to come
in; the gate then opened and Jonny drove in. When they got in and were driving down they saw
many employees wearing orange vests and were carrying in heavy machinery and other stuff, the
facility was huge and very complex in high tech with lots of big heavy machinery around.
They parked and walked into the office building that had beautiful stone pillars and
the front walls of the entrance door had gorgeous stone tablets stacked on each other with
waterfalls coming out of the sides and cameras were everywhere. Once they got in, they saw how
professional it looked inside of the building. It was nice as there floors were sand stone polished
and the walls were a tan cream and desks and tables were marble white and black with big
screen TV’s around and high tech computers. Once they got in and stood there at the front desk
behind the computer the secretary then said “She will be with you in a momentary, so make yourself
at home.”
The both sat down and relaxed, already both were tired enough and were waiting
for fifteen minutes, out the door came this beautiful flawless woman who looked like she was in her
mid-thirties. She had dirty soft blond hair and that reached down to her shoulders as she had a
gorgeous face with the most contagious white smile that would capture your eyes, her skin was
untainted and was like a perfect milky white tan. She was wearing a short black skirt with a grey
woman suit coat and had a white revealing buttoned up nice shirt with her jacket. Ariel was wearing
skinny black framed glasses that really brought out her beauty, she walked over with her
black high heels on and they both got up. she shook both their hands and said “Welcome, so you
must be the two idiots that Billy told me about.”
“Yes that’s us” said Norman
She smiled sarcastically and said “Alright, follow me.
They both followed her down the hallway where it had a long sheet of glass on both sides and
was beautifully crafted, she opened the door to her grand office with wide space and had gorgeous
royal paintings. The room was painted in grey with white stone flooring. She sat on her desk and
folded her legs and looked at the both then said “Well sit” she said in a snooty tone.
“I have run this company for ten years I have always been the best at this job. It’s what I do
and I am satisfied with it in the long run. Most people say that I do evil in these actions but I say it is
an economic rebuilt. Meth will stabilize the economy; it will become a working empire and has
already started, Billy tells me that you need acid how much?”
Jonny said “150 gallons”
She puckered her lips to the side as she thought about it alittle and said “You’re going to
the Harlson buildings there will be a man that I want you to meet.”
“Wait, What! Whoa what are you talking about?” said Jonny
Ariel said “You want your fucking acid right? Well I need you to go to this man’s apartment
and gauge his eyes out and bring them to me.”
“How do you want us to do this?” said Jonny
She said “Go to the Harlson buildings go in the third building to the right and when you go
In, go up the stairs to room 30 it should be easy to find because you’ll hear the party that will be
going on. You don’t need to know him or his name just what he looks like; he will be wearing a
white suit like he always does in his big parties that he throws. Find a way to get him alone then
bring his eyes to me and leave him there alive if he dies then I will cut both of your throats. Do I
make myself clear?”
