‹ Prequel: Family Affair

Tragic Affair

Tragic Affair

“You’re a little confused?”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“You died of heart failure while you were sleeping.”

“Do they…”

“They don’t know, yet,” He shook his head. “But we might want to watch, they’ll be finding out soon.”

"Will they be okay Zachary?" I whispered. "Without me?"

"They'll have a hard time," he nodded slowly as he wiped the tears from my eyes. "But they knew it was coming sooner or later."

"Thank you for being here with me," I whispered as I pulled him into a hug, he chuckled deeply and squeezed me.

"I love you Alex, you're the best Aunt I ever had!"

"And I love you," I laughed as I leaned back and caressed his cheek. "I missed you so much you little twerp."


"Elliot go see how you're mom is doing, she's been sleeping a while. She may need some sunscreen," I explained as I sat down in the water, Elliot nodded as she ran out of the water ringing her hair out.

"Uncle Matt?" Warren waded over. "Are you and the guys ever going back on tour?"

"I'm not so sure Warren I—" I stopped when Elliot began screaming bloody murder; I jumped up and ran from the water. "Elliot! What's wrong!"

"She's dead!" she collapsed on the ground crying. "She's not breathing and her hearts stopped!"

“What?” My jaw dropped as Cory made a mad dash for the beach.

“Fuck!” She cried, desperately searching for a pulse. “Call an ambulance!”

“Oh no,” I stood still as Jimmy and Montana hunted for a cell phone, Warren controlling all the kids, Cory still frantically checking Alex, and the rest of them trying to get me going.

“Matt!” Zacky hit my shoulder as hard as he could while running past me.

"Mom," Elliot crawled over to her side and held her hand. "Wake up please, please wake up momma."

"Baby," I picked up Elliot and walked her away to Warren, who helped me sit her down. "Stay here okay."

"Get her awake," she was crying hard.

"Elliot calm down," Warren sat down beside her and pulled her head into his chest, she clutched onto him while crying. "Go help them Matt."

I nodded slowly as I walked over to them, staring down at Alex I collapsed beside her and started to give her CPR. It’s the best I could do. "Please tell me you have a pulse."

"No pulse," Cory's eyes were bright from the tears. "Keep trying Matt."

“Okay,” I nodded and continued, hearing sirens wailing in the back ground. “Anything?”

“No…” Cory shook her head solemnly. “Nothing…”

“No,” I looked down to Alex, crying.

“Matt!” Montana pulled away from Jimmy and fell on Cory. “Is she okay? Tell me she’s okay.”

“Montana,” Cory stood her back up and walked her over to Jimmy, who held her close. “She’s dead.”

“No!” She screamed, Kayci’s eyes tearing up and Brian sobbed.

“Alex!” Zacky dropped to his knees by her side and threw himself on top of her, grabbing both sides of her face. “Please wake up.”

“Zacky,” Cory walked back over and wrapped her arm around him, pulling him up.

“Guys,” I looked around to everyone, their eyes teary and bodies shaking. “She’s gone.”


"Well, they took it better than I thought," I sighed as I looked over at Zachary. "That's good."

"Yeah," he smiled softly as he looked back down to my body, apparently we were ghost and beside everyone and they couldn't see us. "You can say your goodbyes."

"Alright," I whispered as I walked over to Matt and ruffled his hair, it looked like the wind did it but it was me. "I love you Matt, you were always there for me."

"God no," he whispered staring at my body. "Please baby wake up."

"I can't," I whispered as I bent down and kissed his lips. "I love you."

“Alex,” Cory shook, staring down at my body.
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