My Sister, Your Girl

Chapter 15


“I don’t know who im more angry at.” I say to Vero who is sitting next to me driving.
“My brother for the way he acted or at Sid for not telling me or that stupid girl friend!” I growl.
“Ohh Cami.” Vero says calmly placing a hand on my thigh.
“You know your brother loves you very much and it sounds like Sid does too. I know none of them meant to hurt you, maybe only that bitch Natalie, but besides the point, you will forgive them both.”
“Eventually.” I mumble.
“Might take some time and talking into, but you will.”
After driving we eventually arrive at the mall.
I look over at Vero and smile. “Retail therapy?”
“Only the best for my best friend.” She smiles.
“You know me to well Veronique!” I say after getting out of the car.
She comes around to my side of the car. “I know.” She giggles.
We are in the elevator and thankfully no one else is in there.
“So, you and Sid?” Vero asks.
“Even though the man has pissed me off a little too much, yeah, Sid and I are an item.”
“I knew it all along Camellia. You’re not very good at hiding things from me. I can read you like a book!” She laughs.
“Was it really that obvious?” I ask.
“To me, yeah sorta, the boys, no.”
I sigh. “So how is he?” Vero asks.
“Who do you think? Sidney friggen Crosby!”
“As in what?” I ask.
“Is he a good kisser?”
“His great Vero.”
“Is he a good snuggler?”
“So very snuggly.”
“Is he as muscly as he looks?”
“Mmmm especially when your making out with him and your hands are all over him.”
“So his good with his hands?”
“Oh yes! Fantastic!”
“And is he romantic?”
“As romantic as you can be when your hiding from everyone.”
“Oh Camellia! Its perfect! You two will have divine babies, just saying.” Vero giggles while sliding her back down the wall of the elevator.
“Now Vero, a question for you.”
“Anything dear.”
“Why isn’t this elevator moving?”
She pauses and her smiling eyes turn big and wide.
“I have no idea.”
And next thing we know, Vero and I are stuck in an elevator.
“Okay, don’t panic V, ill try and call James.”
I get out my phone and my eyes turn big and wide too.
“Shit.” I mumble as the top of my iPhone reads no service.
“Um, V, don’t freak but we have no service.” Bad idea since she starts freaking out and yelling at the top of her lungs.
“We are gonna die! We are stuck! We are gonna be trapped forever!” She repeats over and over.
I cant help but giggle at the absurdity of the situation.
I slide my back down the elevator wall and after Vero has calmed down she does the same across from me.
“Get comfortable Veronique. Might take a while.”
She groans and then pouts at me while I shrug my shoulders.
We sit for what feels like ages in silence, when finally Vero speaks up.
“So, what are you going to do about your brother and your lover?”
“I have no idea.” I sigh in frustration.
The conversation is short and Vero goes silent for another 5 minutes until I realize she has fallen asleep. I take my jacket off and wrap it around her.
We have been stuck in this elevator for more then 2 hours and still there is no sign of any movement.
Another hour passes, then another and another and before we know it we have been in there for 6 hours.


“Okay Crosby, where the fuck have you taken my sister?” I yell after walking out of my room and down the stairs. It had been over 6 hours and it was starting to get dark.
“Oh you just realize now James that she hasn’t been home?” Sid says annoyed.
“I thought she was out with Vero?” I say to Marc.
“Havent heard anything from Veronique either.”
“Okay, now im worried.” I say.
“Get in the car Neal.” Sidney says. I go to argue but realize my sister is missing.
Sidney drives the car with Marc in the passenger and myself in the back.
“I know where they went, to the mall, I just don’t know why they would be gone so long and not answering their phones.” Marc says.
Before exciting out the driveway Geno pulls up.
“Where you go?” He says after getting out of his car.
“Get in G.” Sidney says. “We will explain on the way.”
Sidney then speeds off towards the mall while Marc tries to explain the whole story to Geno.
“Lazy and Sid so stupid!” He says. “Sid should have told James, and James should not fight Sid. Both so stupid!”
Marc laughs. “Atta boy big G.”

We arrive at the mall and park in the parking area. We are all still trying to get through to the girls on the phone. My heart skips a beat when I see the police barricading off an area.
“Excuse me officer, but what is going on here?” I ask the nearest officer.
“Two girls have been stuck in this elevator for 7 hours.” He says.
“That’s my girlfriend in there!” Sidney yells.
“That’s my wife in there!” Marc adds.
“That’s my friggen sister!” I say.
“Boys, boys calm down.” The officer says. “We are trying our hardest to fix the problem. You boys all yelling isn’t going to help the situation. Just sit and wait.” He says calmly.
So we do just as he says and take a seat. We wait for another hour until finally there is some movement of the elevator. The police and fireman rush around doing all sorts of things until finally the two doors are in front of us. The fireman use different tools to break open the doors and then I see my sister and Vero run out.

Vero runs straight to Marc and Camellia to Sidney.
“Im so sorry Sidney. Im sorry.” She cries. He just hold onto her tightly not letting go of my weeping sister in his arms.
“No im sorry Cam. Im sorry.” He says kissing her lips as his eyes turn red and puffy.
“I should have listened to you. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” She says kissing him again.
I don’t know what to do but to just stand there. I stand there in shock and amazement.
“Lazy..” Geno says from behind me.
“Are you okay?” He says sadly.
I don’t know if im okay or not. I really am torn between being angry and being okay with it. I cant believe myself for actually thinking I could be okay with my sister and Sidney. My little sister. My little sister who’s life I missed so much of. I don’t know if im angry or sad. Sad that I could be replaced. Sad that I cant control her. Sad that my sister found someone who will love her as much as I do. But most of all, I was sad that she was so scared she couldn’t even tell me about it. It broke my heart really. I was heart broken but I was okay. I am okay because I know what Sidney is like. Sidney Crosby is professional and his serious. He never has any fun and he never does anything out of his comfort zone. But going behind my back to be with my sister was out of his comfort zone. It would have been something he was highly against. My sister has the personality to convince anyone to do anything and she’s an absolute wild child at times. Daring but elegant are the two words I use for Camellia. Sidney isn’t the guy to go and intentionally hurt my sister, he isn’t that sort of person, and I know if he did hurt her he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. Camellia isn’t the sort of girl that you can just forget either. She leaves that mark on you. And I have had that mark tattooed onto my heart ever since she first showed up to the rink 5 months ago. And now I know that if Sidney ever breaks her heart, she would have already made her mark on his and it would make his life a living hell.

I pick my head up and look straight at my sister, her eyes full of lust and love staring at my best friend across from her. The biggest smile was plastered onto her face. She looked relieved and happy.
So I turned my face to Geno.
“Yeah Geno, im okay.” I say before my lips curves into a small smile.
It was all going to be just fine.

Until the phone call I was going to be receiving the next day…
♠ ♠ ♠
oh no. cliff hanger ending !
​also, shout out to my instagram account pens.nation
​go give that account a follow for a follow back. i post penguins stuff daily !
​if i get 4 new followers on the account i will post the next chapter right now! comment on one of my photos #mysisteryourgirl or my sister your girl or MSYG for a follow back, a shout out on my account and in the story and the next chapter to be posted! ​​​​​​