“Yes were clear” said Jonny
“Good now get the hell out of my office.” Said Ariel
They stood up and walked out of her office and walked out of the building then to their car,
Jonny started the car and drove off back to the city. Meanwhile when they got there and parked a
couple blocks away, the both got out and walked over to the trunk of the car. Jonny opens it and
there were multiple of guns that these both would use, Jonny put on a gun vest where he had two
1911’s including two glocks with one extra mag for both guns. He also used a modified AK-47
where it had a long heavy barrel suppressor with laser pointer and high quality ACOG scope. The
body of the gun is more stronger and durable, where it can go in water and sand. Norman had a
black belt on with grenades, mags and his two steel P-38’s with longer barrels including two small
lasers on both sides of the pistols. Also he was carrying an MP7 with suppressor and red dot scope
with trigger finger printer reader. They both then slipped on black rubber gloves on and then had
two porcelain doll masks that were creepy looking with one looking like an angry confused
face and the other was an evil smile. Jonny then shuts the trunk and both walk casually down a few
blocks and then to the third Harlson building on the right once, they opened the door and looked at
this mapping layout of all the rooms. His room was on the fourth floor they both then walk up
the stairs, you could hear the beating music that was bumping loudly and as they got closer and
closer it became louder. Then they walked down the hall and too the room, Norman knocked on it
but no one answered they knew no one probably could hear him, so the both Norman and Jonny
got in their positions behind the wall for coverage and each grabbed out smoke grenades. Norman
then kicked the door down and they both threw the smoke grenades as the whole room was smoked
out and everyone were either screaming and running out or were still sitting around and getting
drugged up or drunk that they were still even dancing or passed out on the floor. As they used their
tactics and Jonny was leading the way with them both aiming down their rifles as people who were
painted with glow in the dark paint and there was black lights set up in all around the room with
laser machines on the wall. People were still dancing to the music that the DJ was jamming
intensely to the beat and even strippers were dancing in these cages. They looked around trying to
find the guy with the white suit, people were glowing around even through the smoke and searched
through some of the rooms but came into this one room with many comfortable seating as it was lit
up in there with a blue black light. So they maneuvered around everyone especially walking over
men and woman who were passionately kissing each other and having sexual intercourse. Then saw
this black man wearing a red robe with glasses on and had his bling around his neck that looked
expensive, the both aimed their guns at him and grabbed him then brought him into a large
Slammed the bathroom door opened and Jonny had his hands around his four arms
that were placed above his head and he walked him over aggressively towards the sink as Norman
shut the door and saw Jonny slammed the man’s face through the sink which exploded into pieces.
The man’s face was busted with many deep cuts and his skin shredded up with his forehead cracked
and had blood all over his face.
Jonny said “Alright now that we both got that out of our system, I just want you to answer a
few of my questions.” He then sits the man up at the wall, trying to keep his head leaned up but the
man couldn’t keep his head up as it looked like it was getting swelled up to where it was hard for
him to see anything, he continued “So here’s the deal we are trying to find someone and you just
seem like the guy who might know.”
“Dude are you trying to be raciest” said Norman
Jonny slowly looked over at Norman and said “Wait, what no! I’m just thinking he might
know where our guy is”
“Dude first of all, what does he look like?, first of all look at him he looks like Hue
“Yeah except he’s black, but god does that look like his robe?” said Jonny
The man said “I actually bought it even though it’s a prop but still paid good money.”
“Well it’s a nice robe” said Norman
Jonny then said “Okay enough of this, we know that you know where the guy who lives here
is, he’s supposed to be wearing a white robe.”
The man said “Well if you just asked me that instead of bashing my face in the sink, I would
of told you.”
“Well I just felt like putting some one through the sink” said Jonny
“Hey I would of done the same thing too, nothing brings joy to me then when I break a
man’s face in with some type of hard object.”
Norman then said “Wait holy shit dude are you Piff Diddy?” oh damn this is just a
wonderful surprise. I am a fan of your music man, I have all your songs especially like “I’m
a friend mrszzz. Corruption” and “gotta get me some white powder.” Gosh this is an honor”
“Well thank you” said the man
Jonny said “Norman shut the fuck up, were working”
“The man you are looking for is through this door behind me down the hall to the left, he
will be in the second door on the right.”
“Thanks” he then aims his gun and shoots the famous rapper in the head as blood splattered
on the back wall.
Norman then said “What the hell was that!?”
“What? He wasn’t that great.”
“are you kidding me right now.”
“Shut up, stop being a pussy. Did you forget why we’re here. Now let’s go”
The both walk down and were aiming down their guns as they were looking corner to corner and
room to room then saw the second door on the right, they stood in front and were nervous.
Norman got beside the wall by the door and Jonny then knocks over the door and they
both go in and these men wearing black suits with black ties, they were getting ready to fire one of
the two. The both came in fast and both were firing guys down, it seemed like it was easy and
simple just a walk in fire fight but no one was able to fire when they got shot, arriving into the living
room which had that stone marble flooring and ceiling with a big fire place with a large beautiful
kitchen including white carpet laying there by the leather couch. On the floor was a man except
wearing nothing but a white robe. With his 1970’s look long hair and scruffy beard with his aviator
glasses on as he was laying there with his nose bleeding and the two walk over into the light and
stand toward over him.
