Status: Updated at least once a week but probably more 'cause I have no friends

Stay With Me

Chapter 14


The days went by and things slowly started to make it's way back into normal.
Instead of sleeping in seperate beds we began to always sleep in the same one. This night wasn't any different.
Josh had his arm around my shoulder and mine was around his waist. Our legs were tangled and I had my face nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his scent. If I could I would stay like this forever.
I had gotten awfully comfortable here at Josh's house. I almost felt as a part of his small family. His mom were even treating me like I was her son but I guess it was just her way of comforting me.
Me and Josh hadn't talked much about what had happened, both deciding that it was best to just move past it and move on.

The next morning we woke up to go to school again. We hadn't done that in a while since his mother let us stay at home to recover.
As me and Josh sat downstairs eating breakfast his mom was already at work. I noticed that she worked a lot but I guess it was because she was a single mom and had to pay for the rent and take care of Josh. I really liked his mom, she was nice. She was the mom I wish I could've had.



"Do you need help?" I laughed as I saw Oli struggling with his books by his locker.
"Uh yeah" he said just before the layers of all the book he had thrown in there fell out of his locker and over him. He reached his hands up to cover his face but only ended up falling to the floor on his butt.
I tried to keep my laughter inside as I helped him up from the floor and helped him put the books back into his locker.
He asked what class we had next and I had to look at the book I was holding since I honestly didn't remember.
"Math" I said and he nodded and took his math book out of the locker. He slammed his locker shut and just as as he locked it the sound of books falling over inside could be heard.
"Oh no" he sighed and I giggled a little too girly, making him turn to me and smile slightly while raising his eyebrows.
He looked so happy, I loved that. I've missed seeing him smile. I leant down to give him a quick kiss and just as our lips connected I could hear someone yell
"GAY" followed by laughting which made Oli pull away immidietly.
Seriously? I glared at the direction the voice came from before sighning and beginning to make my way to my next class, Oliver following behind.
"Sorry about that" he mumbled.
I quickly turned my head around. Why was he apologizing?
"It's not your fault?" I said but he just shrugged and looked away. Great.

As we were sitting together at lunch in the cafeteria some girl came up to us.
"Uh hi, I'm in the grade over you but I don't really have anyone to sit with 'cause I'm new. Can I sit here?" she mumbled out fast and nervously. Combing through her short black hair.
"Yeah, sure" I said and smiled a smile I felt was friendly.
Oli didn't say anything, being shy and all.
"Cool, thanks" she smiled back and sat down which her food. "What's your names?" She said, this time also talking to Oli who were hiding behind his bangs and playing with his food with his fork.
"I'm Josh" I said and looked at Oli, waiting for him to say his name.
"This is Oli" I said when he didn't say anything.
"Well, I'm Hannah and I just moved here from Sheffield so I would really appreciate some new friends" she said, not really bothered much to how shy Oli was being.
"Count me in" I said.
I looked at Oli, still waiting for him to look up or say something but he just looked the other way. Was he mad? Was he angry at me? Was he feeling replaced?
I hated when I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
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This was really short sorry