Status: In Progress

Natural Born Killer

Unbidden guest

*Amanda’s P.O.V.*

Days had passed and nothing much had happened so far. I went to Mrs. Johnson for my daily therapy session and lived through my day like no other. I haven’t seen or heard from Brian since I had met him at the café. I started even to miss him, seeing his wonderful brown eyes and hearing the voice that were like bell ringing in my ears. That guy was spreading an aura that made me really curious to get him know better. And I wanted to know all about him, his weakness, his strength and more important what turns him on. A long time has passed for me that I had no men in my bed chamber again and it was about time that this is going to change again. And Brian seemed to be the right man for this. Though my hope was a bit fading since he didn’t call me by now.
Somehow I got the feeling that Mrs. Johnson as behind all that. She didn’t want me to be close to him, who knows why, and I guess she must had told this to him as well. That girl can try anything to hold me back, even paying me but nothing would stop me to get what I wanted. Even when I had to stalk him to find out where he’s living.

Once again I was checking my make-up and was about to catch up with my girls at the pier for our girls evening when suddenly the phone started to ring. The number was withheld and I didn’t want anyone to stop me from having fun with the girls but an inner voice told me to answer the phone.

“Amanda on the phone”

“Hi … Amanda” I heard a man’s voice stuttering on the phone.

“Brian?” I asked when I heard that familiar voice.

“Yes I’m on the phone” he chuckled.

“What do you want?” I leaned on the dressing table smiling from ear to ear.

“I’m sorry that I really didn’t call you earlier, but the life of being a musician is really stressful. And because I have no company for tonight and you would be really fitting on my side with a glass of wine and a lovely dinner.”

“That sounds really inviting. Just text me your address and I pop over in about 30 minutes, what do you think?”

“Great. I can’t wait for you to be here.”

I hung up the phone and just had to wait for his text message. It might be a coincidence that he called me when I was just thinking about him, but no matter what it was I was going to have a date with him tonight.
I didn’t had to change much of the outfit. The short little black skirt and dark-red strapless top was fitting perfect to the occasion. He was mine tonight, whatever I had to pay or do for this.

Not much later I was leaving the house, just leave the light on in the driveway and got into my black Mercedes Benz to make my way to this beast. Some loud music was buzzed from the speakers, so loud that I couldn’t hear people complaining. I was giving a fuck of what their opinion about me was, I always did. I never fitted in a specific role, I did what I wanted and went my own way. That was what made me to the Amanda that I was right now. I loved to be independent without relying on people’s words. One reason why I was thinking about to stand on my own feet and start a business quite soon. Since Brian was working for the music industry I thought he might could help me with finding some good contacts. There was nothing else that I was so interested in than music. It became a huge part in my life since my childhood. Plus it would be helping to be always close to him.

There it was. His house seemed so huge from the outside. He probably had tons of bedrooms and bathrooms and a pool in the garden. That was all really tempting but something was a bit strange. Why was Mrs. Johnson car in the next driveway? I knew she was living in another district of Huntington Beach. Let’s hope she stayed away from me for the rest of this evening.

Brian opened the door and looked at me over stepping out of the car. That guy was perfectly dressed from head to toe. His fedora was sitting on its right place, his black sleeveless shirt was showing his muscles and tattoos, and the studded belt was sitting well around his slim hip.

“You couldn’t wait to finally see me, don’t you?” I smirked.

“I heard your Mercedes and yes I couldn’t wait to see finally this” he winked at me and pulled me into his arms.

“I have no idea what you are talking about” I pretended to be completely innocent. “You look ok by the way” I raised my eye brow having a look at his outfit again before his head was coming closer.

The seconds until his lips were touching mine felt like minutes. Anything seems like was slowed down to slow-motion like my hand moving to his neck to just pull him a bit closer to me. I enjoyed every second of this moment and tasting his salty sweet lips. And there was nothing that could fit between our bodies. I literally felt every fiber of his well-built body. That was just making me more exciting of later, after the second or third glass of wine.
Even I hated myself a little for this I pushed him away from me.

“We need to keep this in mind for later” I winked at him.

“You might be right, but you made me really hungry” he clicked with his tongue and was taking my hand to pull me inside of his house.

And my expectations were fulfilled. The decoration in all seemed very classy, especially for someone that was working for the rock music industry. He seemed to have some wonderful taste except in choosing his girls. While flowers invited you to his home you could find several paintings in his living room. I was surely impressed by that.
Brian was leading me to the table that he already decorated for the dinner. I saw two plates of grilled mushroom risotto with two glasses of wine. That man really knew how to please a woman. So I sat down while he put on some music.