He looked over and said “Gentlemen welcome to my domain” he laughed “Please sit down
make yourself comfortable”
The both walk over to the black leather couches and sat down, still holding their rifles and
wearing there porcelain doll masks on, the man looked drunk and his mind was frying from what
looked like he was doing cocaine; he was hyperactive and twitching a lot with his eyes rolling back
and kept stuttering his words.
The man said “So you’re the men that have killed my finest security guards”
“Don’t forget diddy we killed him too” said Norman
“What! You fucking killed my rapper” he laughs uncontrollably “Oh shit man please have a
He walks over to his mini bar set up on the other side of the room and grabbed three small glass
cups and filled them with scotch and whiskey, walks down and hands them their drinks, then sways
over to his record player and puts on Jimi Hendrix all along the watchful tower. Turns it up loud
and then lit up a big cigar that he put in his mouth. As the song came on he started to twitch
around and play air guitar as was dancing down back to his seat, once he sat down and bent over
towards the nice expensive coffee table and snorted two lines that were already made. Suddenly he
then felt like he had an adrenaline rush ten times higher he ever felt, sniffing and trying to say
something but couldn’t as he was so drugged up.
He laid back and said “So what brings you here?”
Jonny said “We were sent by Ariel to come for you”
“Ariel! Haha what has that girl been up too? still making the finest meth around, she forgets
who started that business until she tricked me. Oh yeah stupid bitch knew how to make me lower
my guard, was amazing with her words and the sex don’t even get me started on that. She knew
how to move those perfect hips and had the most perfect arch on her hips and back. So untaintedly
perfect and such a bitch, we use to work for each other did you know that? No I guess you didn’t, I
was the brains in making the meth and engineering, she was a pure genius in the business and
political persuasion side of things.”
“Sounds like she knows what she was doing and you didn’t” said Norman
“Trust me she may seem to know what she’s doing but doesn’t, Ariel doesn’t know worth
Shit, for crying out loud she can’t even back out of a drive way. Trust me she should not be trusted
has her sisters side to her, both sexy both have different jobs but relate to what they are good at
doing; both sexy, smart, flawless and dangerous physically and minded. But seriously what does she
have that I don’t, I’m the fucking owner of three worldwide marketing companies; does she have a
bowling alley in her house, does she own twenty beautiful high speed cars that are not even sold in
the U.S. yet. I am worth more than her I matter to everything, I made this city, and the city should
be mine….on the other why else are you here?”
“We have come to bring something back to Ariel personally” said Jonny
They both just stared at each other for the longest time, sitting there trying to see through each
other and all they can see are monsters, then as the man tried to get his big colt silver pistol that was
under the couch, Norman quickly shot his fingers off. He screamed in pain as his fingers were on
the floor and was blood all over his hand, Jonny and Norman then quickly rushed over as he was
trying to get away and Norman tackled him to the ground. Jonny and Norman held his arms down
as he was struggling and squirming around to get away; he then had Norman inject this full body
numbness to where his body was limp. Jonny then grabbed out this little steel hand case of small
tools and grabbed out this metal scoop, then started to dig into his eyes as he was moving around
more aggressively and the man was screaming in pain at the top of his lungs. He was forcefully and
slowly scooping his eye out like ice cream as he was digging under his eye socket, every inch he
made of trying to scoop it out and used a clamp around the eye and pulled it out like the feeling of a
rubber band that wants to snap back. As he had the eye ball clamped and was pulling it out of his
socket and then grabbed his little scissors and cut the end of it to release the eye, then went to the
other eye. He was screaming in pain and there was blood everywhere just squirting around, there
was blood all over him, the carpet including on Jonny and Norman. After when they were done
they got off as he laid his hands on his faces where he was crying and screaming in pain with blood
all over his face as he looked even more disturbing without the eyes and you see the inside of his eye
sockets. They then laid him there to suffer and Jonny put the eyes in a Ziploc bag and said to
Norman “Let’s get the hell out of here”
The dark deed was done and now to give the mistress her prize as they leave the man laying there in
pain with no eyes not knowing much of who he is, just some guy they had to retrieve his eyes from.
