‹ Prequel: Beyond This Point
Status: Hey everyone this is the new part three to beyond this point, read it this June.

Beyond This Point: PART THREE

Things are going to end badly...no matter what!

Week three Day three 855 Ft. off the ground of a plane holding thirty highly train seals parachuting into the bad lands a few miles from the town Bend.
2:40 a.m.
The cargo doors opens as the C130 Hercules was flying high in the dark clouds; all thirty men
were all geared up wearing they’re air jumping breathing masks. They all stood up, hearts were
beating fast; breathing every inch of air into their lungs as they began to charge out of the plane and
jump out gliding down 855 ft. off the ground. As they were in there gliding positions, with their
arms and legs outward. Once they were coming to that point they released their parachutes. It was
very dark and hard to see anything around, once they made landing then removed there parachutes
off. They grabbed their gear and looked around for any signal till they saw a group of bright lights
that were flickering and the rest of the men rushed over to meet up with them. All gathered around
and got on one knee as Corneal Christians had his light on the map that he grabbed out in one of his
pockets. He pointed out on the map of how far they were to their location and they’re only a mile
away, Corneal folded his map and put it back in his pocket; then he had his men move out. Cornel
and his men switched on to their night vision goggles, once they got there and saw the bon fires
ahead in the distance. Quickly and quietly they were rushing through the woods and hiding in
brushes. Corneal Christian looked closely to see how many there were and he whispered into his
little mic to all his men-
“Alpha, Bravo there is ten enemies carrying AK’s and AR’s, two broncos with one that has a
built in 50 caliber. Machine gun mounted on the top of it with plated armor on it. Time to move in
“Yes sir”
In the quiet night where no stars were showing for there was only clouds, the fire crackling in
the air till suddenly Corneal grabs out a small RPG and aims it for one of the vehicles from a
distance of almost a hundred feet. Then he pulled the trigger and the rocket flies out fast with a trail
of fire and smoke behind it and hits the bronco. Everyone in the campsite of the gang members
quickly got up after the explosion and it was all quiet as the fire was intensely burning the bronco.
They were afraid and some were even shaking as the quietness of waiting, then from in the
woods the seals were sniping out the enemies on foot as you could hear bullets with only the sound
of “SMACK, SMACK”. The enemies were shot down dead quickly but then one of them went in
the Bronco and got on the 50 caliber. He started firing intensely in the woods as the seals quickly
got down on their stomachs for the bullets were crashing through the trees and hitting the dirt
around them. Then the Corneal and his squad from the fields started firing at the bronco and
quickly the machine gun points out into the fields and fires heavily towards them as they got down
low too. Out of the woods one of the seals grabs out a grenade and throws it towards the truck and
explodes the whole vehicle to bits. The squad of seals from both sides got up and walked down to
the site as there was bodies around and fire raging up from the vehicles and even a few went around
to shoot the ones that were not dead.
One of the leaders a lieutenant in his squad walked up to the Corneal and said “What next sir?”
“Were not dealing with any ordinary gang, I have a feeling were going to be learning a lot
from these kind of men. We’re going to town, I’m sure will learn a lot from down there.” Said the

Everything looked so damaged, lost and abandoned as the streets were trashed and cars
wrecked on the side and middle of the streets. Thousands sleeping in parking lots fields and just on
the side of the streets. Arron and his friend Joseph rushed down a parking lot towards an abandoned
Wal-Mart on the South side of town. Looking for food and water, but difficult as everyone is
looking for some. The both had their weapons out and were scanning around inside the shopping
center, as there was even a few homeless sleeping inside but everything was trashed and destroyed.
Arron and Joseph went down to every isle to find whatever they can but only could retrieve a few
cans of beans. While Arron was looking through the shelves two civilian people approached him and
stood back as Arron turned around and had his pistol aiming at them. They looked like they hadn’t
ate anything in days and one of them didn’t even had shoes on. Two men who have been going
through the same shit as they have, only carrying the dirty, ragged clothes on their backs. One of
them had a large knife, bigger then him. Barely the both had hair on his head and a few whiskers
on their face, eyes that seemed bulging out with scars and scabs around there arms.
Arron said “I don’t mean any harm.”
The man with the knife said “Shut the fuck up.”
