‹ Prequel: Family Affair

Tragic Affair

Tragic Affair

“Cory,” I sighed, smiling softly and nudged her shoulder. “I love you girl. Be good to Zacky.”

I walked over to Zacky and touched his cheek softly while frowning. "I always did love you Zacky, you never knew how much," I said softly. "But I'm glad you're happy, I'll always love you Zacky Wacky."

"Why her?" Jimmy was crying silently, I walked over to him and laughed a little.

"You big baby, straighten up, I swear I'd smack you if I could," I laughed through the tears. "I love you, you big lug, be good and have me some kids okay?"

I then looked over to Brian, who was curled up in the sand, his head in his hands.

“Brian,” I stood next to him and sighed. “I love you, boy. I wish you could have realized that all those years ago.”

“Montana!” Jimmy sobbed. “Get a hold of yourself!”

“She can’t die,” She cried, shaking my corpse’s shoulders.

“Montana!” Jimmy wrapped his arms around her waist and held her back.

"Montana," I sighed as I walked over and touched her shoulder, she shivered. "You were a really good friend all these years, you and Kayci both have been here for me, for the longest time."

"Johnny," Matt sighed as he looked out towards the waves.

"Where is he," I sighed as I looked out.

"Snack sand," Zachary mused walking up beside me. "He's coming back though, he's right over there," he pointed out a little ways. "He's worried."

"Oh Johnny you little shrimp," I laughed. "I'll miss you so much."

"What's wrong?" he walked up beside Cory. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's dead," Cory whispered.

“What?” Johnny dropped his food, his eyes tearing up.

“Yeah,” Cory nodded and pulled him into a hug. “She just died.”

“No,” Johnny shook his head. “No, this can’t be happening.”

"Oh Johnny," I whispered as I walked over and touched his face. "Don't cry you big softy."

"He loved you," Zachary said softly. "He never said anything though, he didn't want to make you worry anymore, but he did."

"I never knew," I whispered as I looked over at him. "I loved him too; I for some reason loved all the guys."

"What about my sister and brothers?" he said softly. "Or my cousins."

"My babies," I whispered, looking at them they were all crying on each others shoulders. "Zachary, this is too much right now.”

“You want to go back?”

“Yeah,” I nodded and grabbed his arm, sighing. “I love you guys.”

“We love you, Alex,” Matt looked over to me, smiling.

"Can he see me?" I whispered to Zachary, he shook his head slowly. "Then how?"

"He's just saying goodbye," Zachary whispered. "He loved you, a lot."

"I loved him too," I whispered. "What do I have to look forward too?"

"Well," Zachary said as we walked down the beach. "Lots of things."

"Is it like they say? Heaven?"

"Most of it." He smiled. "It's beautiful, it's whatever you choose, wherever you want to be, is your heaven."

"I want to be with my family, will you be there with me Zachary?"

"As long as you want me Aunt Alex," he hugged my side to his. "You'll be young forever and without pain, it's not so bad here."

"I'll miss everyone though," we drifted.

"And they'll miss you."


"Cory,” Zacky rubbed my back as we lay on the beach. The ambulance already took Alex’s body away, just Zack and I left.

“Why’d it have to be her, Zack?” I sobbed into his chest. “The girl has never done one wrong thing in her life.”

“It was… Just her time,” He said softly and kissed my forehead. “I know you miss her. We all miss her.”

“It’s just not fair,” I whined and curled into his side as we lay on the sand.

"I know," he whispered holding back his sobs. "Oh god I know."

"We need to go see the kids," I whispered. "They need us."

"Especially Elliot and Avery," Zacky whispered softly. "And Rylynn."
♠ ♠ ♠
Image-- Line from Peter Pan :)