The both were walking down through the crowded party; don’t even know what is going on because
they are in their own drunk spiritual realm. But in the sudden moment they hear a man screaming
and the both look and down the hall was the guy with his eyes just eyeless and blood was coming
down on his face. As he was holding a colt 45 revolver pistol and screaming with his other security
coming in with dark, soulless brute biker gangs they call themselves “Hang The Preacher” thieves,
murders, rapists and drug kings traveling around, raiding the innocence physically and mentally.
They sprinted in wearing their ripped up clothing and gang vests with there
logo of a goat/devil slaying pigs with a syth holding their AK’s, MP5 and AR’s they started firing at
them and the both of them quickly got in cover from the bullets that were intensely flying passed
them. Both looked at each during the fire fight as they were still in cover from the bullets. Even as
they were shooting towards they were even shooting other innocent people and the crowd ran out
of their fast, there was bodies already everywhere with blood puddles all around soaking in the
white carpet.
Jonny said “Holy shit”
“How do you want to take them down?”
“Alright what we’re going to do is send out moving targets, just follow my lead”
Jonny was on one side of the cover as Norman was on the other and they flipped up a small on
their masks as they’re masks turned camouflage of everything that’s around to where they were
faceless. Jonny then threw this pad that stucked on the ground 3 feet from him as a quick shadow
that would project in their mind thinking they did see them behind that coverage. A figure quickly
motioned by and they all started firing and Norman quickly stood up and started firing as he shot
down three and got back down in cover and they aimed towards his way and fire intensely as the
bullets were rushing through and completely destroying the whole wall side. Jonny then had his
Que to quickly roll to the hall and sneak around and Jonny grabs his flash bang and yells “FLASH!!!”
and throws the flash grenade towards them and quickly looked away and saw the flash in distance.
The both quickly came in and shot them all down as it became a blood fest where blood was
spraying out of each bullet hole that was shot into them. Then saw the eyeless man yelling at them
and shooting tremendously intense towards them and then they aimed down their rifles and sniped
him out with both bullets hitting the man’s faces as the blood escaped from the back of his head.
Jonny and Norman looked at each other as they both knew they fucked up, they came out with cuts
and bruises with blood stains on their clothes and masks. The both got in the car and once they
turned it on, the radio then played the sweet vibrant sounds of the guitar and drums lightly playing
in the background like 50’s diner music, it was something they both recognized as they were just
sitting there listening to the sweet music that took them back home. Maybe even reminded them of
their parents and the stories they told them about their old world when times were the brink of the
end but still times were good. It was the song call sleepwalk and the artists the played it were Santo
and Jonny. They heard about this song from their old movies and stories of the old world and both
looked at each other and then looked forward and drove on.
Meanwhile they arrived to the facility and parked by the office building where she stays,
they walked out of the car and had everyone’s attention all eyes were on them as they look like they
just came back from a battle. They walked towards the secretary as she didn’t give them one look
and both approached to her desk she then said “She’s waiting for you in her office, you can go”
Jonny and Norman then walked down the hall as there was elevator music on, they were
walking down and they opened her door; she was sitting on her nice office chair where her back
was facing towards them. They stood there and she spun around slowly and said “From what I’m
looking at you succeeded”
Jonny reached in his pocket and tossed the Ziploc baggy that had the two bloody eye balls on her
desk she gave them a smurky look and she picked the bag up and looked at it and said “Was he
“As alive as he ever could be” said Norman
She stood up and walked to the window where it was a camouflage screen of a beautiful forest she
looked at it and said “Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his
sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Too bad for my ex he never could see things
clearly, He always had beautiful eyes though” as she had one of his eyes on her fingers, scanning
around it and then continued-
“He always had beautiful eyes maybe is why I fell in love with him. He was the company
that I can give him, he made this company financially and politically but he was never good with
words but that is not why I loved him. He had life in him he was beautiful. But he didn’t give me
that chance to help him, he rather be with these other woman but fuck him.”