The man’s friend with a few missing teeth in his mouth said “If you don’t think we wont
actually do anything. You better think again because he will gut your fucking stomach and make
sure everything falls out like a piñata.”
Arron looked at the man in the eyes and out of his mouth were words that could only
describe on how far they have all had to go, just to survive. He said-

“Have you ever wondered of how far is almost to the edge… that point, that strike in our
brains when we actually make the turn. Does it make you delirious or paranoid of how close that
edge is? I bet it makes you have dreams but they’re not nightmares either. It’s almost like a dream
of time telling you of how close you are. But you’re coming to the point that is before the edge and
that’s when you can’t take it anymore. Because beyond this point you don’t want to know how
“What the fuck is this guy talking about?”
Arron then quickly grabs his pistol out and pulled the trigger on the man with the knife in his left
leg, as he fell to the ground bleeding everywhere. Joseph was aiming his pistol at the other one
while Arron walked down and bent over, looking down on him with his pistol dangling in his hand.
Arron then said “How close do think you are right now. Do you know?”
“Man! What are you talking about, are you crazy?” cried the man with the bleeding leg
“Joseph search through their stuff.”
Joseph kept aiming his pistol at the other while he was walking down and searching through their
backs and after when he was done, he said-
“A can of green beans, a zip block bag full of flour. Two pieces of candy and a screw
“You don’t have much, maybe it will last you a day or two. But how long are you going live
for?” said Arron
The man who was wounded said “oh god please don’t kill us.”
“But you have that wrong too, I am not god only just a man like you. Just someone who is
surviving like you.” Both men looked at him oddly of what he was trying to say. Arron continued-
“Joseph give him his stuff back and give them both alittle bit of ours, clean his leg up and
bandage it. Make it fast too.”
Joseph didn’t know what his plan was or what he was doing at all, but he did what he was told to do
and cleaned his leg up then bandage his leg good. The man looked at Arron and said “Why are you
doing this if you shot me? You could have just left me here to die.”
Arron answered “Because you’re angry… you’re hurting and sometimes that can make us
crazy to even do things that we thought, we could never do. But I also want this to be a lesson to
you, that everyone has a duty. Your duty is surviving but also helping others, to defend those that
cant defend themselves. I need your help my friend to do this.” The man nodded and Arron gave
them their stuff back including their weapons with a little more food in their bags. The both were
thankful and Arron with Joseph left the store as they came there for what they needed. Arron and
Joseph rush down the parking lot and maneuvering around many people’s campsites. Then they
both got into their SUV that they hid behind a building. Arron turned it on and drove off, heading
to the freeway; the sky seemed more grey it then started to pour down rain. Vehicles were parked
around the side of the freeway streets, while driving down,. Joseph saw something and it was a
brown blazer driving down the freeway. Arron kept turning his head to look at Joseph, he asked-
“Remember when you told me to go around and investigate, get information of who the
members were. You even asked me to get vehicles license plates, well someone told me of a gang
member and I checked his name and…”
“And…what?” said Arron
Joseph then slowly looked forward and said calmly “That’s his license plate which means
that’s their car.”
Arron then went to a focus mode on his face; he accelerated the gas more as they were driving up
fast down the freeway. Once they got behind the blazer and tailed them for a few minutes then
Arron started to get real close to the back of the vehicle. Then Arron turned left and went around
the blazer, driving at the same speed as the blazer was, side by side with each other. There were
four men in the blazer they looked like they were in their mid-twenties, but they started to drive
faster, then Arron started to meet with their high speed. Arron then quickly yanked the steering
wheel hard left, crashing into the blazer to where it crashes and rolls down the street. Pieces of
wreckage was around the street and Arron drove slow , stopping as the both got out aiming their
weapons towards the wrecked blazer. Two men came crawling out trying to fire their rifles, Joseph
and Arron quickly shot them down as Arron walked over. But saw the driver crawling out, Dressed
in ragged baggy clothes with a red fist painted small on the right arm. Arron stomps on the mans
wounded left leg, he screams loud in pain and Arron grabs his right arm to look at the emblem.
Arron said “What do we have here. What are you doing on my highway?”
He was a young man looked like someone who came from the suburbs, his hair was faded with dirt
and had a couple of gash wounds around his leg and face.
“Fuck you and your highway. Don’t you know who I am stupid.” He laughed
Arron then socked him in the face with his right fist, blood instantly gushed out of his mouth
especially from the few missing teeth.
