‹ Prequel: Family Affair

Tragic Affair

Tragic Affair

"I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled.

“I love you, Alex,” Cory chuckled as I shook my head.

“Me too,” Jimmy nodded.

“And me!” Montana raised her hand.

“And me,” Zack nodded.

"Stop acting like I'm dying," I whined as I leaned on Matt. "Sure I had a freaking heart attack but again, for the millionth time, I'm not dead and I don't plan to be anytime soon so stop telling me!"

"Oh," Brian chuckled. "We were just being nice, love you," he kissed my cheek hard. "There."

"Asshole," I grumbled as Kayci kissed my other cheek. "Damn it!"

“There’s no escaping us, Darling,” Montana skipped up and kissed my nose. “We’re everywhere.”

“Everywhere,” Jimmy repeated with emphasis.

"Damn it," I mumbled again as everyone decided to kiss me then, even Warren, Avery, Elliot, Slayton then whole gang minus Rylynn. "Stop it!"

"Why?" Slayton hugged my stomach. "You loooovvvvveeeee us."

"And I love you too but you're suffocating me."

“Sorry Aunt Alex,” Warren said softly as they all let go of me.

“Look at all the kids,” I smiled, Cory sniffing. “What?”

“I still miss Zachary.”

"He's in a better place," I whispered looking away from her. Zachary had died in his sleep a couple years back from pneumonia that he was getting over slowly, he wasn't in pain either. "Trust me."


"Because I'm going to be seeing him soon, duh."

“Don’t joke about that, Alex,” She said softly with teary eyes. “Don’t say that.”

"I'm sorry," I said softly, even thought it was true. My heart wasn't strong, my left side was kind of slow so I didn't have good get the fuck out of the way reflexes and my mind felt scrambled all the time. "I won't again."

“Good,” She nodded, crying. “That’s all I ask.”

“Cory,” Zack pulled her close as she wiped away tears.

I looked away and cleared my throat, I didn't want to cry. Zachary was a sweetheart, just like Zacky in so many ways it was shocking. When he died, Cory and Zacky both went into a depression and still haven't come out of it. "Let's go."

"Yeah," Zacky nodded slowly as he pulled Cory towards the door. "Warren will you get your sister?"

"Come on squirt," Warren picked up Zacky and Cory's little girl.

“Careful,” Zacky said softly. “She’s still little.”

“I know, dad,” Warren nodded and looked down to the baby. “Hello, Ana.”

I sighed softly watching the blue eyed baby, I wanted another but I'd die if I had one, hell I'd die if I even had sex probably. That was a complete bummer. "What's wrong?" Matt whispered.

"I feel like a burden," I whispered.

“Alex,” Matt said seriously. “You’ll never be a burden. To any of us. Don’t say that.”

“But that’s how I feel.”

"Don't feel that way," he whispered kissing my forehead.

"I can't give you anymore babies Matt," I whispered softly. "I can't even give you myself."

“And I’m fine with that,” He nodded. “I love you, Alex. Nothing will change that."

Happened once before…

"Alright," I whispered as I leaned up and kissed his lips. "I love you too, thanks for being here for me."

“Your very welcome,” He nodded.

“Are we gonna go to the beach now?” Montana asked from Jimmy’s back.

"Sure," I laughed slightly as I walked towards the door, soon as we got in the car Rylynn shriek. "Whoa babe what's that for?"

"You're coming!"

"Uh huh…" I said slowly.

“Shouldn’t you stay home?” She asked.

“I think I’ll be fine, as long as no one stresses me,” I turned to Montana and Jimmy. “I mean it, you two.”

"Swear it," they nodded.
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