Jonny then said “We killed him”
The three of them were quiet and still, Norman looked at Jonny like you’re crazy and Jonny just
stared at her as if he was provoking a fight, she stared at the ground with the rage rising up like a
high temperature that’s about ready to erupt and disintegrate thousands. She then dropped the bag
and eye on the ground and slowly took her glasses off and stared at them and Jonny said “We both
know you were trying to set us up, this was all a setup”
“What do you do?” said Ariel
“Look were just ordinary people who just want quiet neighborhoods, smiles on people’s
faces, money will be flowing and there will always be opportunity. But then there are people who
lost everything, we are the organization federally and government protected in all ways. We give the
opportunity’s by going to their door step and selling our opportunity, and that’s to kill the
minorities, the minorities that create the dark cloud in our city and sometimes to cover our tracks we
have to kill our own lambs.”
She stared at them and walked over around the desk towards Jonny and then grabs him and
Her face came closer to his and starts making out with him passionately and Norman was looking at
him with eyes wide open and mouth as he was lost for words. Then she started to kills his lips
softly and slowly and she then pulls back, then Jonny looks down and sees the small single barrel
shot gun and then he looks back at her and she pulls the trigger. Everything seemed like it slowed as
it lit up and his chest exploded with a flash and blood was everywhere launching him off back in his
Norman jumped away and screamed in anger he quickly then started firing his MP5 using half of his
ammunition in the clip on her he was roaring as he was firing away with each bullet piercing her
body. He then unloaded the rest of the clip to her face and then threw the gun and grabbed out his
two pistols with long suppressor barrels for accuracy. He got behind the wall as the alarm went
off and sirens were going loud all around the area, he had blood splattered on his face and clothing
he was waiting for her back up to come. Then Norman went through his pocket and grabbed out
this very colorful injection pen that was bright and stabbed the pen needle in his leg and injected the
drug that is called Ult-7 but everyone calls it Ultra 7. After injecting it then fell back on the wall
and slowly looked up and everything brightened up including was green lights around, it was like
another world but reality; everything else was clear no it was perfect. Norman saw his enemies
coming as people were visible through walls by a bright outlining on their bodies. His eyes were
blood shot and had small diamond greens all around that glowed, he came out and got in his
standing assault position like swat with his rifle pointing around, then he was seeing shadow figures
through the wall and started firing his pistols at the wall. In knowing if they died they disappear
through the wall, then he rushed down still looking down the iron sights on the pistols and
maneuvering from corner to corner, taking his time.
Then as he got to a room filled with more enemies, up to ten guys all firing towards him but
Norman was rushing down and firing at everyone, Norman felt like everything was coming at him
easy like he was shooting pinheads but just couldn’t stop. His adrenaline was his energy to get him
out. After running into three rooms filled with guys holding powerful machine guns he ran out of
ammunition for his pistol and had a full clip in his other. Threw the empty pistol and kept his
single, then kept going and thought of an idea of an escape Norman saw that he could get out of
here by calling a friend to fly over and pick him up, but the only way to communicate with him with
anyone to track him. He was going to run down a few hundred feet to the facility building and go in
the office room and hack through the computer and have it land on the air pad which this facility
also had to help distribute meth all around the county and the city. So Norman rushed out of
and started to race down towards the facility looking around for anyone where it was quiet then
Norman saw one climbing on something to get in cover and shot him down. But no one would
hear because he had suppressors on his pistol, Norman would fire down five more and then more
guns were being heard aloud and bullets flying by him and then suddenly he was hit twice then three
then four then it was five. Falls on his knees as blood was draining out of him, he felt weak and cold
as his head was dizzy and he thought “Oh shit well this is it, I’ve been shot pretty badly. I don’t
think I’m going to heaven, I’ve done too much bad, god I’ve done so much bad. Not going to make

Not going to make it…

No, I’m not giving up that easily, if god could not forgive a man like I then he have no soul
but we both know the truth to that. I’m not going to let these bastards bring me down.”