Arron yelled “Don’t fuck with me kid; you and your boys have done enough damage. I’m
guessing your one of them, the ones they call the Red Fist Gang.”
“What’s it to you!”
Arron kicked him hard in the face as he said “Whose your leader...does a name Jeff ring a
bell! No, where is he?”
“He will kill the both of us before I tell you where he is. But you’ll never stop him, he is
coming and will change everything.”
“When you say change everything…Change what?”
“You don’t understand do you? You don’t know who you’re dealing with, tell me you
probably haven’t been able to eat almost a week. You have lost your family and probably have lost
many friends. Just like how you’re afraid to lose anything because you have nothing left to lose.
Now let’s put that into the words of our leader. Fear the leader who has nothing to lose at all.”
“How can I meet with him?”
He chuckled as he said “You can’t just meet with him, why do you think he wants to talk to
Arron paused as he just stared at his ridiculous smile on the boy’s face and he said as he
pointed the gun at him. “Because I am the man who has nothing left to lose…get in the fucking
car. We’re going for a ride.”
“And what makes you think I’ll tell you where he is?”
Arron had a blunt stare on his face and said “Because before I kill you, I will beat your
fucking face to where no one recognizes who you are. You’ll be begging for me to put a bullet
in your brain. Tell me now and I won’t lay a hand on you, I will spare your life.”
He started to panic and had fear in his eyes with his hands even clammy he nodded and said-
“There is a neighborhood, a trashy trailer park up brooks woods not far from here, there’s
going to be a meeting with the suppliers and investors. Your Jeff guy will be attending to it, I can
show you where the house is. But after that I’m gone.”
“What time does this happen?”
“In an hour.”
“Well I hope you don’t get car sick because my friend here knows how to drive very fast.”
Arron then grabs up the gang rat boy and shoves him in the back seat of the car keeping the back
door locked. Joseph started the SUV as Arron was in the back seat calmly with his berretta
pistol hanging over his arm. Aiming towards the boy in the back seat, Joseph stepped on the gas
pedal as they floored it down the freeway and maneuvering around the car wreckage and camps
sites. Flying down the street as they were coming up quick to their destination.
They arrived to the entrance of the neighborhood, Joseph parked the vehicle across the
street. Arron and Joseph got out bringing the thug out of the car and Arron said “Where kid?”
he pointed and said “Just go straight in, keep walking down the street and take the second
right, make the quick left. Around the corner is a desolate green house. Can’t miss it.”
“Get out of here.” Said Arron as the thug ran fast away from the neighborhood and the both
grabbed out to SMG’s, after loading up they started to walk down quietly and maneuver around
silently. As it looked like the L.A. jungle where there was people walking the streets holding AK’s,
the trailer park was trashy than ever and looked like the suburbs but worse. Tents were made
everywhere with many people bunking in their friends’ homes, as they followed the directions and
saw the green house with many vehicles parked to the street. They knew that this had to be the
Arron maneuvered around the right while Joseph took the left around the house, the both got their
on view point of how they saw the layout of the house. Arron saw how their was five men inside
holding heavy weapons on guard, while on Josephs view from the window. He saw that there was
eight men sitting around the table, smoking their cigarettes and taking snort hits on the table. The
one who was sitting in front of the table was wearing a loosened up suit, didn’t look much but was
dirty and obviously hadn’t shave in a couple of weeks. Arron listened in through an open creak of
the door as the man in the suit was talking some business about some men in Chicago waiting for
the distribution in the Meth. As his boss was becoming irritated because of the wait, but also
wanted to speak with their leader on the situation. Suddenly one of the guards holding a MP5
comes walking outside as Joseph was hiding on the other side of the wall beside the door. The
guard was lighting up a cigarette till he looked over towards Joseph. Joseph quickly stabs him once
through the throat, blood rushed out of mouth and he fell into Josephs arms and he dragged the
body to the bushes.
But as Arron was listening in closely, he then heard a knock on the bedroom door, the door opened
and came walking in was their leader Jeff. He was wearing leather mask painted black with symbols
painted in real blood. Jeff removed his mask as he looked lost with his eyes sunken into his face,
wrinkles around his face that made him look like he was in his fifties. They didn’t know what to
expect as Jeff just stood there looking at this business man, he grabbed the chair and had a seat.
