Days Are Gone


Este sat on the couch with an open binder laying in her lap. There was a slight daze across her face with a splash of confusion. Quinn and James sat on either side of her, each with a hand making some sort of contact with their friend; James had a heavy hand on Este’s knee while Quinn rubbed small circles into the small of her back. Most of the team had packed up and left a few hours ago with an exception for Max and Kris; they were in the nursery with Liam.

The brunette ran a finger over the newspaper clippings protected behind the plastic film and felt a nauseous feeling bubble up in her stomach. “So you’re telling me it’s been four months since...”

Quinn couldn’t bring herself to look her friend in the eyes. All she gave was a simple nod, not even trusting her voice. James sighed heavily from the other side of Este and gave her knee a tight squeeze, “You’ve been awake for about two months. The doctors were amazed when you came round.”

“Do you guys do this every day?” Este asked, her voice shaking as she stared at photos from the scene.

“No,” Quinn’s voice was weak, “Unless something triggers you, we just go with it.”

Este’s head snapped up from the binder and stared at her friend with a look of bewilderment. “This is unbelievable...” She muttered to herself before tossing the binder shut and stepping into her shoes.

James jumped up to get between Este and the front door but was too slow. The brunette had escaped the confines of the apartment. As she ran toward the emergency exit stairwell, the sound of Quinn pleading echoed in her ear. The blonde sat on the couch with wells of tears gathering in her eyes as she nervously bit her nails. James tossed his jacket on as Max and Kris came bounding into the room.

“What’s going on?” Max asked as he surveyed the room, “Where’d she go?!”

Quinn shrugged, “James is going out to look for her... go with him. I’ll stay with the baby.”

Kris and Max both nodded and made their way for the front door.

“Find her... please.”

Quinn held her son close to her chest, one hand pressed firmly on his back and the other cradling his head. Her legs felt weak as she lowered herself back onto the couch. The album of photos lay on the ground in a mess. She leaned over and picked up a photo that had been taken just a week before the accident.
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holy hell this is a short chapter and a long ass wait for this to get here, but tomorrow things will get explained even more. love you a million times if you're still reading this.