“You really had planned the whole stuff through and through right?” I raised my glass of wine and waited until he placed himself on his chair.

“If I do something I want to make it right as well. I had put all my heart into this dinner and so happy you could make it to the last minute. I thought that someone like you might had other plans, other guys or whatever.”

“Let me say that I could arrange it” I winked at him.

I knew that my girls would be mad at me for cancelling another evening with them but this date had a high priority. There was nothing in this world that would be more important right now. A few days I had to waited for this evening and that moment was about to come now.
When I sipped on my glass of wine I saw Mrs. Johnson standing out there. She looked straight into the mirror making a gesture that I should come outside but I just shook my head.

“Is everything alright?” Brian looked at me pretty confused and looked then outside.

But Mrs. Johnson was already gone or hide herself behind the car that was standing nearby. She couldn’t leave me alone and finally I asked myself who desperately that therapy session: me or her.

“Yes everything is good” I nodded smiling and tried to focus myself only on the dinner and him.

For the rest of the evening everything seemed alright. Now and then I looked outside but I couldn’t spot Mrs. Johnson anymore. She might be gone and lost her interest in me. It was indeed a better choice.
When we had finished the dinner I stood up and wanted to help to get the plates into his kitchen but he hold my hand and stopped me from my doing.

“You really want to tidy this all up now?” he was biting onto his lower lip.

“Don’t people say ‘Business before pleasure’?”

I provoked him a little to speak that out what I longed to hear the last hour. I wanted to hear these words coming out of his own mouth and satisfy my hunger that got bigger since he kissed me on his doorstep.

“I have some other business first to do” he pulled me back into his arms holding me really tight against his own body.

My fingers automatically slipped beneath his shirt and were running up and down his spine. His skin was pretty soft compared to so many men I had touched so far. Brian pushed me against the table and started to kiss my lips again, but not as soft and reserved as before, it got really intense and forcing now. It was pretty overwhelming and I had a lot to do to control my inner naughty demon.

“The dessert is served” he devilish grinned at me and took his shirt off to throw it at some corner in his living room.

My first thoughts of that guy were pretty different. I never got the idea he had some hidden wild side inside of him.

“At day you are an angel and at night …”

“At night I’m Synyster fucking Gates” he finished my sentence before he started kissing my neck.

It was like as he could read my mind right now. The whole moment was perfect when the phone started to ring. I whispered into his ear that he shouldn’t answer to it but he jumped off me and run to the phone in his kitchen.
I sighed out loud and my head to the window again and saw that Mrs. Johnson appeared again. If she was behind all that she really should wrap herself up warm now. He seemed to focus on something else so I could escape him for a minute. I run outside.

“What do you fucking want, bitch?” I snarled and tried to keep my voice very low.

“I told you keep yourself away from him. You have no idea who that guy is and what he had done.”

“I can tell you the opposite, Miss. How do you even come into my life and tell me what to do? You aren’t my Mum or anyone that is allowed to tell about my dos and don’ts.”

“I can’t tell you the secret but I can warn you before it is too late. You can’t tell me that I didn’t warn you.”

“HEY!” I heard Brian’s voice yelling from the doorstep.

I tried to avoid that so bad but maybe now she could explain what she meant with her mysterious words that I should keep my hands from him. I turned my head around and saw that he was put on his shirt again and looked at us pretty confused.

“What are you doing here?” Brian looked towards Mrs. Johnson who just shrugged with her shoulders.

Now that bitch tried to sound super innocent again. I wouldn’t ruin myself the night with him.

“Mrs. Carter needed my advice for some very strong medicaments she is using. That’s all. Well now after you got I wish both a good night.”

Then she got into her car to go where she came from. Left-behind were just me and Brian who must really started to think I was some crazy girl that needed strong medicaments to keep herself in chain. Well done. But my last word hasn’t been spoken with her. That would mean definitely a revenge.

“What was she talking about? What medicaments are you taking?”

“None” I snorted in anger.

“I doubt she was just making this up. Amanda, I think we are done for today. I guess it is better you go home first and take some rest. I will call you” he kissed my cheek, waved at me before he closed the door behind him.

I swallowed down all my rage not to scream out loud. She was doing that on purpose but now she definitely had to answer me a few questions.