Status: Chapters 5-6 will be in different P.O.V.'s, so there's a part two next to the titles. Chapter 7 MAY be part of that if I feel up to writing Alex's point of view, or have an idea to continue those two chapters like that. Drama has kind of already escalated, so I'm getting close to the end of the expo

Shut Up and Kiss Me Now

I Am One Of Those Melodramatic Fools

Well, that boy was quite the charmer. He definitely made me feel better. I mean, his words weren't very charming or subtle, but fuck, he honestly did make me feel 10 times better than I did before he walked into the classroom with Rian.

And how'd he know Cody was Rian's older brother?

Wait. Now that I think about it, I DID see Rian with him at the park a few weeks back whilst taking a walk.

And Rian has talked about his best friend named Jack to me bef--



RIAN'S BEST FRIEND?! Did it seriously take me 2 1/2 years to put the pieces together? Obviously, Rian had told Jack about me before, or he had just figured it out by mentioning Vic. Wow Alex, for a teacher, you're not that smart. I'm such a dipshit. How could I have not realized that before? Jack is Rian's best friend, and his brother thinks of me as a joke. I thought he loved me. I can't believe I let myself trust him after he did the exact same thing to Vic. God, I'm so fucking stupid.

And so after countless minutes of talking down to myself, I decided that I should probably start the lesson.

"Okay everyone, listen up!" I called out, awkwardly swinging my hands and making them clap a little.

When they wouldn't cooperate, Jack jumped in and helped me out. "Yo, Mr. Sexy's got something to say, shut up!" he shouted. I raised an eyebrow and smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. Mr. Sexy? That was definitely new nickname. I've never been called that before.

"And why should we listen to you, Barafag?" Kellin, another student of mine, shouted out.
"Because we never listen to you back then, and I don't think we will now. News flash, faggot, we don't care that you think Gaskarth is 'sexy', ight? And we don't care if he's speaking or not."

"Maybe if you listened to me, you'd actually pass your classes, Kellin!" Jack shot back patronizingly. I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Oh, why you little--" Uh oh, this is escalating quickly. I should stop it now.

"Jack, Kellin, my desk, right now." I said, stopping a scrap from happening in the back of my classroom.

"Kellin, do I have to call Vic again? Because I'm not hesitant on calling him, he is one of my best friends." I said as Kellin walked up. Jack walked behind him, I told him to sit beside me until I'm done with Kellin.

"No, don't call Vicy," he said. "I'm sorry Mr. Gaskarth. Just please, don't cal Vicy until the end of school so he can pick me up."

I sighed, "Alright, Kellin, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. I'll call Vic in a little bit and tell him to pick you up. Are your parents still oblivious to you and his relationship?"

He groaned and turned to Jack. "Sorry for calling you a faggot, Jack. And now you know I am too," Kellin said. "And no Alex, they're not anymore. They kind of walked in on me and him making out and, well, they were just happy that I was finally happy."

"Well, that must've been awkward," I laughed nervously. "Anyway, that's great that they're happy for you. Now, run along to your friends. Be nice, okay Kells?"

"I will, Alex, sorry I'm such a dick." he said.

"You're not a dick, you're just misunderstood. Go, Kellin. I want to talk to Jack privately." I said. He nodded and walked back over to his friends. I turned my attention to Jack.

"So, Mr. Sexy, huh?" I said, placing my elbow on my desk. He blushed. Oh my god, blushed?

"Y-Yeah.." he trailed off. Awh. Cutie! Alex, stop.

"Sorry about that," he said, looking down.

I shook my head. "What do you have to be sorry about? Your pet name for me or your flirting with me? Because if both, don't be. I'm flattered."

He looked up and I smiled at him. "Jack, if you like me, just say it. But not here. Come to my house on Friday after school," I said, writing down the address. "Rian told me you're a pretty shit driver, so I'd have him drive you there. I'm pretty sure he knows where Mr. Merrick lives."

"You live with the gym teacher?" he asked.

"And his girlfriend, Ms. Lidster, the history teacher. But just until I find a new place. Go to 58th and Tierra Buena and I'll meet you at the park over there, alright?" I responded, handing him the piece of paper.

He bit his lip softly and grinned, "Okay," he said. "I-I will. I'll see you after school Friday."

I smiled widely. "Good," I said. "Now about your attitude towards Kellin, don't tell him this but, I had to cover my mouth and put my head down to keep myself from laughing so hard. Nicely done with the patronizing tone. But still inappropriate. Don't do it again, alright?"

He chuckled. "Thanks," he whispered. "I won't."

"Good, now get back to Ri."

"Wait...." he trailed off.

"Yeah, Jack?"

"Is your name really Alex?" he asked.

I chuckled lightly, "Yes, Jack. My name is really Alex."

"It's cute, suits you well."

Ohhhh, there he goes again, flirting with me, and complimenting me. He doesn't understand what that does to a fragile boy like myself.

In all honesty, I think I'm falling for him, and I've only known him for like 25 minutes. Is that a bad thing? Plus, isn't too early for me to be bouncing back so quickly after 3 days after finding out that my boyfriend was cheating on me? Is -- Is this bad?
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this written differently, but I decided to write that in another chapter. Sorry...

Title Creds: "Basket Case" by Green Day