‹ Prequel: Family Affair

Tragic Affair

Tragic Affair

“Ha-ha!” They chuckled. “You’d never expect-“



"I'm good," I chuckled as I pushed her off me. "Now stop trying to hurt me and eat your damn food!"

"I'd rather not," Montana chuckled evilly. "Or you know…not, I don't know."

"You make no sense."

“I don’t have to,” She stated, Jimmy picking up her small frame. “You all love me.”

“Sure,” I chuckled lowly.

"Aw," she pouted. "You do too."



“So?” I shrugged, Montana turning slightly in Jimmy’s arms.

“You love me, right?”

“Of course,” He kissed her nose, making her giggle.

"Hey babe?" Matt sat down beside me and kissed my lips. "Want to go get in the water?"

"No I'm fine right here," I smiled as I closed my eyes. "I think I'm going to take a nap, you guys go ahead and play around okay?"

"If that's okay."

"Its alright, I love you."

"And I love you,” He nodded. “Now go to sleep.”

“Okay,” I nodded, leaned back, and closed my eyes.


“Zacky,” I leaned back on him after listening to Alex and Matt. “I love you.”

"I love you too," he smiled and kissed my lips. "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking about Zachary," I whispered.

"Don't cry baby."

"I'm not, I know he's better off now," I whispered. "I just wished I could have said goodbye."

“Cory,” Zacky said softly.

“I mean, I never got to tell him I loved him one last time,” My eyes teared up.

“Don’t cry, Cory,” Zacky wiped my eye and smiled softly. “He’s better off now.”

“Okay,” I nodded slowly and kissed him.

"Cory! Zacky come play!" Kayci yelled from the water, right before Brian dunked her.

"Oh you son of a bitch!" Montana laughed and jumped on Brian, which dragged him underwater.

"Let's go," I smiled.


I thought I had been sleeping for awhile but, I guess not because as soon as my eyes shut, they opened and I was standing not on the Huntington Beach anymore. But I was on a far away beach, like Hawaiian beaches. With white sand and palm trees everywhere behind me. "Whoa," I whispered looking around. "I don't remember getting on a plane…"

"Aunt Alex?" I heard a deep voice say from behind me.

“Huh?” I turned around to see a beautiful combination of Zacky and Cory staring at me.

“Aunt Alex?” He repeated.

“Do I… Know you?” I said softly as he nodded.

“It’s Zachary.”

"Zachary?" I said slowly as I tilted my head slightly. "But…"

"I died," he smiled sadly. "Yeah I know."

"Then…" I looked around and a sigh and sob escaped my lips. "I'm dead."

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he walked closer, he was strangely in all white like I always heard, but he was older, in his twenties from the looks of it. "I know you didn't want to go."

"My children," I whispered. "The guys…the girls…"

"They'll miss you all the same, but you'll be watching them, like I watched all of you," he smiled as he held his hands out grabbing mine. "It's good to see you again."

“Uh,” I looked around. “You too.”
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