Norman used all his strength to get up and run towards cover and stood behind there where they
were firing away at him. Quickly grabbed out his pistol and loaded it, once thought a good time to
run for the next cover But Once he heard them reloading then took the chance and ran out, they
started to fire at him but he managed to get to cover safely behind a crate. Norman was in pure
energy boost and popped up and fired one down, then two, he got down rushing to the closest
building across the street. Then fired down and got back as they were firing towards him again
intensely and noticed that there were ten more guys shooting towards him. He checked his mag and
saw it only had six shots left not enough to kill all of them; he looked out to see anything then
looked across towards them was a huge oil gallon canister, on top of the roof. Then saw a window
on the side of the building and jumped, crashing through it, as the glass broke everywhere and he
got up. Ran up the stairs to get on the roof, jumped off the ledge to the next building he rolled
down and got up than stood in front of the oil, Norman grabbed out the grenade from the back
pocket and threw the grenade at the 2 by 4’s that were all holding up all four sides and reached out
towards the wall for support which blew right through them. The canister fell to its side and
Norman aimed his pistol at the canisters weak spot and shot it till he ran out of bullets, then the
weak spot broke and Norman pushed it off the room as the oil ran down and covered the area
including was splashing around the enemies as they were slipping around and panicking. Took his
time and walked down, seeing how they were all struggling to get out of this mess and he stood in
front of them and lit his cigarette and threw his zippo in the oil. The whole area went in flame and
they were dancing round and rolling in utter pain with sharp knives stabbing everywhere on their
body as the fire got more intense and the smell of burnt flesh was in the air and with fire sizzling
their blood.
Norman then limped towards his car and once he got there, he became surprised to see that
his car was unharmed not even a bullet hole or even a scratch on it, he got in and started it; Norman
smiled as the car started from the twist of the ignition. He reversed the car back and drove out of
the facility and on to the wasteland highway, he sat there covered in blood and bullet wounds in him
with the smell of sweat in his clothes, he was just amazed that he still is breathing. He drove
through the cold city of shivering people as there was snow fall from the sky, Norman drove to a
motel and got into room 14 where he got undressed and started to clean his gunshot wounds.
Slowly was trying to get bullet out of his wounds, injecting himself with stuff to numb each wound
and once all shells were out, he cleaned his wounds with pure alcohol then sew them up. Norman
had a towel wrapped around his lower body as he got done with taking a shower; he looked down
and saw a brown brief case in side a plastic vacuumed sealed bag. Opened it and saw a pair of jeans
and nice black old school converse with a white t-shirt and an expensive leather jacket, after getting
everything on and was ready to take off. He then drove away, as he was driving, the phone vibrated
and had the text to go on screen in his car and made it go on auto drive. Controlled it like a touch
screen. Norman saw the text that said for him to meet up at the airport and that there is a ticket
waiting for him, he turned his car on automated as it drove him to the airport. Once arrival, he got
out and walked down with a plain face just staring ahead. In his head all he was thinking was to get
out of the city, outside was dusty and window with a heat wave that could make you sweat so quick,
with the sand kicked up in the air. In the airport it was a busy day, many heavily armed security
guards and soldiers were walking around because outside the window, down in a pit was fenced all
around for four miles in a box shape. With a big building facility and towers all around with
thousands of people, it was the twentieth century concentration camp for the minorities, the low
class as they were seen as criminals.