The business man said “I gotta say you’re a lot different then I pictured you. So I’m guessing
you’re the leader, but don’t worry I do also know a lot about you too.”
Jeff had his fingers running down his braided beard and said “And why should I believe that,
its easy to run an information background on someone. So why should I care?”
“Because I’m a business man and there’s something that I’m good at.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m good at making men like you get what they want.”
“Oh yeah…and what is it that I want?”
The business man had a small, eirry smile that crinkled his face as he said “Revenge”
“Revenge for what?”
“Oh come now, you can’t tell me that. For what they have done to you now and before,
Our country is falling tremendously fast and the people have grown weary and lack mindedly about
morality. They are the very snakes that betrayed your trust and you know this. I know what they
made you do in Vietnam, it was supposed to be your normal procedure but became an experiment
of you and your squads view point on the enemy and villagers. They made you and your squad
switched on to something that was violent, unexplained, no evidence but everyone was dead. All
253 people only ten were the enemy, but I can’t say anything about that because they made you
forget. Erased it from your memory, it was an experiment to see if it actually could work on people.
You know if our leaders can do that to people like you, then they have the power to make anything
go their way. But sir I’m not here because I can help you, I’m here because I know you can help all
of us.”
“Why should I put you in the category of someone I would help?”
“Because you’re one of us and that means you have gone through seasons of hell many
times, surviving just to keep your family safe, fed, sheltered and protected. You’ve been kicked
around, served a country that is made up of lies and I know you hate liars.”
“I think we may be able to see eye to eye on some things” said Jeff
Then as things got quiet there was a loud crashing noise from outside and Arron stalled as Joseph
rushed around the house. He got down with Arron as they both felt like they blew their cover, but
suddenly a loud explosion ripped the front door out. With a loud sonic wave that threw everyone to
the ground with only hearing the loud whistling sound in their ears from the impact. The guards
started to randomly fire towards outside and they were quickly shot down through the windows. As
Arron was trying to get a glimpse of who was firing and looked over in the house and saw Jeff
maneuvering his way out of the back of the house. The firing from outside became more intense as
the front of the house was being destroyed from the bullets on both sides. Then as Arron tried to
chase down Jeff from jumping over fences and running through back yards. Arron stopped as he
heard someone yell loudly to freeze, he turned around slowly and saw the Cornel. He only knew of
him from seeing his speech conferences on TV, The cornel had his berretta pistol aiming at him.
Arron yelled firmly “Do you know what you’ve just done…you just let the bad guy get
“From my view point of what I’m looking at. I caught every bad ass mother fucker in that
house today.” Said Cornel Christian
the Cornel cuffed Arron and started to forcefully walk him back to the house, Arron tried to explain
the situation and said “You are a fucking idiot if you think I’m the guy. I’ve been hunting down
their leader for the past three days.”
As he continued to walk Arron down the road aggressively, jerking his arm around and Arron yelled-
“DAMMIT!!! You stupid soldier, will you just listen to me. I know these guys and I know
their leader.”
“Why should I believe you, what if I told you we just caught there leader.”
“Then you’re more stupid then I thought, because you just missed him. When he was
running out back. I would of fucking had him, if you and your squad didn’t screw it up for me.”
The cornel stopped, looking at him and wondering if he really should trust him, he then said-
“Okay…you’re going to tell me everything that you know about their leader, any
information must be brought to me now and in your exchange. I’ll free you and won’t have to put
you in county.”
Arron paused as he wondered how he could get out of this, but also knowing there is no escape and
so he told him everything but knew about this leader and who he was. The cornel uncuffed Arron
and told him that if he sees him one more time in his way. The next time he won’t hesitate to shoot
Arron down. Arron walked down the street and Joseph walked out of the bushes, he was hiding
from the military men and walked down to Arron and said-
“Who were they? They didn’t look like Army.”
Arron looked over at him and said “It’s because the president sent Special Forces in.”
“What did you tell them?”
“I had to tell him everything not like any of it could really help them. “
“Could this make the situation worse?”
“We’ll all I know is. That it’s not over yet.” As Arron started to walk forward, he stopped as
he heard Joseph say “So what now?”
“What’s going to happen next is only going to make the enemy rattle our cages even more.
I’m going to find him and I will bring him down.”