They are known for working there hardest to make this large wall where no one can escape
in or out, there were gas chambers to where it can fit 15,000 as it is underground and looks like a
big long tunnel that is 700 feet tall and 800 feet wide around. This was meant to kill thousands, they
all had these tracking devices on their wrists and they looked weak and losing strength. The place
was a valley of death with barrack shacks that carry these minorities as they were treated like caged
up rodents and experimented for pure pleasure. Norman walked to the front desk with no line he
approached to the ticket lady and he gave her his information and was able to get his ticket to
Ireland, he received his ticket and saw that it was first class private jet. Norman walked down a
couple sections and arrived outside on the landing pad where all the airline planes were. He walked
down and saw in a distance was a beautiful tan and dark velvet red Airbus A318 Elite, the
side door opened with walk up stairs and the pilot greeted him and his name was David Hawds, he
was third best in his ranking squad in the air force and army, with 1st platoon in jumping out of
aircraft in airborne, he was the right man for the job. Norman walked in the plane and then sat
down and got comfortable and saw the leather chair spin towards him and was a very old man who
looked like he was in his eighties, he looked limpy to the bone. He had glasses on and was wearing a
nice expensive dark blue suit, with dark brown thick hair and was tan skin had a little bit of Indian
in him. It startled Norman and he said “Shit fuck dude!”
the old man smiled and said “I apologize for startling you”
“Well thank god you weren’t someone trying to kill me” said Norman
The old man replied “Who would want to be killing you?”
“Trust me everyone will be looking for me”
“And where is home?”
“Ireland…Who are you?”
The old man had over his other leg and smiled with his lips and turned his
seat and stood up and walked slow and stretched his arms out and a screen enlarged in the middle of
the room. The screen was tinted blue and he stood back away from the screen but the old man put
on these special gloves for this screen which has laser sensor finger prints that attract to the screen.
He then said “Your name is Norman Kyles born 2005 just a normal baby, your parents were
Eric and Ellis Kyles who loved you very much. You walked when you turned one at three the
doctors discovered that you had a brain tumor in your lower optical nerve in your brain, you almost
died but survived and lived a hard life. Always bullied in school and had a difficult time passing
through classes never coming out with a high GPA. You almost didn’t exist to people but you were
on an illusion.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I need someone I can trust, you have lived in depression and self-discouragement long
enough. My name is Cormac Johnson I create opportunities, I can help you get revenge against
those who betrayed you. I can help you end them.”
“What if I don’t have any revenge for anyone, look mister I apologize for wasting your time.
But here is nothing that I have against anyone, but for now I’m going home.”
“They won’t stop looking, they will find you and bring all who know you down, even your
loved ones. And when it happens, what will you do then?”
“Then god help us all because I will return and there will be an apocalypse.”
“Well before I let you leave, at least have a picture of the one who will find you.”
He then left a folder on the glass dining table, he stood up and walked to the exit of the door and
said “If you think you shouldn’t be afraid, you should. This is no ordinary organization you were in.
These people are haunted by a lust of corruption, they will never stop, when they return I know they
will regret it. Have a safe trip home sir.”
He then walked out leaving Norman sitting there, then this kind sexy flight attendant was wearing a
nice flight uniform with a short skirt showing her long tan smooth legs just perfect and cute, short
fiery red hair. She smiled big with her perfect white teeth and said “Can I help you with anything?”
He looked at her and smiled and said “yes let’s go home, and can you set me up with a
scotch on the rocks”
“Certainly sir” as she winked and smiled he felt like he was on top of the world, then bent
over and saw the folder and opened it then saw these pictures of a group of these people who are
very powerful and run this organization. He then had his head turned as he saw these forms of the
phone conversation between Billy Black and the boss, how they were going to set Norman and
Jonny up. Norman saw the flight attendant walk pass him as she went to the back of the plane and
he left his folder open and walked down to see the flight attendant and use his charm skills as
she could not resist him. But what Norman didn’t see was that on the paper in the conversation the
boss then said to blow the private jet once it lands in Dublin and to kill all his love ones for him to
not exist.